Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Lunch with Theresa

I'm having lunch with Theresa May today. I shall be wearing my best shoes. Someone said to be recently, "you are to ties, what Theresa May is to shoes". I think they meant it kindly...


  1. Be sure to put the boot in, darling.

    She's a reverse asset. Actually, I can shorten that. She's an ass.

  2. She's always good in TV debates.

  3. she's always good in tv debates

  4. Is that your new blog banner Iain?

  5. I'm trying work out what you meant. I've only got your blog photo to go on.

  6. Iain, could you possibly ask her whether there is ever a chance that she gets into the news for anything OTHER than her Imelda Marcos side ?

    I heard a rumour that she was supposed to be a politician ?

    Alan Douglas

  7. Wasn`t there something on the radio about a woman`s right to shoes ?

    Personally I am more concerned about the safety or single women on late night trains ..." A womans right to choo choos.

    BTW I suspect you of deliberately picking ties that look like skin diseases. Its a gimmick, the first step on the road to John McCririck-syndrome .All gay men can coordinate . Its in the DNA. Admit it !

  8. Ah, but what tie will you be wearing ? Or should that be 'which tie'..

  9. Pass on Verity's regards !

  10. Ask her whether she intends to remove VAT on women's shoes.

  11. I hope you have a lovely lunch. I have met Teressa and yes she is a sharp dresser. I wish I could come.

  12. Is this lunch linked with your 'big decision'?

  13. I misread 'ties' for 'lies'

  14. Don't wear your leopard-skin tie. Bad form to clash.....

  15. Let's hope your tie and her shoes don't clash - you're not going to wear a leopard skin tie Iain, are you?

    Theresa May - more than just a borderline boiler - she's top tory totty. Or am I just demented?

  16. She single-handedly managed to label her own party as 'The Nasty Party'. A label which still sticks with many today, a tremendous contribution to the Party.

    Quite agree she is a reverse asset.

    She should have been pensioned off years ago to run a shoe shop, however, bearing in mind the ridiculous footwear at this year's conference, any shoe shop she ran would be bust in weeks.

  17. Iain,

    Ask her where she got those super wellies!

  18. Once as a teenage member of the YCs, I do recall locking (by mistake) Theresa in my front room with me, in the days when she was on the search to be a PPC.
    I was so flustered that I threw the key into the fire place! Dear god she must have thought I was off my trolley.
    She didnt get selected for our seat... I would guess she was releaved.

  19. Well as long as you are not wearing YOUR "fcuk me" shoes I suppose it will be alright.

    I like the banner. Its a nice, gentle "in joke" for all who know and love you.

  20. what worries me about people like her, is well, they arent really Conservatives.

  21. I'm having lunch with Theresa May today......Poor you

  22. She remains a damaging image for the Conservatives and so the best thing she could do to support her party and to gain some sort of respect would be to resign.

  23. Iain
    The tie is reputed to be power of what we now refer to as
    " Wogan's peak"..


  24. 'They' is a plural, Iain. 'Somebody' is a singular. It's just as well the Telegraph has subeditors!

  25. At least the comparison wasn't with John Snow's ties...

  26. Well if you will insist on wearing Jon Snow's silk cast offs... Where did you get that tie you wore for Derek Draper's counselling session?

  27. I thought the tie was supposed to point out to women where the penis was. It argues an exceptionally low opinion of female anatomical knowledge but thats what I heard.

  28. Sorry but she has damaged the Party regardless of her shoe choice. Have a good lunch (are you going to the Little Chef or McDonalds?)
