Sunday, October 07, 2007

Lisa Ventura is Not Behind Wicked Tickles!

You may recall THIS post about Lisa Ventura, who lost a by election in Worcester. Her loss was in part attributed to the fact that she runs a so-called erotic website. Lisa has contacted me to say that her site is actually at, and not - so she's sadly not behind Wicked Tickles. Her own site is down at the moment but she assures me it will be "up" again shortly. I shall resist the temptation to make a double entendre.

Lisa says: “The difference between my site and this “Wicked Tickles” site is huge. My site is very tame in nature compared to “Wicked Tickles” and contains material that is more akin to Mills & Boon romance novels”. She does, however, say that there is one correct fact in all of the press coverage – Lisa does indeed live in Beaver Close, Lower Wick. “A lot of the press couldn’t believe that I actually live at such an address given my website,” she said. “But the fact is I do. You couldn’t make it up”, she says. Indeed not.


  1. My friend Sage Sweetwater, a lesbian erotic novelist (not all my friends are)from Colorado tells me that in the town of Beaver Colorado there is actually an "offie" called Beaver Liquors.

    As Peter Kay says, "You couldn't make it up."

  2. When the Birmingham Post broke the story of Ms Ventura's erotic fiction website, I couldn't resist taking a look at some of her work as 'Rose McCaine' - it was like no Mills & Boon on my Mother's bookshelf - in fact it would have been described as hardcore porn' by anyones standards....Like the Italian themes running through some of the stories Rose? Lisa??

  3. We can confirm that Lisa Ventura has no relationship with Wicked Tickles ( is a new concept in sensual lifestyle: a fun, feminine environment filled with a gorgeous selection of hand-picked sensual items. Our site features tantalising toys, high quality lingerie designed to make sure bedtime has nothing to do with going to sleep, jewellery, boudoir accessories and a host of other surprises and treats.
    Please visit our online shop.
