Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pay Up Tom Watson!

Remember Gordon's little helper, Tom Watson? A year ago he bet that David Cameron £100 that he wouldn't continue to post videos on WebCameron. So committed is Tom to video blogging that he hasn't followed up, er, his really successful satire of WebCameron. Hardly surprisingm I suppose seeing as it got him and his acolyte Sion Simon MP into so much trouble. Anyway, Dave has posted dozens of videos. Tom hasn't posted one single one in the last 12 months. Dizzy and Guido have launched a website called PayUpTom, urging Mr W to stand by his bet. We think Tom should pay up. Do link to the site on your own blog, if you have one. Dizzy & Guido are asking him to donate the £100 he bet to the Scope charity for cerebal palsy, and if he does they'll match the donation out of their own pockets. Meanwhile, enjoy...


  1. My, my, what a lot of trouble to go to for a paltry hundred quid. Guido could probably find that down the back of his sofa. Nothing to do with it being a Labour MP of course.

  2. 'Pay up Tom Watson'?
    More like 'Grow up Tory boys'

  3. Oh I don't know, anonymous. think I'll link to this site. Could be a laugh.

  4. Why is that the preferred method of commenting by the left is to do it anonymously?

    Embarrassment perhaps?

    Iain, I will post a link to this shortly.

  5. Who is he meant to pay? How many people explicitly took him up on the best?

  6. Why is that the preferred method of commenting by the right is to do it self-righteously?

  7. Excellent! they are biting well today.

    Anymore for anymore?

    we could be going for the record on how many gutless comments we can get on one post.

  8. Pay up, pay up and play the game.

  9. I post anonymously because I like to see the reaction from sanctimonious dongs.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
