Thursday, October 25, 2007

Who Will Pull the Aussie Strings?

This is another Australian Liberal Party election commercial. It strikes me as a tad desperate.


  1. No wonder the Liberals are going to lose, with nasty negative campaigning like this, they have nothing to say.

    A smarter tactic would have been to push this story out in a viral way.

  2. They must be really desperate. When a party is that negative, you know they are in serious trouble

  3. This approach worked against Latham last time and will probably do so again. Remember they are foreigners with ways different to our own.

  4. It’s not desperate – it’s necessary. Australia is tired of the Liberals, but they are running on a record in government. Labour has only its promises with which to attract votes. Undermining the electorate’s trust in those promises is fundamental to ensuring (another) unlikely victory for the Liberals.

  5. yJust shows again that you are not a real conservative Iain. On so many issues like this, you're almost further left than Blair.

    Any bollocking given to union leaders is a good thing, and it is a mark of shame that too few conservative parties around the world will go after these evil communist renegades who aid and abet crimes against humanity past and present (such as in Cubad and Venezuela). Thatcher made a decent start against the unions, but even she backed down.
