Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Chancellor Has Lost His Clothes

Click on the cartoon to enlarge.
Cartoon by Howard Woodall, who draws cartoons for LibDem News


  1. Like Lib Dem stuff in general this is not a truthful likeness. And a bit excitable with it.

    Surely better for oppositionists to lay off for a year?

    Hope the two of them survive. And then rag them to hell in the run up to the general election. Still in June 2009 by the way.

    Ooops. Giving away top secrets, again.

  2. Interesting to note that the political cartoons are getting bolder and coarser, denoting an absence of respect for the lampooned individuals occupying high office.

    I give Gordon Brown six months max.

  3. Lost inna poost?. IT gave us those CDs for a bloowjob inna bak ovva P reg Nissan Micra anna smuggled em oot inna folds ovme mooffintop.

    Me boyfens inna West End Crew an 'e gave us a packe' o tabs an' six cans a' lager after 'ed set aboot me fanny wi' a Black'n'Decker poower booffer.

    Whay man, boo' its canny.

    A' auction laater, a bid of an evenin' doona Bigg Market plus Alan Shearer's autograff was coontered successfully with 500 roubles plus as much broon ale as yooc'n drink.

    Da! Anywoon in England who has kids anna bank accoont is noow worth about 20p.


  4. The Oxbridge elite hate the PM and chancellor because it is the first non Oxbridge team to have the run the country since the war. Every other government has had a PM or chancellor from Oxbridge. How can the chancellor be blamed for Northern Rock, Sub Prime or for someone mislaying a CD. But the Oxbridge mafia will make sure they do get the blame. What a conspiracy.

  5. Dirty European Socialist - I'm not an Oxbridge elite and I have found it in my heart to hate the PM and the so-called chancellor despite my lack of membership.

    If the powerful "Oxbridge elite" exist, why aren't they in power?

    Slash out votes for the public sector and welfare recipients and let's move on. Votes to employed wealth creators - in other words, players in the capitalist world that keeps countries rich.

    Get public sector workers off the electoral rolls. And welfare beneficiaries. Only wealth producers have a right to determine how their money is spent.

  6. Dirty Socialist and his childish,stupid,incoherent and typical class jelousy driven politics tells us all we need to know about socialists in general! Carry on soft lad, you do your party proud.

  7. 'useless tosser' vs 'safe pair of hands'?

    Is this cartoon meant to imply that Alistair Darling has been pleasuring Gordon Brown?

    It's not really funny if it does, but I don't get it at all if it's something else.

  8. Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault Northern Rock is not labour's fault and neither is the CD issue either. The conspiracy is destroying new labour.
    There saving the bank you tory liars. No wonder we were talked of a tory media conspiracy when they are able to blame the chaneloor for a private bank collpasing. This was caused by USA sub prime issues.

    9: 10 Open your eyes you Oxbridge stooge.
    2: 10 Are you a Darwinian.

  9. verity said...

    "Slash out votes for the public sector and welfare recipients and let's move on."

    What rubbish this woman writes.

  10. Dear Mr Dirty European Socialist:

    As a member of the public school educated Oxbridge elite and a merchant banker, perhaps I can explain.

    The economy has gone to hell in a handbasket. What Brown said was 3% annual increases in GDP was in fact 0% growth in the private sector and 6-7% growth in public sector spending. There has been no significant industrial investment in this country in the last 10 years, although there has been substantial spending by the private sector for the public sector (PFI). In the long term that means the economy is shot to pieces.

    The long term has now arrived, and all the chickens are coming home to roost. Northern Rock (a bank funding Labour's favourite think tanks) was under-regulated for the last ten years and the FSA/BofE (prop. G. Brown 1997-2007) failed to prevent their suicidal funding arrangements.

    Consequently, the Oxbridge elite have decided to let Mr Brown and Mr Darling stand in the way while the doo-doo hits the fan. Think of them as a human shield.

    I hope that is clear.

  11. 10:27
    Rubbish the economy has grown year on year in this government. You cannot seriously think the increase was only due to government spending. If you are part of the Oxbridge elite you must have been a the toilet cleaner at Cambridge.

  12. Dirty European Socialist: You're crackers man. All growth for the past ten years has been based upon debt. Debt must always be repaid. You've been found out as the wastrel fools you always have been and I'm afraid there's no hiding any more. I'm no member of any Oxbridge elite and I can see this. Before you get too excited about how marvellous elGordo is, I'd advise waiting a little longer to see how his genius pans out. So far, it's looking piss-poor and it's only going to deteriorate. "Things can only get worse."

  13. Has anyone ever tried to read Dirty European Socialist's blog?

    It's so far beyond sense that I'm assuming it's a parody site run by Andy Coulsen.

  14. 1:37. It is not parody. I am a labour fan. Anyway I have speeches by Bill Clinton on it is he incoherent. If you think so. Then you have bizzare expectations, that no one can meet.

    11:50 So an international recesssion caused by sub prime collapse in the USA and dodgy decisions made by UK banks is his fault then. How?
    I am sure the economic collapse will bring a smile to the face of tory elites who will be able to cash in on it and win an election.

  15. Excise votes from the public sector and the scrounging sector - henceforth to be known collectively as "the passenger sector" and the Tories will win the election and we can get the show on the road again.

    This has to be permanent. No votes for the public sector, except the military and emergency services - not to include the police, though - as those people risk their lives for us. Only the productive sector and OAPs who paid pension contributions have earned the right to vote.

    And no postal voting except when applied for and found to be justified.

  16. "And no postal voting except when applied for and found to be justified."

    And no expat votes.

  17. Dirty European Socialist: Nay lad, tha's daft. You want to say it's all Gordon's fault we've had ten good years and then it's all the fault of the rotten capitalist conspiracy when it all goes wrong. Let's leave aside, shall we, the excellent economy he inherited; let's also leave aside the global boom of the last ten years; also let's leave the rise of China contributing to reduced costs for business, allowing huge profits to be made simply from off-shoring. Let's forget about all of those things just for a minute and ask ourselves: "What provision did Gordon make for the arrival of the inevitable global recession?". Answer: "None, and less than none. He's piled up public sector debt like crazy, he's encouraged the accumulation of private debt, he's made promises to PFI companies lasting decades, and he's no idea how to pay for it." I can't see how, in the wildest imaginings of even the most hardened Gordonite this is the fault of a global Tory conspiracy. Unless your mate Gordon is part of it, of course...
