Monday, October 15, 2007

The Guilty Man

Ben Brogan writes about the 'Blair thinks Brown's crap' stories HERE. He carefully avoids naming the former Cabinet Minister behind the briefings. It's almost as if 'burying bad news' is catching. But then if he was named, the miscreant would no doubt shout 'liar, liar, pants on fire'!


  1. Look, when it comes to Blairite anti-Brown briefing, it's a buyer's market out there.

  2. liar .. on fire

    - I might think that; you couldn't possibly comment, could you Iain ?

  3. The First Blairobite Rebellion will certainly not be the last.

    How I have been excoriated on my blog in the past for pointing out the simple fact that Tony Blair and his allies hate Gordon Brown, regard his government as illegitimate, see David Cameron as the rightful heir, therefore wish Cameron to beat Brown (which he actually cannot do, because the constituency boundaries have been used to rig the Election; but never mind), and will go to absolutely any lengths to bring this about. Does anyone still doubt it today?

    Get used to this sort of thing, because there is going to be A LOT more of it...

  4. How I have been excoriated on my blog in the past for pointing out the simple fact that Tony Blair and his allies hate Gordon Brown, regard his government as illegitimate, see David Cameron as the rightful heir, therefore wish Cameron to beat Brown

    If you've been excoriated for it it is because it is rubbish. If you'd even bothered to read what was being said it was precisely because the Blairites were concerned brown was handing power to cameron. If Blairites wanted Cameron in power then they'd shut up after the last week.

    Tory idiots.

  5. The Blairites WANT Brown to hand power to Cameron. They'd happily see Brown hand power to the corpse of Pol Pot or to the Man in the Moon, so virulently do they hate Brown. It is just a bonus, though quite a significant one, that Cameron is Blair Mark II.

  6. As an anonymous comment on my blog has just put it:

    "So there is now at least one opposition party in Parliament. The Blairobites."


  7. heh yes Iain, you do the maths on Ben's blog and one doesn't even need your clues :-)
