Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Grand Old Duke of Brown

This is a video produced by the LibDems a few hours after Gordon Brown announced there wouldn't be an election. I gather Will Howells of the No Geek Is An Island blog produced it. Respect, as young people apparently say nowadays.


  1. How Ming single-handedly beat off a November election. It's like watching how the Italians won the Second World War for the Allies.....

  2. respect indeed. See a "sort of" review of your Guide to Political Blogging in the UK 2007-8 at http://janestheones.blogspot.com/

  3. Given that the lack of election has saved the LibDems from being wiped out (if you believe the electoral calculus site) you'd have thought they'd all be very grateful. But I suppose that assumes that LibDems are capable of rational political thought. Which is a big assumption....

  4. I see the lib dem polling results are absent from this vid! Wonder why.

    They had far more to lose than the Tories had to gain from an early election!

    No-one welcomed this climb down more than the staffer at Cowley Street!

  5. What - no dodgy Lib Dem Bar chart !

    Or maybe the Lib Dem poll ratings don't register any more.

  6. Is Electoral Calculus accurate in this repsect, it seems extraordinary that it predicts 0 LibDem MPs given current polling??

  7. Electoral Calculs is absolute tosh.

    If you believe what it tells you then Iain Dale would be MP for North Norfolk as that is what it said at the last election.

    Anyone who beleives it is not to be trusted. Anyone who uses it as a sources is not to be believed.
