Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Telegraph Column: The Top 100 Most Influential People on the Right: 25-1

Today brings the final installment. Click HERE to read the profiles on the Telegraph site, and HERE for the feature article explaining the compilation of the list. Here are the Top 25, published in the paper this morning.

1 David Cameron MP, Leader of the Opposition
2 George Osborne MP, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
3 Lord Ashcroft, Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party
4 Lady Thatcher, Former Prime Minister
5 Steve Hilton, Director of Strategy, Conservative Party
6 William Hague MP, Shadow Foreign Secretary
7 David Davis MP, Shadow Home Secretary
8 Michael Spencer, Conservative Party Treasurer
9 Michael Gove MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families
10 Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister
11 Andy Coulson, Director of Communications, Conservative Party
12 Oliver Letwin MP, Head of Policy, The Conservative Party
13 Boris Johnson MP, Conservative MP for Henley
14 Edward Llewelyn, Chief of Staff to David Cameron
15 Charles Moore, Commentator & Author
16 Sir Simon Milton, Leader of Westminster City Council & Chairman of the Local Government Association
17 Patrick McLoughlin MP, Chief Whip
18 Liam Fox MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Defence
19 Dr Ian Paisley, First Minister of Northern Ireland
20 Chris Grayling MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Work & Pensions
21 Andrew Mackay MP, Senior Political Adviser to David Cameron
22 Stephan Shakespeare, Chief Innovations Officer, YouGov
23 Tim Montgomerie, Editor,
24 Ann Widdecombe MP, Former Shadow Home Secretary
25 Nick Herbert MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice


  1. 'Lord' Ashcroft of Belize more important than Steve Hilton ?


  2. "Lord" Ashcroft of Belize more important than Maggie Thatcher ?

    Son, you're no Maggie...

  3. Michael Ashcroft ?

    Declare your interest !

  4. This is like those Top Ten lists they have late at night on Channel 4. You never find out who is at the top as tiredness and boredom generally overtakes one at around number ten..

    Yawn..think it's time for some shut eye..


  6. How much did Letwin bung you to be Number 12 ? Clearly more than Bozza!

  7. We had a go at guessing this last night and only got 14 of them. First cut review right here.

    There are some glaring omissions in the 100 as a whole. More institutional Tory Party than the Lefty List. Far more local government. More backroomers I think. Very White, Male, Rich, Middle Class.

    And no Dale? Presumably it is either modesty or a decision that unlike Montgomery and Fawkes Mr Dale - who stuffed these let's not forget in the Blagger ratings - is in fact a journalist?

    The list seems to be rather random and miss out whole swathes of policy area to squeeze in a PPC or so, some local legends, and some tokens.

  8. I know you hate the BNP Iain and so do I, but seriously, leaving Nick Griffin out of the top 100 is just wrong. The reaction he gets in the press every time he opens his mouth proves his influence.

  9. Wot no Iain Dale??

  10. Whatever else you might say about Margaret Thatcher, she is no longer an influential person. Even if for medical reasons, she never actually says anything in public.

    Put together this list and the other one, and there is the distinct whiff of a one-party state contriving two or more fake Oppositions, as they so often do.

    Don't be part of it, Iain. You're better than that.

  11. Why has John Major not made the list?

  12. Shouldn't Douglas Carswell have appeared in a section of this list?

  13. Camera On and Giddeon are the most influentail on the right. Oh dear, I thought they were swimming to the centre.

  14. Paisley No. 19?

    I always thought that there was a subtle dividing line between social conservatism and bigotry...that line must be blurring somewhat.

  15. Why do you persist in calling him DOCTOR Paisley.

    He has an honorary Mickey Mouse doctorate conferred on him by a non-accredited institution run by one of his friends.

  16. why am eton socialist at number 1?

    and the first none social democrat at 4?

  17. interesting that there are only 2 women in the top 25, and they're both washed-up. One's retired, the other's advertising Italian pasta products on tv
