Thursday, November 29, 2007

And for the Very Latest...

This just gets more incredible by the minute. Peter Hain has just admitted he got £5k via Abrahams or one of his agents Jon Mendelsohn too and didn't declare it to the Electoral Commissionm. A lawyer called Neill Blundell has just very eloquently explained why the following people will be needing the services of M'Learned Friend 'ere too long...

David Abrahams
Janet Kidd
Rodney the Builder
Jonathan the Lawyer
Jon Mendelsohn
Peter Watt

He also reckons Harriet Harman could face prosecution via the Electoral Commission in a Magistrates Court for her non declaration of loans.


  1. Newsnight has become akin to an addictive soap opera this week! Can't wait until tomorrow night's episode.

  2. Oh dear. Peter Hain's website seems to be down.

  3. Though to be fair Iain the lawyer Neil Blundell did suggest that Mr Abrahams was the main subject of the inquiry and specifically down played Ms Harman's importance to the bill.

  4. Almost like an election night, you just don't know which Labour minister is going to be dragged in next. It is just getting bizarre.

  5. I'm not quite sure that's the admission Hain is making.

    I think he's admitted he took a loan that wasn't declared to Electoral Commission.

    Don't think this is Abrahams related.

  6. Quick question for Harriet. What's she done to make sure the only people who attend her Leicester Square bash are a) known personally to her b)known personally to her campaign team or c) registered Labour party donors. Because if they aren't any of the above, she won't be able to accept their 30 quid.

    Could be quite a small bash.

  7. "David Abrahams
    Janet Kidd
    Rodney the Builder
    Jonathan the Lawyer
    Jon Mendelsohn
    Peter Watt"

    Surely David Abrahams is recorded as having used his proxies to funnel his donations to Labour as far back as 2003 ?

    Why should the previous General Secretaries / Registered Party Treasurers or Prime Minister's special fund raisers etc. escape scrutiny by the Police ?

    What was illegal under the 2000 Act this year , was just as illegal in 2003.

    Shouldn't Matt Carter, the previous Labour Party General Secretary from 2004 - 2005 also be be questioned by the Police ?

    What did Lord Levy know about David Abrahams and his donations ?

    What did Tony Blair know ?

  8. Couldn't happen to a better group of people!

  9. A number of the newspapers are suggesting with very broad hints that Mr Abrahams did not have the financial wherewithal to make such substantial donations to the Labour Party and that he too may have been acting as a go-between. Is it possible that the actual donor was not a UK citizen possibly an Israeli? If so that would be dynamite.

  10. Approximately 2,000 people in the Labour Party know about these loans.

    That's what Jack Straw said this morning: "99.9% of people in the Labour Party had not been involved".

    Membership is just over the 200,000 mark - there you go!

  11. Quite obviously by giving money to so many different horses in the same race he was not making a principled decision on who he wished to get the job but buying friends.

    Because our planning system, rather than any actual expenses of building things, is the greatest brake on development in this country any idiot can become a multi-millionaire development if they are just lucky enough to have politicians willing to give them planning permission.

    Coincidently it has turned out that Wendy Alexander got an illegal donation for her Scottish labour leadership campaign - it came from a Glasgow's main property developer & was solicited by Charlie Gordon, Glasgow Labour's former leader.

    Apart from the fact that we are damaging our economy by such planning restrictions this also, obviously, encourages corruption.

  12. Jess The Dog said...
    Approximately 2,000 people in the Labour Party know about these loans.

    That's what Jack Straw said this morning: "99.9% of people in the Labour Party had not been involved".

    Membership is just over the 200,000 mark - there you go!

    Ahem , 0.1% of 200,000 is actually 200.

  13. Sorry, 200 of the Labour party are in the Abrahams funding loop. 0.01% of 200,000.

    I was in a rush, on the way out, I'm the only person to know about it, in good faith etc.....

  14. Actually, Jess and Edu&c,

    Straw said "99.9% recurring". The last bit is important. As this wikipedia article shows, that is that same as 100%. i.e. Straw was not telling the truth.


