Monday, October 22, 2007

Guido on The Independent

Guido's thoughtful (yes, he can be) piece on the conduct of The Independent over its EU story deserves wider publicity. Read it HERE. (And a follow-up HERE) I don't think this over yet. Not by a long way.


  1. Paul Staines lecturing on ethics? You're having a giraffe.

  2. I liked the comment posted by genghis pinko-khan regarding this matter on Guido's blog...."newspapers are just viewpoints from different socialists pretending to be journalists".

  3. On the contrary it will be over by tomorrow.
    Indy readers - the few left - won't care very much.

  4. Iain I seem to remember you saying the same thing about "cash for honours", & the Smith Institute stories Guido ran. Where are they now? Nobody cares.

  5. Guido is merely stating the obvious, and certainly no more than I said when the story emerged.

    Guido's a lightweight and a chancer and his posturing not only does not stand up to the light of day but cannot even cope with a dimly lit Newsnight studio with a bag over his head. Taking lectures on ethics from the Tattlemeister is accordingly a bit rich.

    However, cutting and pasting bland press handouts is nothing new but passing off controversial material without crediting the source ups the stakes.

    It seems nobody, from the Prime Minister downwards can address the issues on Europe truthfully.

    I would like an informed public debate, not funded from the pockets of rich people, not blighted by BBC bias and characterized by reasoned live debating, followed by a national referendum. Nothing less is a disgrace to democracy.

  6. Wrinkled Weasel

    I agree entirely with your requirement for a full, detailed debate and then a referendum about whether we want to be inside Europe, with London as its finance capital, or outside, lookin away from Frankfurt, which would undoubtedly take over.

  7. "Iain I seem to remember you saying the same thing about "cash for honours", & the Smith Institute stories Guido ran. Where are they now? Nobody cares."

    Oh please, , I seem to remember all those stories compelled similarly fatuous astro-turfers to post their asinine drivel then too. If they were such non-stories why did all you panic so much and post so many e-mails counter-intuitively asserting your own indifference?


  8. Anon said:
    "inside Europe, with London as its finance capital, or outside, lookin away from Frankfurt, which would undoubtedly take over"

    You mean 'inside the EU' - we would still be in Europe if we left the EU. Also the threat that Frankfurt would displace London was made when we kept out of the Euro. You can see it has not happened.
