Monday, October 29, 2007

Chris Huhne and the Other Iain Dale

Several people have emailed to query why I am listed as a registered supporter on Chris Huhne's (terribly designed) campaign website. To put your minds at rest, there is, believe it or not, a LibDem blogger called Iain Dale. My namesake comes from exactly the same part of Scotland which my own family hails from. Spooky.


  1. Chris Huhne’s website is not terribly designed. It hasn’t been designed at all.

  2. If the leadership bid doesn't work out a career at Gardeners' World beckons!!

  3. Welcome home Iain, nuff said.

  4. Dear Iaian,

    Scotland ? Why don't you tell him to ummm ... devolve ... off ?

    Alan Douglas

  5. There's a curious claim on Huhne's website under his biography: "In 1994, Chris founded what became one of the largest teams of economists in the City (initially called IBCA, now Fitch Ratings) to rate the risks of overseas investments for pension funds and other investors."

    Well actually no, that's not right. IBCA Limited existed long before that and was acquired by Fimalac S.A. in 1993, the year before Huhne joined the company, presumably as a lowly but obviously not very humble employee. He was the senior analyst at the Sovereign Ratings goup at IBCA, but IBCA was already much more established in bank ratings, but much smaller than Fith Ratings with which it merged, and far smaller then either S&P or Moodys. So far from founding one of the largest groups of economists in the City he was head of a small iteam in a small rating agency.

    Rating sovereign debt is not exactly the most glamourous career in the City.

  6. That's dreadful, I think you should ask Dave to have him exterminated!

  7. It's a DIY web site kit.

    Prater Raines are "by far the British Liberal Democrat's [sic] most popular web site service".

    You can tell by the snowpake

  8. Let me get this right ? You, the person who has been slagging off the Barnett formula for weeks, are Scottish ?

  9. alex - weren't Fitch ratings the imbeciles who failed to foresee the fiasco at Northern Rock ?

  10. Ah so you are Scottish. I can see that. The master race allways get to the top. Hey you English leave this Jock alone. Or you will have a to deal with all of us.
