Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Week on Lake Como

On Tuesday I'm off for a week's holiday on Lake Como - well, not on it, but by it to be more accurate. We've got six days at Montrasio (southern end of the lake) and then I'm speaking at a political communications seminar held by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Caddenabia. The villa where it is taking place was apparently once owned by Mussolini, so someone told me, anyway!
So if you have any recommendations of things to do - or not to do - in the Lake Como area, do let me know. We're hiring a car, so we can travel as far as we want.

This also means that I won't be able to go the LibDem conference this year. It was a tough call - Como or Brighton. That won't, of course, prevent me from keeping up a running commentary!


  1. Hmm. Flying on September 11th? That's brave. Just watch out for men with towels on their heads.

  2. iain, i'm moving to live in Como in 2 weeks time! i love it. have a good wander around Como town, lots of good restaurants, cafes, old churches, etc. take a boat up the lake, possibly visiting some of the lake-side towns like bellaggio, and menaggio. from lake como it's very easy to go across the boarder into italian switzerland. Lugano is a great swiss city just half an hour from Como. Enjoy!

  3. Iain

    Enjoy! I went to Como a couple of years ago and it is just beautiful.

    As for Brighton - I will just have to cope without you at the LibDem Blog Awards!

    Have a good time.


  4. If Ming is speaking at Brighton the choice boils down to Como or coma.

  5. What not to do at Mussolini's former home?
    Blame your late arrival on the poor train service, and remark how they always used to run on time?

  6. The Lago di Como is lovely - a visit to nearby Switzerland is a must! In my opinion the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland is by far the most charming and beautiful; also there's a lovely town - I believe it's called Tramezzo or something like that - it's worth a visit too.

  7. This isn't the 'Konrad' that is from the 'dark side' and involved with the Sith now is it ??

    Don't worry about September 11th.. Remember in Europe 9/11 is the 9th of November.. that's the one to watch !

  8. I suggest you get into the hire car and drive into Lake Como. Stay in the car until your air supply runs out.

  9. Drive to Bergamo, and take the funicular up to the charming old town. View the Baptistery and the Colleoni Chapel, and have lunch in the Piazza Vecchia.

  10. Head across to Lake Como and onto Isola di Loreto. Lovely, secluded, great little places to eat and probably secluded enough that you won't have internet access, so we all get to benefit from your holiday!

  11. "Ming Shambles" the Nation's prescription free Mogadon

    HH ..X

  12. My suggestions - go to Slovenia!

    Especially Lake Bohnj, which is about 10 miles from Lake Bled. It's Europe's deepst glacial lake, really warm for swimming in summer (and chrystal clear water), and great for skating on in winer. Overlooked by mounts Vogel and Triglav, it is utterly uutterly amazing!

    Go here for some pictures:
