Friday, October 05, 2007

Why Tories Activists Are Galvanised

I was speaking to a Tory MP friend of mine earlier and he told me about one of his activists who said to him today that she was relishing a general election campaign. He asked her why. She replied that she hated Gordon Brown in a way she couldn't really hate Tony Blair. She explained it was a tribal thing.

I know how she feels and I suspect many Tories feel the same way. It always helps if you have a real antipathy to your enemy during a general election campaign. We all felt the same about Neil Kinnock, I think. Brown will inspire us all to go that extra mile.


  1. This just confirms that you have as little grasp on reality as the New Labourites who think Brown is different from Blair.

    When he supports an invasion of Iran I wonder if this time you'll be supporting or not?

    There has been a policy merger.

  2. Ahhh, Neil Kinnock, one of my favourite politicians - the kind I call a weather-vane - if they were pointing south, I could with absolute certainty go north, without any further thought.

    Kinnock, ALWAYS wrong on every tiniest thing ! Such reliability in a politician is rare.

    Alan Douglas

  3. Something is forcing Brown's hand and schedule. What is it ? I think the polls actually underestimate underlying Conservative support as Cameron does better and better when give the oxygen of publicity - which will come with the general election.

    There's talk of the economy, but if Brown knows that large amounts of Iran are about to get a high explosive make over he would have to go to the country now.

    Still your right Iain - really can't wait to get at them - win or lose they going to get a mauling.

  4. How can anyone hate anyone more than they hate Tony Blair. He is the bench mark, the gold standard of hatred inspirationist.

    Brown is repulsive and sly and authoritarian and cowardly, but he hasn't had his itchy fingers on the levers of power long enough to execute the devastation on our country that Blair wrought.

  5. Man in a shed, you could be onto something there. Get the election out of they way before the real bad news comes.

    I'd do the extra mile over broken glass to get rid of Brown.

  6. Most of the people I know are like me, in that the more I see of Gordon Brown the more repulsive I find him despite the fact that I'm otherwise pretty tolerant.

    I didn't like Blair particularly but I didn't despise him. But with Brown it's far more fundamental in that I find him increasingly personally abhorrent as does almost everyone I talk to.

    The man is vile.

  7. verity

    you have got to be kidding. Blair wouldn't have sneezed if he thought Brown had hidden all the tissues.

    IMO The most odious thing about Brown is, having pulled all the strings including keeping his attack hounds in check, over past 10 years he has the brass nerve to come in and promise change. Blair was a puppet manipulated by his wife, Brown and his love of blue denims and cowboy songs.

    Brown is something else completely, hopefully the great British public are now realising what.

  8. verity said...
    ...Brown is repulsive and sly and authoritarian and cowardly, but he hasn't had his itchy fingers on the levers of power long enough to execute the devastation on our country that Blair wrought.

    What a peculiar and naive thing to say,Verity. Brown has been the "domestic" Prime Minister in all but name for the past ten years. While Blair was attention-seeking on the world stage Brown was the real power behind the throne, if anyone's responsible for most of the damage to our country it's Brown. Particularly with regard to the £1.3 trillion private debt and more than £700 billion public debt which will engulf us over the next few years.

  9. That's probably because Blair was one of you, a Tory.

  10. Big thanks to Gordon Brown for doing something the past 3 chairmen have failed to do - uniting our association.

    He really has focused all our minds to the task ahead - getting rid of Labour.

    Our constituency now has teams out and about canvassing - we are on an election footing.

    Bring it on.

  11. The only woman whose gut instincts I have never been able to fault - Mrs Diablo - has hated Brown for many a long year because of what he did to pensions, gold reserves and his stealth taxes. (She didn't like Blair either because of all his insincerity.

    I'd go with Mrs Diablo anytime!

  12. I don't understand why people hate B-Liar more than Comrade Frown - or vice versa. They are an odious pair who have worked together for the last 10 years to destroy this country. Let's get rid of this government 'of sll the Comrades' - soon!

  13. Out of The Frying Pan - Yes, in one sense you are correct. But Blair was the Chief Executive and could have reined Brown in at any time. That he didn't, means that Brown was actually a tool for Blair's ambitions.

    Blair isn't run by his wife. They're thieves together, in cahoots, and I am certain she prodded him on in ambitions he already entertained. But I don't believe he ever needed any help in aggrandising his ego. (Ever seen those photos of him when it was his ambition to be Mick Jagger? Ever seen him preening on TV?)

    The only reservation I may have (regarding the refutation of your point) is, he may not have been intelligent enough to figure his way through the maze of Brown's economic voodoo. I've always said that Blair isn't very intelligent.

    Add to this that Blair is a One Worlder (Like his wife). It is he who flooded the country with people from primitive, alien cultures with a view to weakening our own culture. It is he who built up the edifice of thought fascism (aka political correctness), that encouraged the frightening lawlessness abroad on the previously fairly tranquil streets of Britain.

    Blair. No contest.

    Doubtless my allegiance to The Most Hated will switch if Brown manages to cling on and do damage on his own account. Let's hope he's been flushed down the tubes before that.

  14. I was 6 when the Blair Government was elected and Blair never really riled me, but I have an overpowering urge to destroy Brown and throw out all his social worker excuses-for-MPs.

    On election speculation, one of the senior Labour student activists has cut short her trip to Wisconsin aiding the Barack Obama campaign and booked a flight home for Monday on the strength that there absolutely WILL be an election called.

  15. As one commentator to John Kampfner's article in yesterdays DT says in response to the stale spin that Brown has been "excellent" at dealing with crises this summer -
    "the only crisis for which he can probably take any credit for solving is that of confidence within the Conservative party." Brown certainly does have a talent for uniting and motivating the opposition.

  16. Why Tories Activists Are Galvanised?.. Becouse thay like to spray themselfs with somthing thats toxic. Howlermonkey.

  17. Personal debt at any instant may have trebled but is it not the case that:
    1. It is 'at any instant' and apart from mortgages a large proportion is paid back in full every month;
    2. Personal assets have increased seven-fold;
    3. So borrowing to assets is halved.
    This galvanised activist is anecdotal. The question really is how many of them can be put together and held together for a campaign in the dark.

  18. Iain - just to you - please DO NOT repeat that stuff about stacking polling panels with secret Tories. The game would be up. Grant
