Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Top Labour Blogger in Trouble


Top Labour Blogger Miranda Grell – who, Iain tells me is number 37 in the upcoming Top 100 Labour blogs – is in a spot of bother with M’Learned Friend. THIS Times article explains all.


  1. I note it says the case is continuing......

    Obviously if true its pretty disgusting and sad but we shall see

  2. If she's guilty, I hope the world of politics never sees her again. Those allegations are sickening.

  3. Shane, I know Miranda fairly well enough to find these allegations highly doubtful. In any case I know of one similar Tory smear campaign, which I cannot mention for legal reasons, and what angers me is that the person concerned settled out of court after being sued and won the seat from the individual. That Conservative MP does not have a moral right to sit in the House and the day that MP gets defeated should not come soon enough!

  4. Shane, your blog is much better than Iain's- can he stay on holiday

  5. if she is found guilty, we shall change her name to "Moron-da".


  7. This is an old story Iain. Its been going on a while and most of the people agree that its the liberals being bad losers. Theres a great deal of support for Miranda around and little foundation or proof to the allegations. Having been involved in campagning with young labour candidates taking seats of older liberals by massive swings, the result was not out of the ordinary.

    Also having campaigned against liberals locally i know exactly how scheming they can be, they dont fit the fluffy image of the national party and its not surprising people slam the door in their faces!

  8. Had a look at Recess Monkey's site yesterday. The latest article was tagged Scum, Tories.

  9. We shall see as Gordon's Gofer says. And yes, sickening allegations one way or another.

    Just as well Lib Dems never ever do any smearing on their opponents isn't it? Never for example play the "family man" card.

    And are Iain and Iain's monkey trying to smear Labour Bloggers by association?

    Like smearing Lib Dems as some have some connection with events in Portugal?

    A pattern is emerging.

    Meanwhilst I have just taken a look at Cllr Greer's "top blog" and am shocked that this is going to be 37th in the top 100.

    Nothing to it at all. Has Cllr Greer fixed Iain's blog poll? Can we have a recount?

  10. The bitch doth protest too much..

    Does she have some skeletons in her closet that need, er, investigating ?

  11. To chris paul @ 11.14am -

    Now that you've made reference to events in Portugal would you care to comment on Julia Hobsbawm's appearance on News 24 on Sunday 9th as 'Head of Media Monitoring and Analysis'? I thought this was Clarence Mitchells job? And why are any of these people involved anyway?

    Go on - you seem to know so much about Gordons little coterie of chums - why don't you tell us?

  12. Pure gold. What is she facing if she is found guilty?

  13. Can I just emphasise that this blog has improved immensely since Mr Dale went on his holidays.

    Who is this Shane Greer bloke ? Perhaps you should introduce yourself. Maybe even refuse to hand back the keys on Mr Dale's return, and change the picture at the top of the screen !

    Mutiny !

  14. @ Paul Burgin "Shane, I know Miranda fairly well enough to find these allegations highly doubtful"

    So that's settled then, we can all rely on your judgement, eh?

    As to your 'similar Tory campaign'. Oh really? Name and shame. Or is this the usual smoke and mirrors bollox? And you clearly take the view that because a Tory 'may' have done something reprehensible that it's OK for every other political party to do the same.

    This case is actually in court. Your 'reported' case never got that far.

  15. This can't be the Lib dems being bad losers. For the DPP to even initiate a prosecution on this matter he must feel that the evidence available to him far more than likely will secure a prosecution.

  16. "Yet more evidence that it's the same old obnxious Labour Party..." Where are the Labour apparatchiks who were laying into Patrick Mercer (before Broon recruited him) now?

  17. Having been involved in a Lab-Lib Dem election in Lambeth last year where anonymous leaflets were distributed implying that a gay Lib Dem candidate was a paedophile this seems completely plausible.

    What we do know is that in Lambeth somebody anonymous found our candidate on a gay dating site and sent the information to the local papers and The Voice. A Labour councillor then commented on the piece attacking our gay candidate with some flimsy excuse about how he should be spending time on his constituents. The Labour party then put this attack on their website.

    Strangely only a gay Lib Dem candidate was targeted - not any of the Labour gay candidates.

  18. Grell means 'visually shrill' in German...

    I hope she goes to jail, not only for smearing her opponent[1] but also (and foremost) for sabotaging democracy.

    To those who say that 'but the LDs do xyz elsewhere' -- don't be daft, this is destructive anti-democratic shite, politics is already quite dodgy as it is, you shouldn't accept it getting worse.

    Shane, I like your blog entries so far, will you have your own blog when Iain returns?

    [1] She also put him at quite a dreadful risk with this, imagine if someone had decided to 'sort out the paediatrician'.

  19. This is an old story Iain....

    You'd have thought the trolls had learned that anything that begins this way is ignored.

    Maybe it's actually a trolling machine?

    Its been going on a while and most of the people agree that its the liberals being bad losers.

    would that be most Labour supporters?

    name them.

  20. Just give this a little time - I have confidence that Miranda will not be found guilty of these charges. The case will conclude by the end of the week, and it will most probably be the Lib Dems who have to face some tricky questions.

    For a much more balanced and detailed article than in The Times, see this from the Waltham Forest Guardian.

  21. Here's the latest update of day 2:

  22. I see two of the charges have now been dropped:

  23. This woman must be truly wicked knowing just how such allegations are viewed by the general public these days.

    Frankly I think Labour should get its own house in order before it tries to smear members of the BNP and other parties that show Labour up for the truly hideous party it really is.
