Friday, October 12, 2007

Question Time Extra: Duelling With Draper

For your delights and disedification, and courtesy of Biased BBC, I present to ypou last night's QUESTION TIME EXTRA where I duelled with former Labour spin doctor Derek Draper. Each part is about 10 minutes long.

And if that wasn't enough for you, I'll be reviewing the papers tonight on Sky News at 11.30pm and tomorrow on News 24 at 11.45pm


  1. Was that Derek Draper? I thought it was Eddie Grundy.

  2. Not so much duelling as batting a jellyfish with a spade, to be honest. Draper really is a prize prat.

  3. For his sake I hope that poor Mr Draper is today receiving the medical help that last night's embarassing display shows he so clearly needs.

  4. He really is an odiious little ....isn't he?

  5. That isn't Nadine Dorries 'stalking' you in the background is it ???

  6. Derek is just a sponger on the Labour party. Nobody takes him seriously, and the newly acquired psycho-babble isn't helping him.

  7. Draper really is a prize....! "tax cuts mean less spending". Prat.

  8. He's supposedly practising as a phsycotherapist - it should come with a warning 'he could seriously damage your brain' - what is he on?
    THe BBC really are calling in the dregs (not you natch,grin).
    Saw the love-in between him, Andrew Neil and Charlie Wheelen also.
    Can anyone tell would it be really illegal to hold back half the BBC Licence, with a promise/IOU to pay in full as soon as they stop the bias millarky -
    Josephine, Eastbourne

  9. Am I hearing things, or did Derek Draper actually attempt to conclude his argument by shouting "anti-Europe! anti-Europe!" in that nasal voice?

  10. Iain,
    I watched the show live, it was either that or "This Week" so I thought I would give this ago.
    I quickly realised that of the two guests there was one who a professional, and one who reminded me of a used car salesman. I don't think I need to explain which one was which. What really annoyed me though was the arguing style of the used car salesman. He adopted the "If I talk louder at you then I'm right." Along with reaching for the Nu Lab argument play book of; if in doubt mention black Wednesday. It would be too easy for you to draw comparisons with the Winter of Discontent and the post office/prison warden strikes as well as perhaps being seen as being irreverent. But that didn't stop Draper from brining up Black Wednesday.

  11. I thought that the BBC were anti-Tory until I watched these clips.

    Any party that is being defended by an oaf like Draper is seriously in trouble.

    Do you know the scary thing - he really looks as if he believes what he is saying!

  12. Derek Draper - the dregs of a rapidly emptying barrell!

    Reminds me of the bad old days of Scargill, Hatton and Wedgewood-Benn - so sure they are right, that they are unwilling to listen to anyone else.

  13. Can Derek Draper string together a whole sentence, as opposed to barking out three word talking points?

  14. Quality TV - Draper is such an old dinosaur, 'Lamont's Top Adviser Cameron' Laughing at his points the way you did is exactly the way to tackle this nonsense.

  15. Hmmm.........a thought - how bad a psychological state would you have to be in to consult Derek Draper, psychotherapist?

    Can anyone think of any potential clients for him?

  16. Mr Draper appears to have had a charisma bypass.

  17. What an annoying little man DD is. He certainly wont have gained any new voters with that display. Car salesman, definitely.

  18. "He really is an odious little ....isn't he?"


    Iain, please allow /some/ swearing, just an occasional sh&t or f#ck!ng. How are we supposed to comment on people like Derek otherwise? The word odious doesn't really do it on it's own...

    Labour really don't get it do they? Anti-Europe, Anti-Europe, tax cutters, tax cutters. They don't realise or don't care that the people of this country (a) are Anti europe, and (b) want some friggin' tax cuts, NOT an additional £2500 per year tax bill.

    This last week has been the happiest political week for a decade. We finally have an opposition and we now know that we will have a Conservative govt at the next election, it's just a question of when.

    Knowing what a bloody coward old Brown Trousers is, what's the absolute /latest/ he could leave calling an election??


  19. Who is that Draper guy, a Labour spinner?
    He was awful, and I do hope that Labour find a prominent position for him pronto!!
    Arrogant, negative and spouting downright lies, yes I am sure that he would fit in perfectly in this new Labour party.

  20. He's like a middle-aged version of those snivelling presidents of University Labour party associations. The type who stand around trying to make you buy the Socialist Worker.

    You did very well Iain - I would have whacked him.

  21. Does Draper think that the government should "run the economy"? Perhaps it should model the economy on the NHS...

  22. Dolly was weirdly peevish , from rough recollection Iain's "Really? You do surprise me!" interjection was pretty lethal.

  23. He looked like Derek Smalls from Spinal Tap.

    You fidget too much.

  24. Yes, yes, I saw it or well, most of it, by channel hopping between that and This Week.

    I think its an act of gross indecency to inflict this on us Iain.

    Draper was a tit. You won't let me say what I really think of Draper but it rhymes with Clucking Banker.

    You scored easily by being serene. Well done.

  25. In your first clip, at the end Harriett Harman accused Theresa May of claiming in Parliament that Labour had copied her policy on equal Pay.

    Well this is what Hansard reports...

    Theresa May
    "When the Leader of the Opposition and I launched our policy to combat the gender pay gap, the right hon. and learned Lady said that it was “very interesting”. As that pay gap is widening, has not the time come for action rather than just warm words? Given that the Government have taken our lead on inheritance tax, aviation tax and non-doms, will she now take our lead in this area and adopt our policy on equal pay?"

    Harriett Harman
    "I will look at any proposals the right hon. Lady brings forward. What is important is not whose idea a proposal is, but whether it is a good proposal that is fair and helps people."

    The thrust of Theresa Mays argument was not that Labour have copied - that was a spin Harriett has put on it. Just asking Labour to get on with doing something, having commented that the Tory proposal was "Very Interesting"

  26. Iain

    I could not watch it again after last night. I think you did very well against an ignorant sh*t.

    After watching Draper I know why I am a Tory,

  27. Everything about Draper is disturbing.

  28. I missed this last night and am glad for the sake of my television that I did. That kind of ignorant inverted snob makes me want to hurl bricks.

    Brownie points for keeping your cool, Iain!

  29. Iain,

    I think you deserve great credit for retaining a modicum of calm in the face of that nasty piece of excrement Draper.

    What an odious disgusting excuse for a human being Draper is.

    The true face of Labour! You can see why they are fighting for BNP votes now!

  30. Draper dragged up the old 15% canard.

    Follow this link to the Bank of England website to see 15% never applied. It was threatened but the UK left the ERM and set rates at 12%.

    Interest rates were below 10% by the end of Septmeber and the relatively good interest rate picture enjoyed in the UK ever since is as a result of a regime of inflation rate tracking set up by Norman Lamont in the face of this crisis and handed on without change to the Bank of England by Gordon Brown.

    GB does not care to remember his support for the ERM nor his bungling of gold sales or that his reform of the Bank are one of the main causes of the Northern Rock fiasco.

  31. Village said...

    I quickly realised that of the two guests there was one who a professional, and one who reminded me of a used car salesman. I don't think I need to explain which one was which.
    If it was based on the tie alone I think it would have been Iain who reminded me of a used car salesmen.

  32. Afraid I missed it.

    Did you discuss Kelvin MacKenzie's faux pas?

    Itks causing a right furore in Scotland.

    See the BBC Scotland news site.

  33. What on earth does his Mrs see in him???

    I remember when he used to do the late night vox pop thing on Five Live years ago and he was an odious jodrell banker then but seems somehow to have got worse.

    I realise this may say more about me than him but I would have kicked his 'ed in! Well done for keeping your cool, just.

  34. I watched it last night and it was the closest I've been for a long time to throwing my shoes at the tv (well, since the last time I saw Blair's face).

    I can't think of any circumstances in which I would let anyone I know go near Draper for psychiatric help; the man's clearly even more of a nutjob than Gordon Brown.

    He reminded me of Sion Simon's on Sky News when taken apart over his Cameron impression. When was the last time the Tories even had people that offensive as the "public face" of Conservatism?

  35. Wasn't Draper Mandelson's gofor years ago?I thought he had retired from public life.It looked as if he was stuck in a time warp.After 10 years it is increasingly hard to blame the opposition and keep a straight face.Perhaps that is why they wheeled him out.

  36. Was Draper the scruffy, slobbish one with the greasy hair and whiskers, looking like a drunken tramp and ranting and raving like one?

    And this fellow represents Gordon Brown does he?

    Talk about scraping the barrel!

  37. Well done Iain. The man is completely uncivilised.

  38. If Draper was an ice-cream he'd give himself a lick!

    He spent so long being Mandelson's lacky that he actually sounds like him, they have the same wowdy-wobber tones.

    He must still be kicking himself for getting caught red-handed so soon into New Liebours days in power....a lifetime of regrets to fret over.

  39. Thanks for putting this up Iain missed it last night , great performance from your good self, i'm afraid Draper just confirmed what an A1 toe-punt he really is.

  40. I think Draper was at his prime during the early years of the Blair government. That would be why he can only recycle the same arguments from back then: Black Wednesday (caused by 26 year old senior advisors), cuts in tax means hospitals are closed (even if they are simply coming from the proceeds of growth? The hospitals are so appalled at the tax cut they close themselves!).

    None of these arguments has much salience these days.

  41. Why can't left-wingers debate politics without going all swivel-eyed and starting to rant? Just being able to talk about issues in a measured, calm and intelligent way seems completely beyond them. Without Blair to provide the steadying influence, they are completely lost. Good job Iain.

  42. Poor pathetic Dolly Draper makes even Sion Simon look good.

  43. the hideous DD stole my office when he worked as a lobbyist. Walked in first day Andy Pipkin style and said 'I want that one'...

    W***ker. Honestly Iain, I don't know how you resisted the urge to thump him. You're a better man than I am.

  44. The chubby cheeked chipmunk Derek Draper has no manners. He appears to be a gruff little know-it-all?

    Iain, why did Draper keep trying to shout you down? He reminded me of a Northern Alan Sugar for some reason...

    Remember, northern boys like gravy.

  45. "People should have trust and confidence..." Thank you Harriet Harman for telling me how I should be thinking and feeling.

    Draper dragging up the old arguments. They're really worried now.

  46. Oxymoron - you're right - Draper did drag up old and tired arguments.

    Draper seems really old fashioned and out of touch.

    Derek Draper is so 20th century.


  47. Draper really is a NL mong - Gordon is moving on. Draw a line. Lets move on. Look around the eyes, not in the eyes.

    Iain you have come on alot over the past year. A balanced and steady set of responses.

  48. The most comforting thing about that interview was that Draper used tired and threadbare arguments. We all agree that he is ineffectual and stuck in the past.

    But watching Ed Balls recently showed me that those same tired arguments form the mainstay of the young Turks arguments too.

    They really have nothing new to say. Their arsenal is almost empty.

    Now that we know how they will attack we know how to defend and counterattack. Bring it on!

  49. Bit late to the party but no wonder Derek Draper has nothing to do with the Labour party that's now in power.

  50. If that's the best Labour can come up with then David Cameron's set to be the next PM. And if anybody wants to do a remake of St Trinians I think Draper should get an audition for the part of Flash Harry. As long as he remembers to have a bath first.
