Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Brown: Labour Not to Blame for Scottish Elections Scandal

I don't know how other people saw it, but I thought David Cameron absolutely hammered Gordon Brown in the second half of PMQs today, when he questioned him about the conduct of the Scottish elections and Wee Dougie Alexander's part in it. The PM had already stuttered his way through the first half of his weekly ordeal, but to pretend that it was the Opposition parties who were to blame for the Scottish election disaster was beyond belief. He even accused Cameron of "misleading" the House by quoting from the Gould Report, which caused the Speaker to consult his Clerk. The Speaker also - for the second week running - had to rebuke Gordon Brown's PPS Ian Austin for screaming abuse at David Cameron throughout his questioning of Brown. Not very edifying. Brown really is on the ropes in these PMQ sessions nowadays. For three weeks in a row Cameron has had a clear win.

UPDATE: Brownite cheerleader-in-chief and all round man of the people Kevin Maguire blogs about PMQs in a post rather grandly titled MY VIEWS ON TODAY'S PMQS. He can't quite bring himself to say it, but the message was clear: Cameron won


  1. One has to blame the over 100,000 thick as mince Jocks who could not grasp the electoral system. In my polling station we were TOLD by the clerks giving oot ballot papers HOW ( PR list or FPTP) to vote and WHAT ( local MSP, list MSP,council)we were voting for on each ballot paper given out. Really there are a LOT of thick people in Scotland- most of 'em in the Commons or Holyrood!

  2. A clear win this week with the scottish elections report which he used very effectively - thought for a mo that the speaker was going to instruct Brown tpo retract his accusation that Cameron "misleading" - but didn't really hit home with school funding in spite of it being a disgrace. Much better than last week

  3. I think that you are right Iain. Brown is looking more like the clunking fist with every exposure. His misleading accusation should have been taken seriously by the Speaker but it would appear that, along with Wee Dougie and the Blink machine, he is a paid up member of the Tufty Club. Lets start a Sir Menzies Campbell for Speaker and rid this land of the ignorant man who sullies that position.

  4. Iain,

    I agree. Cameron must keep on about honesty, probity etc etc. Throwing back at this liar what he 'promised'

    They are, without doubt, the worst set of Government Ministers (Did you see Straw beforehand?)
    this country has the misfortune of having as their government.

    Central Control, looking after their own constituencies it is just so rotten I do really fear for the future.

    I do think it is time to pledge to the English their own Parliament!

  5. Yes Iain spot on,Cameron was brilliant...the irony is re the Scottish questions , of course,that despite Brown,Alexander and co trying to gerrymander the system to ensure they kept control of the Scottish Parliament, the complex voting procedures disenfranchised thousands of their supporters, and the SNP got one extra seat and therefore became the government albeit a minority one.The only good thing for Douglas Alexander is that the Scottish Labour party kicked out their former leader Jack McConnell and elected his sister(now there is a thread for the future) as the leader of the Scottish Labour Party.

  6. Iain,
    What struck me was the fear and hatred in Brown's face when dealing with questions from Cameron. Blair used to give the impression that he enjoyed these sessions and so often managed to escape as a result, even when he didn't really deserve to. Not Brown. I've sometimes wondered whether Cameron won't push the fellow so hard one day that he'll lose it entirely.

  7. Why should Doug Alexander carry the can? He was only acting on Gordon Brown's orders and all those in the Labour party calling for Doug's head would do well to remember that.

  8. I have to agree Iain - it's Brown 0-3 Cameron on PMQs this session. While neither of tha last 2 PMQs have been as awful for Brown as the first one, you do have to wonder how long these poor performances from Mr Brown can continue before Labour MPs start getting edgy.

  9. Martin shows himself up as partisan again giving Brown a very weak rebuke.

  10. An English Parliament? Heaven forbid another level of meddlers sucking the tax trough dry! Scottish Independence is what is needed, problem solved.

  11. Have just listened to the exchange on the Scottish elections. You're right, Brown got hammered again.

    Cameron lacked, however, a one-line finisher over the issue of school budget surpluses. One of the best things about PMQs is to try to think ahead in order to try to finish their attacks for them. Cameron, I feel, let that exchange die prematurely and it lacked the final bite.

    Regarding Strap's comment, we don't need an English parliament. We simply need to rid ourselves of Scotland. Another layer of fat cat politicians and self serving bureaucracies is the last thing this overly regulated and ruled country needs. Set the Scots loose and set England free!

  12. I gave them one. What did the silly sods do?

  13. Don't blame me!

  14. Brown did not blame the opposition parties he merely pointed out that all the parties had agreed these arrangements - including very specifically the Tories agreeing the single ballot paper - and that the review that has just gone on did not blame the government party exclusively. The SNP have had the good grace to accept this and move on. Is this not going to be true of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist (ahem) massive?

    There is no need to exaggerate. These problems did happen on Labour's watch. But to pretend they are completely owned by Labour is either careless or fibbery.

  15. If I hear correctly that Cameron is backing away from granting a referendum on the EU Constitution should he ever come to power then it seems to me that he may be able to outwit Brown at PMQs but what for? He has also to show that he means what he says and not just keep scoring debating points.

    I am afraid that I think that Cameron is a phoney but if he is giving Brown grief he has some value I suppose.

  16. I am by no means a 'cameroonie', and I believe Gordon has many positive qualities, but his 'performance' at PMQs is woeful. It reminds me of Spurs - slowly improving performance, but nowhere near quickly enough to get out of the relegation zone.

    He needs, like Spurs, to get a new coach on board, or these weekly sessions of getting beaten, nay, hammered regularly are going to be embarrassing for all concerned.

    Even Vincent Cable got the best of this joker this week, as his 'gag' about VC surviving for a second week fell flatter than a pancake under a steam roller.

    The pictures on the faces of Alan 'Joker' Johnson, Ed 'Blinky' Balls and Ruth 'cillice' Kelly was truly a sight to behold...

  17. Brown is pretty rubbish isn't he? He obviously thought it was easy to do PMQs cuz Blair was pretty good at it - he has a rude awakening if you ask me...

  18. i thought Cameron's line to-day "feels like a hundred years ago" was particularly well-rehearsed. Almost Blair-like in his attention to performance skills. Pity he's not acvailable for panto.

  19. Chris Paul, you are entitled to your perspective, but since the SNP are calling for Douglas Alexander's resignation, I'm not clear why you think they are taking any more sunny a view of this report than the Conservatives:

  20. Labour MPs don't care if Brown is routinely trashed. If they lose their seats they get full Westminster pensions, and then the chance to receive bribes as members of the EU regional bureaucracy.

    Cameron can win the league for all they care. Westminster's about to become a museum, and Cameron can be its keeper, with pleasure.

  21. Brown looks permanently flustered even when answering sop questions from his own side. I particularly liked the way he threw his scruffy sheath of papers onto the dispatch box when answering one of DC's questions.

    DC has to be a bit careful because some of his lines do look a bit too rehearsed you can almost smell them a mile off. Brown doesn't seem to be able to though...

  22. Hnery Rogers is quite right . What we are seeing is a thoroughly unpleasnt charcter unravelling . I do hope snippets are stored for later use .

    He seems to resent the existence of an opposition at all...hmmmm..funny that

  23. Nah, have to say Iain I disagree here. It seemed to me that Gordon Brown looked much more cool and collected - Cameron looked like a desperate wind-up merchant. The Scottish Election fiasco was poorly used by Cameron - the appearance was of misplaced blame to be honest. but hey what do I know

  24. Yes but Cameron needs to be doing this at every PMQs heavan knows there is enough to have a go at the government for. The trouble is Cameron has undermined his position on the EU as he has refused to hold a referendum on the reform treaty. It wont be long before Brown exploits his changed position. I still think Cameron has long way to go as I think he is in the Heath mold.

  25. The Speaker 'Gorbals Mick' behaved quite disgracefully today after PMQs. While the tabloid Neil 'vehicle' Daily Politics cut away to witterings from Nick Robinson and other nonentities, there was a point of Order raised by the Opposition Chief Whip regarding Gordon Brown's accusation that Cameron had been misleading. Mick said - quite literally incredibly - that he had already 'consulted the record' and was satisfied that the PM had not used un-parliamentary language and that the Chief Whip should consult Hansard tomorrow. How this could be so when the record had hardly been taken is quite beyond comprehension. He repeated this calumny several times in response to other MPs raising the same point of order, making himself and his office appear even more ridiculous each time. Then Skinner dusted off his manky twweed coat and came to Mick's rescue, saying that in his 'experience' the PM would have had to have said 'deliberately misleading'. End of point of order.Apparently Skinner is now Speaker's little pet and can expect extra jam on his crumpet next time in the tea Room.
    The whole episode shows the Speaker especially in a very bad light, illustrates his incompetence and patisanship and thus brings his office into disrepute; and demonstrates that its about time the old boy took retirement - anot not before time either. Brown will no doubt get away with it as he clearly has Martin under the thumb, them sharing a Scottish background and so on.
    As for replacing Martin with Campbell, the latter hasn't got enough puff to blow the skin off a rice pudding so I think that's a non-starter. Quite apart from the fact that we ouldn't stand another Scot lording it over the Commons.

  26. Another dire PMQs for Brown.

    Martin may have been a little too "temperate" in his rebuke to Brown but his exchange with Ian Austin was funnier and that gentleman would be ill advised to bellow in Speaker Martin's ear a third week running - "my ear's my own, Mr Austin" translated "Look here my mannie you shout one more time in ma lug and youse'll be introduced to one o' ma Glasgow kisses".

  27. Labour not responsible for the cock-up over elections in Scotland, eh? All parties responsible, is it? Yeah...the "Come-off-it-Meter" went off the scale at that point.

    Clearly, nothing bad that has happened in the last ten years has been the fault of this Govt. They have been too busy doing exclusively good things. The bad things were all the fault of a big boy who ran away...honest. And he was a Tory, too.

    By the way, is it just me or is the PM looking permanently peely wally?

  28. This was very interesting in PMQ, Cambo is playing the “ Im moving to the right slowly but surely” card very well.

    Camera On Stated,

    “”””An important part of that reform is being prepared to give schools real freedom and autonomy, including over their budgets””””

    Good luck selling that to schools, parents, and head teachers, moreover just think what you are rambling about, Schools with SURPLUS cash. Jesus, Id leave that subject alone if I were you.

  29. Odd that the Greater London Elections have the same problem. Two elections on the same A4 ballot paper, each with a different voting method.

    And last time we had to contend with them at the same time as the Euro Elections.

    But Labour dont care about London. That is why labour control the smallest number of Councils in a generation.

    Scotland rules - rules on better health, free uni education, free care for the elderly and now free school dinners.

    Poor old London, which has some of the worse poverty in the country has to go without. Now even schools will have their budget's slashed.

  30. I enjoy your delusional nonsense regarding PMQs. Poor old cambo was “””RATTLED””” and resorted to faking indignation. According to SKY news, and I quote

    “”With no PMQs next week, the PM will be pleased that, after an inital drubbing by Mr Cameron two weeks ago, the House prorogues with a decent performance under his belt.”””

    PS since when do Tories give a fig about Scotland, let alone its electorate. Poll tax guinea pigs

  31. take heed said...
    "Why should Doug Alexander carry the can? He was only acting on Gordon Brown's orders"

    Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer and was in no position to give orders to Douglas Alexander regarding the conduct of the Scottish Elections.

  32. Iain, I hope you have this headline saved for non-stop use, tghat you may never suffer RSI :

    Labour Not to Blame for ...

    Alan Douglas

  33. World Exclusive! Labour Not to Blame for Iain Dale!

  34. Perhaps the message was clear to a brain programmed by CCHQ, but he did not imply there was a winner. He just briefly described what happened.

    Surely the point about spin is it needs to be clever to be effective.

  35. He needs, like Spurs, to get a new coach on board, or these weekly sessions of getting beaten, nay, hammered regularly are going to be embarrassing for all concerned.

    Nobody can tell Brown anything...He has a vision...and will continue to do so until Cameron punches his lights out {sorry...light}. Not long now before Balls gets him sectioned.

  36. anony1990 said...

    but hey what do I know

  37. Typical NuLabour dont blame us balme the thickos of the electorate

  38. Now that 'misleading people' has been ruled in order I hope Cameron goes week after week talking about how Brown misleads the country on just about every issue going.

    Cameron is liable to push Brown over the edge at some stage; Labour know this could happen and already have their 'public school bully' line all warmed up - it was first bandied about on Question Time a couple of weeks ago.

  39. strapworld said:
    "They are, without doubt, the worst set of Government Ministers (Did you see Straw beforehand?)
    this country has the misfortune of having as their government."

    Yes, but the standard ain't exactly high is it?

  40. I really don't know what all the fuss is about. The Scots have never taken responsiblity for anything. Why do you expect them to start now?

  41. Who or what is it that the video at the bottom of this post is supposed to be advertising? Another zitty prat in an ill-fitting pinstripe suit and CWF membership, thinking that a place on CF NME is going to propel him into being the next Rosindell before he's 30?

  42. Interesting your choice of "hammer" as your verb. It's only a hop, skip and jmp to The Hammers from there.

  43. Gordon Brown has lost it, in this order.

    Lost his mandate

    Lost an election

    Lost his vision

    Lost his temper

    Lost support

    Lost the plot

  44. anony1990 said...

    "The Scottish Election fiasco was poorly used by Cameron - the appearance was of misplaced blame to be honest."

    Yep. Even when Cameron has a good week (or three) he is incapable of landing a killer blow.

  45. Back in the world of grown ups, Salmond accepts in the Scottish Parliamnet Gould's criticism of the "alex Salmomd for FM" ploy on the list part of the ballot and calls for the implementation of all Goulds recommendations.

    Seeks cross party support for this, deafening silence from the unionists because in their parties they are not allowed to say anything without clearance from London.

    Salmond is mincing them

  46. Brown 's performances are shockingly bad, I find myself squirming just watching. Nothing beats watching the visibly mortified and cringing Labour MP's suffer! To think he was elected without a a contest becuase his superiority and destiny supposedly far exceeded those of any of his Labour colleagues ; to misquote Radiohead:

    'you did it to yourself , you did, and that's why it really hurts'

  47. I tried to point out to Kevin Maguire that he accidentally didn't mention that as usual, Cameron made Gordie look like an idiot in PMQs again yesterday, by leaving a message in the facility at the bottom of the "article". Sadly, they don't seem to want to accept any posts... strange.

  48. How the heck do troies think Cameron won yesterday he was made to look like an oaf and required sthe labour speaker to help him. You tories are in a dream.

  49. Sir Menzies Campbell for Speaker

  50. Is it just me who's sick of this country being run by mealy-mouthed jocks. Can't they all just fcuk off back over the border and leave us to make a mess of the country ourselves? We'll all be talking Polish soon anyway.
