Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How to Make a Scary Political Ad

It's not rocket science, as George Bush once said on a visit to Cape Canaveral...


  1. A retrospective referendum isn't rocket science either!
    Bit like the pledge to leave EPP.
    Dave has bottled again!!!

  2. Oh and some of us remember Labour Party political broadcasts in the UK, showing empty factories, boarded up houses etc, dont let us go back to this etc, with dark music and yes that all important voice. So yes, even Labour uses it here in Britain.

  3. As a wise man once said, "Rocket science is relatively simple. It's rocket engineering that's difficult"

  4. As have to Tories anon. I remember the ads that used to have a 'Do you want to go back to those evil days of 1979!' style ads, using the most grim pictures available

  5. Er, but Thatcher times WERE dark and satanic. That dark music was actually piped out to working class communities day in and day out. And the boarded up factories and houses were there too. They really were.

    Are you too young to remember that anonymous 10:29?

    In contrast in Australia life is bearable, just but could be a lot better without the Howard league.

  6. Well Chris Paul, suggest u visit places like Stoke - what has happened in the last ten years - nothing. In fact, only last week Spode told staff that they would all be laid off and Royal Doulton got rid of all their staff two years ago. Not exactly Blair's/Browns land of milk and honey for the people of Stoke. But dont worry, they will still vote Labour. But then they did go an for Independent Mayor!

  7. Here's another one from the same crew. It's a (satirical) exclusive, behind the scenes look at the Australian Liberal Party election campaign war room.
