Tuesday, October 16, 2007

LibDem Latest

Olly Kendall has a good pice on the LibDem leadership on CiF HERE. Meanwhile Steve Webb's supporters have been quick off the mark HERE.


  1. This makes five Glib Dem posts. Steady on there.

    But just look at the cracks appearing in the Labour ranks, with Gisela Stuart's scathing attack on Brown's broken pledge to hold a referendum on the EU treaty.

    The main defense doing the rounds with Labour talking heads is that the so called "red lines" mean that it is not the same treaty..

    Gisela rightly points out that those red lines were there in the orignal, the one we trusted Labour on in the manifesto.

    She goes on to say

    "The path adopted by the Government is neither honest not coherent."

    With 40 or so Labour MPs threatening to vote against on this, a massive issue that will affect us all, it might have merited a few lines?

  2. A howling bunch of LibDem MPs chased Menezes Campbell into a tube station and put him out of his misery. It's not dignified

  3. And that's not funny.

  4. My tribute to Ming


  5. The key challenge will be to articulate a clear narrative for the country. For all the attributes Ming brought as leader, he failed to draw together the myriad policy strands into a coherent...blah blah bloody blah

    I cannot agree there is any merit to this barbaric slab of of jargonese whatsoever unless you are running a sweep for getting in every single cliche in the book

    I have a much better idea for Lib Leader. Marina Pepper Lewes activist long time Coucillor and Page Three stunna. A full pictorial review of her qualifications is available on my blog ...unless you`d rather drivel on about 'key challenges' and 'narratives'.... yuk yuk

  6. I've just read Kendall's article. Sorry for being a thick git, but W.T.F. is a "clear narrative for the country"?

  7. Whatever it is, WT, can't see the LibDems providing it.

  8. Kendall used to work for Charles and was a key Oaten supporter. Nice guy, but not really on the pulse of the party thinking.

  9. Pantsdown on Ming, quoted on the BBC website:

    "I regret his decision to go, although I think it was probably the right one".

    Exactly the sort of incisive comment we have come to expect from our pet political party.

    One last heave.

  10. Strong rumour - scale 9/10

    Ming would like to see Julia Goldsworthy elected as LibDem leader. I think she seems quite good. That would teach those silly boys a thing or two...

    PS> Many thanks to DC's papa - Ian Cameron - Mountain Pride won the 3:10 at Leicester today! Squids in...

  11. http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/2accountabilty/

  12. Clegg all the way. Bring it on.

  13. What the hell are you doing, Iain, advertising an appearance by Jeferry Archer on your TV programme, let alone actually appearing with him? Archer is an arrogant, proven repeated liar and reviled by 99% of the country. If you must have contact with him, for God's sake just tell him to shut up, keep out of the limelight to which he is so obviously addicted and urge him to sink into obscurity. The nation will be grateful.

  14. There is a pro-Clegg facebook society: lots of people are organising for their favoured one.

  15. ref the above posts: why clegg? huhne would split the labour vote more.

    according to the BBC website, as many as 7 lib dem MPs are considering leadership bids. Can anyone actually NAME 7 non-disgraced lib dem MPs?

    Why don't they just go one better and all throw their hats into the ring? now that would be funny.

  16. Nick Clegg's favourite!!!

    The Scottish TV Westminster reporter just described him as "Some guy called Nick Clegg".

    Are they mad chooisng someone who even the press are taking the proverbial.

  17. I recall you saying on 18DS that you had nothing good to say about Jeffery Archer...

    What's changed?

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. I can see all the lib dems now moving to the Tories.. Fox Hunting, oh maybe NOT

  20. The demise of Ming helps the lib dems, inadvertently helps Labour, and is 100% detrimental to the Tories. You can harp on as you have for the past 18 months attacking Ming, but now he’s gone; you were secretly hoping he’d stay.

    Day after day this blogg and other nutter sites made a B line for the lib dems, because it is they you need to defeat to win the election. Camera On has dumped all his commissions, environmental credentials, all the stuff about quality of life etc etc. Bizarrely his swing to the right has gone pretty much unnoticed. Not for long, soon the new found confidence of the nutters will show their heads. Even Ian cannot bring himself to mention todays speech by Camera On on poverty. So while he’s off trying to be modern, the rest of the party and the likes of Iain, have settled back assuming they are back on traditional tory ground. Todays speech is something you were hoping wouldn’t happen.

    Now its supposed to be IHT and tax breaks, a lovely gap is opening for the lib dems. Camera Ons plea to Lib Dem supporters was hilarious, do you honestly think the 15% of hard core lib dems are going to move to a party who now advocate tax cuts for the rich, service cuts, phoney environmentalism, and John Redwood…Please.

    Ian is very fond of making predictions; he has got nearly every one wrong. Let me offer you one. New lib dem leader will take over all the areas that Camera On has abandoned, and their poll rating will return to high teens at the expense of the Tories. The Daily Mail Express and Torygrapgh have lost their wiping boy, and so have you Iain

  21. John Hirst, I'd have thought you'd love watching the Archer interview. Would remind you of old times.

    Archer doesn't give interviews normally. You reckon I should have turned it down. Oh get real. And I do not recall saying anything of the sort.

    Who's the liar now then?

  22. Iain... he doesnt give interviews because he is an ex con. Not something to be very proud about

  23. We will see a Lib dem bounce in december, and it will be the Tories who will suffer as a result. Cameron has spent 2 years on his policy Commisions, and dumped them all during the party conference, because he thought an election was around the corner.

  24. Great article from Olly Kendall. Writes with great maturity, rising star there.

  25. Anonymous 5:50 - "Archer is an arrogant, proven repeated liar and reviled by 99% of the country ...".

    And he differs from Brown and his ghoulish predesessor Blair how?

  26. Anonymous 9:09 writes: "Iain... he doesnt give interviews because he is an ex con. Not something to be very proud about."

    If you are talking about the so-called Jail House Lawyer, he is all over the internet like a rash. He took a "law degree" while incarcerated for manslaughter of an old lady in whose house he was a boarder.

    As though anyone on planet earth was going to retain a law advisor who had hacked to death an old lady with an axe while her back was turned because she had left the lid off his jar or marmalade.

    What a waste of taxpayer pounds.

    He is not shy. He has a website. "Jailhouse Lawyer" is actively looking for assignments and hopes to become a media "consultant" for some unspecified something. "Axe Manslaughterers" Anonymous may need an advocate not already served.

    Well, it's a niche.

  27. Verity (1.03am

    Cutting! But so true. I was afraid to make a similar (but not so eloquent) comment.

    This JHL chappie has the gall to criticise Iain for interviewing Archer - who has served his time for his crime too. At least Archer has had an "interesting" life.

  28. "the Archer interview would remind you of old times"
    Mass unemployment,riots,bankrupcy,
    impoverished pensioners......
