Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Parliament Loses Power

Most of the Parliamentary Estate suffered a power cut this morning for a few seconds. It is said that produtivity rose massively... Sadly, access to Parliamentary TV channels has still not been restored, so in the absence of MPs to entertain them, the staff are actually putting their noses to the grindstone rather than watching Jeremy Kyle (or reading blogs). What a novelty!

Cue outraged howls from secretaries and researchers who now vow never to read this blog again...

UPDATE: I have been upbraided by a researcher who says I have omitted Facebook from the list of diversions used by him and his colleagues to avoid doing their masters' and mistresses' bidding. Indeed, he sent the message on Facebook, so I rest my case, your Honour!


  1. It was probably caused by Ed Balls attaching the electrodes to his Master.
    I can't guess where they were being attached though!

  2. I vow never to read it again!! I've never been so insulted :)

  3. Actually, the outage was for about an hour in one outbuilding. We had a poker tournament...

  4. My next manifesto will contain a pledge to introduce a law, ensuring that anyone who wants to watch televsion or use a computer can only do so if they generate the power themselves, on a treadmill or an exercise bike. It will keep our children fit and keep endless reading of blogs to a minimum.

    However, having outlined my policy, I must now expect Gordon Brown to steal it....doh!

  5. At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, Parliament started to lose power many years ago and incrementally since, in favour of the bloated bureaucrats and undemocratic commissars of the self-styled 'European Union', now raopidly on the path to be coming a 'nation-state'.

    Any idea what the President of the EU Commission gets paid? My money says it's more than 'pauper' Bertie Ahern who is clearly struggling on a minimum wage in Ireland!

  6. You can be as rude as you like about Members' staff, researchers etc, but leave the permanent staff of the House out of it, please.

    (Then again, most of the readers of this blog will be unaware that the House has permanent, non-political staff who are most definitely not part of the Civil Service -- and will probably care less!)

  7. There is an article in today's Times regarding accidents in hospitals at night - in particular it highlights the problems faced by elderly patients needing the loo etc. Anyone who has experience of the elderly in hopital will know how much of an issue this can be.

    Someone called Kevin Cleary the medical director of NPSA states he can find no evidence of any problem. I would suggest he finds another job!

    How long are we going to put up with these people sitting on politically appointed quangos which have no interest in our real welfare .

  8. An hour or so we had. I was forced to do some filing!

  9. Parliament lost power to Brussels years ago ... c 1973, I think.

  10. mountjoy: how very clever. Now feck off back to the Foyle, there's a good lad.

  11. I understand that power went down in the area as well - including as far as Dartmouth Street.

  12. My computer is still down so hardworking and efficient little thing that I am, I sent my intern to work in the library and took over his to work - nah nah!
