Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Tuesday Poem

I wanna be the leader
I wanna be the leader
Can I be the leader?
Can I? I can?
Promise? Promise?
Yippee I'm the leader
I'm the leader
OK what shall we do?

Remind you of anyone? Obviously I would not be inferring that this was in anyway about the Prime Minister of our country. After all, he has "vision", doesn't he? He must do. He tells us so often.

Poem by Roger McGough


  1. The first five lines sound as though they came from David Davies's lips (or is he Davis?)...

  2. The only vision Brown has is of being elected, everything he and his foetid government does should be viewed through an electoral prism. Leadership & governance..nah!

  3. On what shall we do:

    1) Copy any popular Conservative policies - or at least pretend to copy them.
    2) Do and say whatever our pollsters tell us.
    3) Use the machinery of government for a continuous campaign to re-elect the Labour party - and to hell with the country.

  4. david davis would be tory leader if he'd had a better campaign manager....oh.

  5. Gordon Brown's got vision? One eye on getting re-elected and the other...

  6. As we are in poem mode:-

    There was an old man called Brown,
    who said with a simmering frown.
    "There'll not be an election,
    because on reflection,
    I've looked at my polls and we're down!"

  7. Iain, you write:

    "Remind you of anyone? Obviously I would not be inferring that this was in anyway about the Prime Minister of our country."

    Well, if it's not the Prime Minister you're referring to who is it. I hope it's not the Heir to Blair. Loyalty Iain, loyalty.

  8. "There is nothing that you could say to me now that I could ever believe."
    (Gordon Brown)

    Likewise Gordon, likewise

  9. The final line should be -
    'OK, so gimme some news that will make me look good to the electorate'..

  10. It was that dirty old pervert with the dodgy hair - Gordon Glitter wasn't it?
    I'm the leader of the gang, I am etc...
