Thursday, October 25, 2007

Labour Blogger in Denial Over Gay 'Paedo' Smear

LibDem blogger Andy Mayer has the latest in the Miranda Grell saga. Grell a Waltham Forest Labour councillor and blogger was recently found guilty of smearing her LibDem opponent, inferring that he had a unhealthy interest in young men decades younger than himself. As a result he has been forced to move away from the area despite the allegations being totally untrue. However, despite being banged to rights Grell has decided to launch a fund so she can appeal. Andy Mayer concludes...
The continued mealy-mouthed defence of her by some Labour commentators like Paul Burgin, and Chris Paul is disgraceful and frankly does their party a disservice. There are plenty of Labour campaigners who do not exploit hate to get elected, and instead like many Liberal Democrats and Conservatives, simply work hard in their communities, criticise their opponents for what they do, not who they are, and
get on with what should be the decent public service commitment inherent in the
profession of politics.The Labour party needs to get on with expelling Grell,
something that should not depend on the outcome of her PR-driven appeal
campaign, remind some of their bloggers that the party does not endorse the use
of homophobia or other forms of hate in their campaigning, and restate their
commitment to eradicating prejudice.


  1. I see Andy Mayer is a now a 'sponsored link' when you google Miranda Grell. Paying for that advertisement himself is he? Apparently he also has a 'sponsored link' by Valerie Shawcross' name too. Either Andy is a very rich man or some very rich people are funding his attacks on Labour politicians they appear to hate.

  2. All true, but perhaps some people might find it a little galling that the Liberal Democrats are giving out lessons in clean politics. Perhaps this is a new approach pushed forward from party president Simon "the Straight Choice" Hughes?

  3. Interesting isn’t it how selectively outraged some folk can be. As we know Councillor Miranda Grell was convicted under the Representations of People Act 1983 when she invented a story that her Lib Dem rival was a paedophile .The ruse worked, allowing her to overturn a 6oo majority in the Leyton ward. The fiction was all the more disgraceful, becaus her rival , Barry Smith, is openly gay and has lived with his Malaysian partner for 13 years .

    She said:

    “ Don`t vote for barry because he is a paedophile “

    And .....

    “Have you heard about him sleeping with Thai boys ? His boyfriend is sixteen and he is dirty”


    She has lost her job working for Ken Livingstone’s aide Nicky Gavron but remains on the board of that estimable collection of 70s refugee lefties Compass They are ”Standing by her”. We recall that Compass published a nasty dossier branding Boris a racists on the basis of limericks written when he was six but obviously homophobic and vicious slurs in the real world are quite alright . I have speculated at the close links with the GLA this body seems to have .We are unable to track its funding which is swathed in mystery .We can only guess ; but if the activities of Compass are anything to go by , her fall from grace will not last long .

    Head of Sleazy Lies ? ...probably pays a bit in the GLA. I look forward to congratulating her on promotion

  4. Yep, get her gone. There shoudl be no defence for those kind of dark arts.

  5. The Liberal Democrats can be included in this moralising approach to local politics. In Torridge District Council Devon. A liberal councillor was 'outed' as a lap dancer and sex worker! The party have all but disowned her!

  6. And we wonder why people have no faith in politicians and their parties. Someone is found guilty of this disgraceful act and her party does nothing.

  7. The subject cropped at Compass and the reaction of their usual crew shows they are not all bad. the ordinary Labour supporter is as hocked as anyone else

    mania-Tell me why is Miranda Greel the convicted slanderer still on the board of Compass? Is it ok to pretend a homosexual is actually a peadophile here then ?I would be rather cross that the organisation appears to be a holding cage for London`s left gang whatever they have done .....

    Whose up next then Dave Spart ?

    Posted by Salfordgal (Manchester Met)
    on 10 October 2007, 4:27:53 PM
    Despite the almost rudimentary level of literacy, I can't help thinking that, for once, newmania has the right idea.

    Posted by Jon Teunon (Leatherhead)
    on 10 October 2007, 4:45:11 PM
    Compass Management Committee should at the very least issue a statement of what they intend to do about this very serious issue. An awkward silence will not be excusable.

    Posted by suzanne (Bedford)
    on 10 October 2007, 4:48:38 PM
    Miranda Greel is a disgrace. Why is she still on the board.
    Posted by Dugsie (North Yorkshire)
    on 10 October 2007, 4:49:24 PM

    Awkward silences are a Compass specialism Jon. "

    It really is an insight into the word of the London for all. We will soon be back to the municipal gangsterism of the 80s

  8. As I cannot 'get into' the PMQ's blog on Scottish Elections. I would urge all of Iain's readers to enter Kevin McGuire's blog...It is Pravda..I have sent two 'comments' both, of course, opposing his views! Still No Comments appear.
    The man is typical Labour. Can dish it out but cannot take it!!

    Give it to him please.

  9. I'll ask the question again? Just who is funding Andy Mayer's 'sponsored link' attacks?

  10. Anonymous said...
    "I would urge all of Iain's readers to enter Kevin McGuire's blog...It is Pravda..I have sent two 'comments' both, of course, opposing his views! Still No Comments appear."

    That is the point of comment moderation. Iain applies it too.

  11. The headline, though a bit red-top for my liking, is depressing.

    Sorry to have to say this but, if she wasn't a black female, it would be Grell who was hounded out of the borough, not Barry Smith, and she would have had a lot more aggravation. As it is, she appears to be temporarily fire-proof , due, in my opinion, to her race and sex.

    Her actions were revolting and undoubtedly malicious and she should be behind bars.

  12. Yes the Grell affair is quite shocking. More so because ordinarily I expect Tory MPs and their supporters to be Homophobic.

    Supporting evidence… enjoy

    Fergus Bowman, Conservative Party student leader has been expelled from the party and suspended from university after making homophobic comments on a website.

    Or how about new Tory high flyer Sayeeda Warsi, who in the last election campaign claimed that Labours policy to reduced the age of consent for homosexuality from 18 to 16 was allowing school children to be propositioned for homosexual relationships.

    Check out link for Sayeeda Warsi, below, it’s a good old fashioned right wing rant, and SHE is supposed to be a Cambo moderniser.,15803,1471081,00.html

  13. and if Miranda Grell wins her appeal? What then? Do you all publish retractions and say sorry?

  14. When Willaim Vague was Leader, didnt he refuse to support gay equality with regard to partnership rights, military service, sexual offences, fostering and adoption, hate crimes and protection against discrimination. On all these issues, he baced the discriminatory status quo.

    So much for his self-proclaimed caring Conservatism

  15. I see Chris Paul , is claiming that she only got the age of his partner wrong. I sometimes wonder if he isn`t actually clinically unbalanced. Whats the betting that therapy has been required eh ?

    Ooops ....did I get the age of your partner wrong ?

    ooops did stick my knife in your head instead of my fried egg ?

    Ooops did I use the words "“Have you heard about him sleeping with Thai boys ? His boyfriend is sixteen and he is dirty”...when I meant to say..
    " have you heard he is in a long term relationship with his adult gay partner"

    Well whoosy f--- cking daisy. Let us hope this "carelessness" extends to her falling down the stairs and breaking her neck


  16. Just who is funding Andy Mayer's 'sponsored link' attacks?

    Who cares, just as long as the corruption in the Labour party is exposed.

  17. Some people on here who knock the Tories for being supposedly "homophobic" are missing the point.

    This is not about personal opinions on sexual orientation or indeed, public policy, it is about the malicious hounding of an individual, which has nothing to do with wider concerns.

    Barry Smith's life has been wrecked because of a nasty smear campaign and has nothing whatsoever, to do with the way people vote on gay issues or their opinions on the matter.

    Do try and read Iain's posts before you go off on one.

    Some of us, including me, have reservations about the gay lifestyle, but when it comes to persecution, criminal libel, bullying and scapegoating and the destruction of somebody's private life, I am totally on the victim's side. I don't find my position in any way hypocritical.

  18. I do not support the law that makes calling someone a 'poof' an offence or the illiberal laws on adoption when everyone elses lifestyle is fair game for PC nit picking.
    I also do not see why gay partners should be treated better than anyone else especially when unmarried couple are in a worse tax position.
    I do not approve of forcing schools to fill their book shelves with Tommy`s Two Daddies and in general wonder if pink urban media sophisticates like Iain may have a little more power than they deserve.

    However , that has nothing to do with the all to typical tactics employed by Grell and the pea brain trolls congratulating themselves for their /"modernity", do so for one reason.

    Having , as a Party lost the argument of the 20th century this twittering presumption of "niceness?" is the only excuse they have for remaining a Party at all.

    Grell lied in the worst possible way and I hope she does win her appeall( slither out of the truth more like ). It will be good to see her at Ken Livingstones side during the crucial London Mayoral elections.Its high time a spot light was turned of the nepotism of London Labour and she exemplifies its incurable corruption.

    “Have you heard about him sleeping with Thai boys ? His boyfriend is sixteen and he is dirty”

    Defend that yous spavined arse licking gimps


  19. I do not support the law that makes calling someone a 'poof' an offence or the illiberal laws on adoption when everyone elses lifestyle is fair game for PC nit picking.
    I also do not see why gay partners should be treated better than anyone else especially when unmarried couple are in a worse tax position.
    I do not approve of forcing schools to fill their book shelves with Tommy`s Two Daddies and in general wonder if pink urban media sophisticates like Iain may have a little more power than they deserve.

    However , that has nothing to do with the all to typical tactics employed by Grell and the pea brain trolls congratulating themselves for their /"modernity", do so for one reason.

    Having , as a Party lost the argument of the 20th century this twittering presumption of "niceness?" is the only excuse they have for remaining a Party at all.

    Grell lied in the worst possible way and I hope she does win her appeall( slither out of the truth more like ). It will be good to see her at Ken Livingstones side during the crucial London Mayoral elections.Its high time a spot light was turned of the nepotism of London Labour and she exemplifies its incurable corruption.

    “Have you heard about him sleeping with Thai boys ? His boyfriend is sixteen and he is dirty”

    Defend that yous spavined arse licking gimps


  20. Andy Mayer is a bit of prat for getting into this kind of territory. Back in 2006, he was part of a Lib Dem Action Team in Southwark trying to win three council seats from Labour.

    One of the other action team members was Karl Lindon, now serving three years in prison after police found 2,500 indecent images of children on his computer.

    Karl Lindon was arrested on the 24th March 2006. Yet he continued to act as a Campaigns Organiser to the Faraday Lib Dem Action Team of which Mayer was a part. Who knew what and when is stil unclear.

    However, what was known was the fact that even before he was arrested that Lindon run a company specialising in hosting adult websites that other companies would refuse to host. The Lib Dems and Mayer seemed to have no problem with this.

    When the Lib Dems were asked about Karl Lindon, after he had been sent to jail they denied all knowledge of him and said that he had never been a Lib Dem. That was until the local paper presented the leaflets with Karl Lindon on and pointed out that he was still on the Lib Dems website as a key campaigner.

    Andy Mayer is a laughing stock in Southwark - even amongst the Lib Dems.

    BTW Mayer didn't win his Council seat and turned a marginal Labour Seat into a Labour majority of 800.

  21. The "Labour Supporter" is obviously completely unaware that Andy Mayer has had Google Ads for many many months. As for the Labour defence of homophobia harking back to a by-election in 1983 as justification, some might simply say grow up !

  22. Labour Supporter at 10:21 AM, it's a bit rich of accusing other people of hating Labour politicians, when the same Labour politicians launch hate campaigns against (in this case sexual) minorities and make themselves guilty of lying and smearing in order to get elected. But it is true, that that makes it very hard to love Labour politicians. But please do keep her, and make yourselves even more hated.

  23. Anonymous at 10:47 AM, please bear in mind, that the councillor outed as a stripper is still a member of Liberal Democrats, but those councillors who outed her aren't anymore. And quite right, obviously they were in the wrong party from the start.

    Southport Lib Dem MP John Pugh, on the other hand, is harassing sexual minorities.

  24. Labour Supporter at 11:00 AM, who gives a damn? Advertising is not illegal or unethical, making up a story that your rival, gay candidate is a paedophile, is.

  25. Whoopsy Daisy, so sorry Newmania, that link at: October 25, 2007 11:38 AM

    Should have been:-,15803,1471081,00.html

  26. "The Labour party needs to get on with expelling Grell,
    something that should not depend on the outcome of her PR-driven appeal campaign"

    Doe that mean they dont think the McCanns should be running a PR campaign either? they are under suspicion.

  27. @ Jimbo

    What's the logic of your comment? Others may be guilty of similar actions so Grell is OK to carry on in this disgusting manner? It's all right to murder people because Hitler did quite a lot of that?

    Moronic, utterly moronic.

  28. What a shame our leaders have spent their energy systematically and deliberately destroying a once great culture.

    It would be a useful for British people, to understand that the whole world is going fascist, not just here. Which as we should all know is a combination of the worse sides of Communism Socialism Conservatism and Corporate Capitalism.

    How can this be so without an international unaccountable unelected world wide conspiracy?

    Answer: You would have to be, brain dead or straight forward insane, to believe it could be done any other way.

    I do not question anymore. I just hope and pray for mercy.

  29. Thank-you for highlighting this Iain.

    To answer the Google Adwords question above. Last year it cost me under 60 GBP to use Adwords to advertise links to my blog over around 100 keywords.I pay this myself.

    Most keyword links currently only cost between 1p-5p per click, some are more, searches and clicks on my own name seem to be most numerous, but overall expenditure is capped.

    It's an affordable grass-roots way to hold many politicians or organisations to account online.

    My only surprise is more people don't use it... no doubt that will change.

  30. Couple of interesting facts on this:

    1) Miranda Grell HAS already lodged her appeal, but it is unlikely to be heard in time to prevent her having to vacate the seat and cause a By Election which the LibDems will win.
    2) Miranda's appeal is being funded by a wealthy fellow Labour Councillor on Waltham Forest Council. He is doing so as part of his pitch to depose Clyde Loakes, the current Labour Group & Council leader who has disowned Grell, and so become the first Pakistani Muslim Leader of the Labour Group.

    It does seem as if some animals are more equal than other animals.

  31. GAY, a.

    1. Merry; airy; jovial; sportive; frolicksome.

    Is that a smear ? Why Gordon Brown is called Gay Gordon by bloggers I'll never know. Merry, airy, jovial, sportive, frolicksome ... Gordon Brown ? I don't think so.

  32. Anonymous 11:30 "That is the point of comment moderation. Iain applies it too."

    Actually, he doesn't. On occasions when he can't keep an eye on his blog, he turns on moderation because not everyone respects his request not to swear on his property. He doesn't like obscenities, either. Otherwise, it's pretty much carte blanche.

  33. Newmania - funny!

  34. Chuck Unsworth said...
    @ Jimbo

    What's the logic of your comment? Others may be guilty of similar actions so Grell is OK to carry on in this disgusting manner? It's all right to murder people because Hitler did quite a lot of that?

    Moronic, utterly moronic.

    The logic of my comments are quite clear Chucky.

    Homophobia is endemic amongst your brethren. I could quote dozens if not hundreds of other examples of such behaviour by Tory MPs, Councillors, party workers etc etc. Just read the comments on this blog. You and your brethren are supposed to be changing, isn’t that Cambos main mission, mission impossible I say. Now one Labour councillor smearing an opponent can hardly be compared with deep rooted, endemic malice towards gay men…..That was my point….OK Chucky.

  35. I'll repeat then Iain - perhaps the last one didn't get through.

    Did you not ignore a story awfully like this some time ago featuring some local Conservatives allegedly smearing a Lib Dem prospective council candidate in just such a way?
    And when you were pretty clearly alerted to what was happening, did you say you had no intention of blogging about it?

  36. I see this Grell is black. I wonder why she cannot distinguish between the quite distinct races of Thai and Malaysian. So she got his age wrong and his race wrong. Do "they all look alike" to her?

    And she got the length of the legitimate relationship wrong.

    She said she won her seat "fair and proper" (probably pronounced "propah").

    She sounds ignorant and vicious. Ken will just love her.

  37. I do love the fact that Labour trolls think that "one of your lot doesn't like gays either" is a justification.

    shows the exact level of moral philosophy on which they operate.

  38. There's not a lot that pro-Labour bloggers can do except go into denial. A sad situation, to be sure.

    Bob Piper, the next BP member, has his own unique solution to this though.

  39. Oh and she got the boyfriend's age and the duration of the relationship wrong, too.

    Other than that, she's an ace reporter with a fine eye for detail.

  40. Basildon Council politics is pretty cut-throat. However, during the 90s when we had first a Labour politician and then a Conservative caught up in accusations of paedophilia I am proud to say that none of it was used for political purposes. This was simply because Labour and Conservative activists would not sink so low as to trash an individual with personal innuendo, no matter how badly they wanted to win a seat, and despite in some cases their extreme dislike of the other party.

    Both men were found innocent by the way, though in each case after protracted attention from the criminal justice system.

  41. Iain Dale in gay paedo Crisp Haul Thai boy anti-Lib Dem sleazy romp shocker. And Labour not to blame!

    Well. Today the blogosphere, tomorrow oblivion. Next you'll be offered a column in the Daily Star.

  42. @ Jimbo:

    "The logic of my comments are quite clear Chucky."

    Is that "is quite clear"?

    "Homophobia is endemic amongst your brethren."

    Brethren? What is that exactly? Maybe you mean bretheren - in which case who or what are they, exactly? You're in danger of making a few wild assumptions here.

    "I could quote dozens if not hundreds of other examples of such behaviour by Tory MPs, Councillors, party workers etc etc."

    Yes, well do so. And in any event, that makes it OK, then?

    "Now one Labour councillor smearing an opponent can hardly be compared with deep rooted, endemic malice towards gay men…..That was my point…."

    Examples, please? Assertion does not equal evidence.

    You're really not getting this are you? In fact, moronically, you've missed the point entirely. I don't give a stuff if it's "one Labour councillor" or fortyseven, I couldn't care less what her political affiliations are, if it's wrong then it's wrong - full stop.

    Actually the most politically sensible thing this Grell person could have done is to quietly launch an appeal and simply avoid sticking her charming head above the parapet until the outcome of that process. Instead she's done precisely the opposite, declaring that her "Ward has been denied Justice". Totally cretinous. Her Ward has been denied Justice? Good Grief! What about the poor misguided sods who voted for her and have now been so badly let down? She's not even allowed to represent them any more, so where does that leave them?

  43. She said she won "fair and proper". Too bad she can't speak correct English. Such a disadvantage in politics, where everything depends on correct communication and ability to sway individuals with words.

  44. Labour will hope the Grell matter fades as all of the hubbub re Harriet Harmon and that other bird Tessa Jowell. They are utterly shameless.

  45. verity said...
    "Actually, he doesn't. On occasions when he can't keep an eye on his blog, he turns on moderation because not everyone respects his request not to swear on his property. He doesn't like obscenities, either. Otherwise, it's pretty much carte blanche."

    From time to time Iain has turned it on even when he is available.

  46. verity said...
    "She said she won "fair and proper". Too bad she can't speak correct English."

    You have been out of the country too long. Most people in Britain would find that acceptable these days.

  47. With Oatens penchant for rent boys and Hughes being highly suspect with his ac/dc tendencies, it is a little difficult to take further Lib-Dem protestations of innocence at face value.

    The old saying of "where there is smoke, there is fire", hastily comes to mind.

  48. Scotch at 5.01, as I emailed you, I have no recollection of this at all. I'm not saying it didn;t happen but perhaps you;d like to tell me where and where I am supposed to have said this. No doubt Tim Ireland will happily furnish you with the information in his 94th post about me on his blog today.

  49. Anonymous 10:33 - Perhaps most people you know.

    It's incorrect. A servant paid for by the public should be able to speak the language for the obvious reason that there is otherwise a lack of precision that is not acceptable in individuals involved in law-making/regulation-making.

    I haven't been out of the country long enough for such degradation of English among lawmakers/regulation makers to have taken place. It is sloppy, ignorant usage. We don't want such people formulating laws and regulations - which are, by necessity, precise and worded with care.

  50. With Oatens penchant for rent boys and Hughes being highly suspect with his ac/dc tendencies

    The fact that Simon Hughes was liar who used Peter Tatchell`s sexuality to beat him in the Constituency of Bermondsey does indeed undermine his credibility. Norfolk Blogger feels this is all water under the bridge but I beg to differ .
    Simon Hughes is still a well regarded MP for Bermondsey sio this is not history. His entire career is founded on the most vicious and disgraceful by election I can think of .The fact he turned ut to be gay himslef is amusing but distracting from the main issues which are the use of bigotry and dishonesty.

    I have no idea wht relevance Mark Oaten`s orientation is to do with the subject and yet again it seems some on the left seem top want to confuse homosexuality with paedophilia.

    They are not alone in this appalling misconception and that is why Grell`s slurs were so particularly dreadful. I can hardly imgaine what life has been like for her unfortunate prey.

  51. 10.33- Under Labour and the hegemony of the left culturally you are right that RP has been replaced by a acceptance of any dialect at all.
    This has been a disaster for the working classes who cannot learn the rules and are identifiable in a way they used to be able to escape especially through Grammar schools.
    This and the loss of the accepted curriculum have contributed to growing class division under Labour and the collapsing sense of nation which once allowed such freedom and fairness.

    Once again a few urban poseurs have ignored rules that matter chiefly to the socially disadvantaged . Rules of discourse are Liberating , sloppiness is imprisoning.

    Verity is right to insist on standards and , incidentally , English has not been the exclusively the language of the English since , I think, the late mediaeval period

  52. People who beg and crawl to be elected to make laws, rules and regulations over the electorate had better have a command of our language and be able to articulate with precision what laws and regulations they are proposing to impose.

    The same would apply in France, Germany or any other country in the world. People who cannot get their heads around the language of the country yet propose to rule others must be discouraged.

  53. Verity said ...
    "to make laws, rules and regulations OVER the electorate..."

    You need some English lessons. Good job you are not standing for the council.

  54. Verity here is the "fair and proper" phrase in its original context.

    "Cllr Grell was supported yesterday by Leyton and Wanstead Labour MP Harry Cohen and London Assembly member Jennette Arnold, her mentor, who both gave character evidence.

    Mr Cohen described Cllr Grell as “a smashing young woman” who had won in a “fair and proper” manner as a result of her boundless energy and local popularity."

    Any problems with that?

  55. Anonymous 12:47 - did Cohen say "fair and proper manner". I notice you apply the quotation marks selectively.

    It's interesting that you don't hear American legislators talking like yokels.

  56. Iain
    It's just two questions that you still haven't answered. Please answer them. When you have a moment.

    Excitingly though, and new, is that I can't quite understand your statement of no recollection and then your immediate reference (as you brought him up) to Tim Ireland.

    So my new third question is - how did you link those two?

  57. To Steve Horgan:

    And pray tell, what coverage did the Echo give the issues?

    Fair and balanced?

    As for "protracted attention from the criminal justice system." - what do you want? A quick cursory glance from a PC and then a wave of the Freemason wand so everything will be okay? Isn't that the same whining the Labour party gave to the investigation by John Yates, which - surprise surprise - has led to$480406.htm

    Sometimes I wonder why you political bloggers save your vitriol and hatred for reporters when it's your own political party people who deserve the real ire. And yes Iain, I include you in that statement.

  58. From Anon 10.33 PM

    Verity, there is nothing selective about my quotation marks. Here is the report as published in the Black Information Link:

    Grell won her seat "fair and proper"
    by Lester Holloway

    A LABOUR MP told a court that Miranda Grell won her council seat "fair and proper" as she defended herself against charges of branding an election rival a "paedophile"

    Miranda Grell: passionately rejected accusations

    Miranda Grell, a Labour councillor in Waltham Forest, east London, admitted being "indiscreet" by revealing her Lib Dem opponent was gay.

    But she emphatically denied saying that Barry Smith, 56, a councillor standing for re-election in Leyton, had slept with under-age Thai boys.

    Cllr Grell, 29, caused shockwaves after taking a ‘safe’ Lib Dem seat at last years’ local elections.

    She told Waltham Forest magistates court she now deeply regretted a light-hearted conversation with voter Kevin Sorkin during the campaign in Leyton where the subject of Mr Smith's sexuality was discussed.

    She strongly refuted allegations of branding Mr Smith a paedophile. He came fourth in the ballot last May, losing his seat by just 28 votes.

    Cllr Grell was supported yesterday by Leyton and Wanstead Labour MP Harry Cohen and London Assembly member Jennette Arnold, her mentor, who both gave character evidence.

    Mr Cohen described Cllr Grell as “a smashing young woman” who had won in a “fair and proper” manner as a result of her boundless energy and local popularity.

  59. Verity, most American legislators at federal government level seem to be very articulate lawyers.

    I don't think I've heard an American local councillor.

    Before you dismiss Miranda Grill as a yokel, bear in mind that she has a first class degree in European Studies with Modern Languages from the University of Manchester and a Master’s degree in Industrial Relations from the London School of Economics.

    I suppose you consider yourself to be far better educated than that.

  60. Labour bleating on about Grell's appeal is laughable. That appeal's going nowhere.

    As for Lib Dems, they wrote the book on dirty door-step tactics.

  61. Cllr Grell was supported yesterday by Leyton and Wanstead Labour MP Harry Cohen and London Assembly member Jennette Arnold, her mentor, who both gave character evidence.

    Good the more of them that associate themslves with this dreadful cow the better . I really hope she slithers free

  62. Scotch, having now just had the extremely unpleasant task of trawling through Ireland's archives I now know what you refer to. He emailed Guido Fawkes and I about an allegation he was making against a Guildford councillor. At the time I was on the Prescott case. According to his records I replied...

    "Think I'll keep concentrating on Prescott if you don't mind...!"

    He then replied: "*sigh*

    You both know that if this were a Lib Dem or Labour campaigner, you would be all over it.


    I then replied
    "Yes, but we like to leave some room for you too! Anyway, the first I had ever heard of it was when you emailed it to me..."

    I am a Conservative blogger, I do not pretend to be impartial and never have. I was told that an allegation was being made. I don't remember the exact details and I have no intention of trawling his archives even further to find them. My recollection (and I am sure you or Ireland will tell me if I am wrong) is that this is something which Ireland was alleging and it never went to court. Seeing as at the time he was obsessed by Anne Milton and took every opportunity to have a go at her - all because she refused to have a blog - you will forgive me if I had my doubts about his version of events.

    My initial reply to him was not a reply which indicated "F off and dont darken my doors again". At that point he hadn't launched his Jihad againt me. It was a good humoured reply, which, as you will see from the tone and the exclamation mark did not imply and ill feeling towards him at all. That's because at the time there was none.

    Now, let me say something. It is now clear to me that ireland has got his friends to do his dirty work for him, with you and Garry continually plugging away. He is using you in the same way that he accuses me of orchestrating comments on my site - something which, incidentally, I have never, ever done.

    I have been more than open with the both of you, but when I see your comments and questions immediately appearing on Ireland's site please don't think I am stupid enough not to realise what is going on.

    So I am drawing this debate to a close now, whether you like it or not.
