Sunday, September 30, 2007

Want a Blog Button on Your Banner, Sir? Oh, Suits You Sir

Matt Wardman has very kindly created some blog buttons for people to use on their blogs.

Matt has also created a different kind, which actually denote the position of your blog in the various lists. If you'd like to contact him to get your own number inserted you should email him matt AT mattwardman DOT com. There is no charge but he does ask that you link back to his Poliblogs site

Click on any of the images to enlarge them, then save them to your hard drive, upload the image to your blog provider and then insert the relevant code into the template. I'd like to provide the code myself, but haven't been able to work out how to do it.


  1. Tried to do all that, and as usual failed. Are there any technically minded people out there who can help non-technically minded bloggers? Iain, could you recommend anyone? Mike Rouse is too busy these days. There must be others.

  2. He could have anti-aliased those fonts.

  3. This is beyond me too. Can someone provide an idiots guide ?

  4. > Anonymous said...
    > He could have anti-aliased those fonts.

    ROFL. Of course they are anti-aliased. There are limitations when you have about 16 pixels to play with.

    If you'd care to contact me, I can do one with "strong" or "smooth" anti-aliasing - rather than "crisp".

    All done in Fireworks.

    >This is beyond me too. Can someone provide an idiots guide ?

    Will provide one asap - watch these comments.

  5. Oh goody ! I've always wanted a pac-man game on my website...

  6. What a shame this will only work if you were 88th on the list..

    Mind you, if you were that low down you'd want a 'button' to cheer you up...

    It just seems a shame that few will want to admit they are even lower down the batting order than Nadine 'Bonkers' Dorries..

  7. Hi Iain
    When are you publishing Jim Jepps' Green Blogs?!

  8. How Egotistical, all on the say so of one self appointed King of the Blogs!!!
