Friday, October 05, 2007

Widdecombe's Party Blows My Cover

Well thank you to all those expressing concern about my whereabouts! No, I wasn't kidnapped by La Widdecombe. I have been out at a meeting in Kent all morning, since you ask. I could tell you what it was about, but I'd have to shoot you [for the benefit of Chris Paul, it was nothing to do with what you think it was to do with - got it?].

I'm not going to blog much about Ann W's birthday do, as it was a private occasion, but I am sure she won't mind me telling you that we were serenaded by Aled Jones and treated to very funny speeches by Simon Hoggart and Ann herself. My stalker was there too. In case you don't understand that, this is what I wrote in the Spectator Diary this week...
At every conference there’s always one person who becomes your personal stalker. You see them everywhere. This year mine turned out to be the 13th Marquess of Lothian, better known to you and me as Michael Ancram. Everywhere I went, he went. Every party I went to, he was there. Why should this bother me? It was I who took to the airwaves and the newspaper columns to denounce his recent pamphlet. I called him a dinosaur, Sir Bufton Tufton and God alone knows what else for breaking ranks on the eve of a conference and a possible election. But we never spoke. Either he hasn’t a clue what I look like (probably) or he decided to blank me (unlikely — he’s too polite). I wrestled with the dilemma of having a chat with him about it all, but then thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie. What a wimp.

Well guess who was sat at Ann's top table and directly in my line of vision? Yup, Michael Ancram. I thought I had got away with it until Simon Hoggart started his speech and retold an anecdote about how Ann used to sell her books at the Politico's stand at party conference: "No sex, no violence, no swearing!" He then added the words "And the man who used to run Politico's, Iain Dale, is here tonight...". I looked at Michael, he looked at me, winked and grinned. He later came over and we had a good laugh about it all. "I thought Sir Tufton had better come and say hello," he opened with. Respect.
UPDATE: Seeing as speculation on certain blogs seems to be running wild, I will tell you that my meeting this morning was with the County Councillor who represents the village where I live. It had absolutely nothing to do with anything remotely of interest to anyone on this blog!


  1. Glad you're alive Iain. Go on give us a clue about the meeting in Kent. We wont tell anyone.

  2. Iain, I thought you had gone the way of the small gentleman sharing the Queen of Tonga's carriage at the coronation - according to Noel Coward.

    Widdie's breakfast ?

    Alan Douglas

  3. What was the "conventional wisdom" in regards an election call at this party? What was the post-conference mood? Still somewhat buoyant?

  4. I'm sick and tired of bloody Widdecombe. She's a media whore now! And WTF is she doing advertising products on telly for!!! One of my major criticisms of the conservatives is that some MP's seem more concerned about 'outside interests' and 'being on telly' than getting rid of Labour.

  5. Phew, we can call off the search parties. You're like a naughty stop out teenager. If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times. Blah blah blah.

    I was thinking your meeting was about a book deal Iain, or another constituency, is that wrong?

    Obviously I have accepted Widdy's personal assurances via your Blackberry on that other matter.

  6. I'm a big fan of Widdecombe and hope,if the Tories happen to slither in, that she is given an important role. Whether the Cameron clique regard her highly or not, the ordinary voter relates to Ms Widdecombe.

  7. verity said...
    I'm a big fan of Widdecombe and hope,if the Tories happen to slither in, that she is given an important role.

    The word is that she will not be standing for Parliament at the next general election. Of course, that does not stop Cameron employing her in some other role.

  8. Iain, Sounds like you were influenced by the dinosaur old guard at that Widdie party. Reality check is needed!
    Brown is in trouble!

  9. Widdie would be a good lollipop lady?!

  10. Good grief! The prospect of Widdecombe blowing anything or anyone at a party - accompanied by Mike (Respec) Ancram is just too frightening.

    I hope there were enough chemical liveners there. She's a game girl, though, arranging a serenade. I prefer the old tapenades, myself.

    And anyhow, if you want to take a morning off afterwards that's your business. I just don't want to see the pictures in my Sunday newspapers.

  11. How vicious and crude all you men are. Why does Ms Widdecombe anger you so?

  12. @ Verity

    Actually she certainly does not "anger" me, quite the contrary, she entertains me. Doesn't mean that I like her, though.

    In reality I've got a fair amount of time for the old girl, but I don't agree with everything she says.

  13. Verity refers to Ann Widdecombe as Ms Widdecombe. I am sure that she is normally addressed as Miss Widdecombe. Is that right Iain?

    Verity recently took me to task for defining “Young Turks”and suggested that I might like to define "The Iron Curtain".

    The reason our state schools are in such a mess is that patronising upper middle class Hampstead types like you, Verity, believe that all schools in this country teach such things. They do not.

    Most teenagers believe that “Iron Curtain” was a 70s heavy metal band. They do not know about “The Cold War”. That is a very good thing for all those ex-Communists buying up football clubs (no names) but a bad thing for this country. The sooner that is remedied the better.

  14. Last I heard, Ann was standing down as long as DC didn't force "some bimbo" on her constituency as a replacement.

    I have difficulty liking her - not being a natural Tory by any stretch! - but have to respect her for sticking to her guns. I do wish her TV shows would actually deal with the topics at hand though: She can't seriously think that shacking up in a caravan with a bloke with two wives and 16 kids for ITV counts as addressing "The benefit culture". She's brighter than that.
