Thursday, October 04, 2007

EXCLUSIVE: Oligarch Offers £10k for Gooner Shares

The Uzbek oligarch trying to take over Arsenal Football Club is offering small shareholders £10,000 a share. A friend of mine who owns a single share has just been offered that sum.

Mr Usmanov's pockets are obviously very deep. He's obviously determined to increase his stakeholding to 25 per cent as soon as possible. I wonder how many small shareholders will be tempted.


  1. Why wouldn't they?

    I didn't see many United shareholders crying when the Glazers took their holdings off their hands. Business is business - the odiousness of the buyer is largely irrelevant.

  2. I would say hang on until he's really desperate when the price will escalate, but maybe not so long that he sends the heavies round...

  3. This blog now has two football-related posts. Football is boring. V boring. F boring.

  4. Whatever the merits or otherwise of football, this post is sadly bereft of the important financial facts. It doesn’t include either the last trading value of the shares the subject of the offer or the imputed market capitalisation at the offer price, so it’s impossible for those that haven’t followed Arsenal to draw any conclusions from the story.

  5. I have heard of this "Oligarch" character before. Does he reside in England but conveniently keep his assets in Moscow? Let's do Mr Oligarch now for the 25 grand for being a condom and wipe the smile of his face

  6. The Board own 51% of the shares so the little guys don't much count.

    The oligarch is prohibited from bidding for Arsenal for most of the next 6 months under Take-over Panel rules.

  7. This is the pug ugly Oligarch who gets blogs shut down if hey dare to mention his criminal record. He's the sort of person Gordon Brown welcomes to Britain.

  8. I didn't see many United shareholders crying when the Glazers took their holdings off their hands. Business is business - the odiousness of the buyer is largely irrelevant.

    You obviously werent looking. Not everyone bought shares in Utd to make a profit. Some of us actually gave a monkeys about the history,heretage and future of our club.
    Now we get price rises every year above inflation, compulsory purchase of tickets for games you cant or dont want to go to, a library like atmosphere because the stadium is full of no-nothing numpties supporting the 'franchise'. Its an awful day out.Even aways are crap now.

    If I was a gooner I'd be very worried about my club.

  9. He was paying £10k per share last week Iain, and the market price is over £10,350 now, so your mate would be mad to sell at £10k. Won't mention last weeks result either ;-)

  10. My God, £10,000 for just one Arsenal share.

    thinks.......I wonder how many West Ham shares he could get for a grand?

  11. How can people be so stupid as to pay money to thess people and their super rich organisations all so they can watch a game? I can barely comprehend the price of tcikets to watch a football game and that people are so daft as to pay these prices.

    I suppose a lot of the answer is that most of the buyers are desperate middle class types who are desperate to somehow show they are 'still in touch' with their working class origins and with 'real ordinary people' who do things like watch and talk about football?

  12. Ted H - the trouble with spouting off on a subject about which you clearly have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever is that there's always a danger you may be mistaken for an idiot.

  13. I don't approve of Usmanov's attempt to take over Arsenal at all, but I'm not sure that "Man pays market rate for shares" is exactly news. I suppose that's why it's an exclusive
