Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Evening Standard 1000 Most Influential People in London

I went to a very swanky party at the Design Museum last night, thrown for what are said to be the 1000 most influential people in London. Boris and Ken were thrown together for the first time and we were treated to them both heckling Evening Standard editor Veronica Wadley during her speech. She said what a great City London is and Ken shouted out "and who do you think made it so?" Boris then joined in an shouted "not for much longer". Much hilarity all round.

Anyway, they haven't ranked people (I was soooo dreading being 924!) but instead they have listed short profiles of people from twenty different categories, like arts & culture, business, food, society, sport etc.

They put me in the New Media list, rather than politics. Sadly the New Media list is slightly undermined by the inclusion of Sam Roake. They say "Roake's job is to help win the next election for the Tories on the internet". What they didn't say is that Roake left his job at least four or five months ago.

I must admit that I haven't heard of most of the other people on the New Media list, but Tim Montgomerie and Alex Hilton both make the cut. Davis Davis will be threatening to sue. They list him as being 60. He's not, he's 58. More HERE.


  1. It aint you, it wont be Cambo, and it certainly isnt Bonking Bummbling Bozzer

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, major cut and paste failure:

    You are obsessed with useless lists.

    However, speaking of genuinely influential people, Craig Murray is blogging again on his new website

  4. Livingstone. What a twat!

    Besides, Livingstone has nothing to do with the City of London. If you get what I mean.

  5. I enjoyed your discussion on this on 18DS last night. Very amusing Ken thinks he deserves credit!!

    Also surprised to see my ugly mug in DK's video. I was rather expecting Nigel. But rest assured I am no Conservative Future member!!! lol.

  6. The standard will do anything to get circulation figures up.

  7. Jeremy Jacobs said...
    "Livingstone. What a twat!

    Besides, Livingstone has nothing to do with the City of London. If you get what I mean.

    You obviously don't know much about London. She was talking about London generally not just the Square Mile.

  8. UKIPs Next generation Leader speaks.


    "Risking his life".

    Warning to all parties, be very afraid.

  9. Boris shouted "not for much longer". I guess that could be right. If, by some horrible accident, he becomes mayor then London might indeed not be a great city for much longer...

  10. "Canmoled eraill tydi!" This is an old Welsh saying which roughly translated says 'Don't praise yourself, allow others to do it..'

    This ludicrous self-promotion and list making is becoming unbearably tedious and makes you come across as a smug, stuffed-shirt arsehole. It is not the British way, which is to be a little more self deprecating.

    It smacks of 'you plebeians are not fit to kiss the hem of my robe' and is an attitude reminiscent of Fi Glover or that execrable Natasha 'Thank Goodness She's pissed off to Five' Kaplinsky.

    If you want our respect, be a bit more like Paddy O'Connell, if you want our admiration, think a bit more like Eddie Mair.

  11. Clearly your dictionary defines 'influential' differently to mine.

    I guess in yours it talks about following prevailing opinions and recycling them, as opposed to persuading others of novel thoughts and arguments..

    You are fast turning into a pompous big-headed grumpy old fart. Stop it.

  12. If you're going to insult me at least have the guts to do it under your own name. Twat.

  13. Hm. Weird. I was also on the list, but I'm pretty sure I didn't get an invitation to the party! Obviously not that influential!

  14. What makes London a great city is the last train out of it in the evening! And that tosser Livingstone has nothing at all to do with that!

    Seriously, London is a great place to visit, and almost all of its redeeming features are there in spite of Livingstone and not because of it. Likewise, the City which is the engine of the economy!

    However, all the bad things about London are exactly the kind of things which Livingstone has his greasy little prints all over.

    If Boris wants to help make and London great, he should promise to intervene, interfere and involve himself in its matters as little as possible.
