Friday, October 05, 2007

Breaking News: Nick Boles Selected for Grantham

I'm delighted to report that Nick Boles has been selected tonight for the safe Conservative seat of Grantham & Stamford. He beat off competition from three other very stong candidates, Vicky Ford, James Brokenshire and Steve Barclay.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Nick is a future Cabinet Minister. We need to be selecting people like him in the best seats. After what he has been through in the last few months he deserves his success.
I don't mind admitting I feel very envious of him - being the MP for Margaret Thatcher's home territory is something that almost persuaded me to apply for it. Almost, but not quite.


  1. Well done Nick. Excellent news.

  2. Why have you enabled moderation again?

    It makes the blog so dull.

  3. excellent news, congratulations

  4. Steve Barclay who came second was very good as was Brokenshire. Im afraid Vicky Ford who was knocked out first gave a very poor showing.

    Nick Boles was BRILLIANT. He 'came out' to the audience at the end of the speech and got a massive round of applause. Brave man. He looked like an MP.

    After all he has been through this year he really deserves it.

    Proud to have him as my next MP.

  5. Brokenshire is running out of options now. That is at least four seats he has been turned down for recently.

  6. This is the seat that Quentin Davies won in 2005 as a Conservative, isn't it? And then he defected to Brown's Labour this summer because he was so impressed by Gordon's leadership? The same Quentin Davies who was annoyed that David Cameron did not take his "papers" on the EU seriously enough? The same Quentin Davies who supports Mr Brown's contention that there is no case for a referendum on the EU treaty? Thought so.

    I wish Nick Boles well but must commiserate with Vicky Ford. I am sure she will find another, even safer seat.

  7. moderation is on probably because gay posts get some offensive comments

  8. I hear that Quentin is being lined up for a Labour seat in the West Midlands.

  9. Thankfully he avoided being in your Top 100 Iain!

    Well done Nick Boles! A lucky escape from London this, and a nice if rather sleepy area.

  10. Just out of interest ... how many people in the selection party?

  11. Damned with faint praise by Chris Paul! What an accolade for Nick.

  12. Some friends of mine visited Squire Quentin Davies church at Christmastime. I am told that The Squire deigned to visit the church dressed in red trousers (a clue perhaps) and sat in the family pew. He came across the green from his manor house and went back after the service.

    How refreshing to read Nick Boles blog . Visits to buy Pizza and an epic struggle against cancer. Staying in a B&B. Grantham and Stamford seem lucky to get him.

    Meanwhile it looks as if Squire Davies may need some elocution lessons, so he can understand Black Country and Brummie vowels.

  13. Anonymous 1:15 a.m. Class hatred is alive and well, I see.

    "He came across the green from his manor house and went back after the service."

    And not only that! The "anonymous" poster mentioned that "Squire" Davies "deigned" to visit the church!!

    Well, if that doesn't make you sick, I don't know what does! He walked from his house to church for the service and then walked bloody back again! How much more hoighty-toity can you get!

    And while he was in church, he was dressed in red trousers when everyone knows this is strictly against the law, and he "sat in the family pew" as though he were from some bloody family that had lived in the village, and contributed to the church, for generations.

    No wonder Britain's falling to bits!

  14. I live in the West Midlands and if people think Quentin Davies has "a cat in hell's chance" of the electorate or any constituency committee of the Labour Party around here welcoming him being foisted on to them they should think again.

    The Labour Party would be daft to put him in a marginal - he'd lose it no contest and it's unlikely a "safe" seat will be found for him.

  15. dont discuss things like a clique wots he been thro? if cant say dont allude to it

  16. Anonymous, fair point. Nick was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, which meant he haf to pull out of the London mayoral race. A few weeks ago he was given a clean bill of health.

  17. Were there no conservatives available?

  18. Let's just hope that Labour do not stoop to homophobic campaigning against Nick, as they so disgracefully did during 2006's local elections in the Leyton ward of the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
    (See link below)

    Good luck Nick, I'm sure you will be 10 times the MP that Quentin Davies ever was.

  19. Congratulations, Nick. You were outstanding in all rounds.
    Chris Paul, there were fifteen on the selection committee.
    We look forward to you working in this lovely part of the country.
