Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Today's Top Ten & Tonight on 18DS

Tonight we're compiling a list of TOP TEN REASONS THE LIBDEMS SHOULD DITCH MING. Your suggestions please...

And on tonight's 18 Doughty Street schedule tune in to...

8pm: Doughty News Hour with Sam Younger, Chairman of the Electoral Commission
9pm: One to One with Shireen Ritchie
9.30pm Brought to Book with Lionel Zetter: The Political Campaigning Handbook
10pm Vox Politics with Charles Miller, Kate Bevan and Will Howells


  1. i) He's Scottish; ii) he is too close to Labour- or the 'scottish cabal'; iii) He reminds me of Mr Grace from 'Are you being served?' iv) He really has no idea about anything apart from what is the best 'Worther's Original' flavour; v)He isn't gay; vi) I prefer a comedian as LibbyDem leader; vii)He could kark it before the next GE; viii) the voters don't want him (except in Fife NE); ix) He's crap at PMQ's; x) He has as much idea about leadership as John Major. That'll do!

  2. Have you started wearing glasses ?

  3. It would allow Nick Clegg to destroy the Lib Dem Alliance before the next election..

  4. It would allow Lemsip a crack at a new dawn...

  5. Iain,

    Surely you realise that Ming is good for the tories. Why bring further attention to this?


  6. simon - so, you don't fancy him then?

  7. It would enable him to start driving his Jaguar XJ-S again...

  8. bye bye Iain now you and Curly have sound,I dont want to hear adverts and music ,I can do that from the radio.

  9. Because he makes David Cameron look adequate

  10. It would enable him to do adverts on daytime TV for coffin-dodging services like :--

    The Over 50s plan by AXA

    Those funky walk-in baths

    SAGA holidays to the Greek Islands

    BUPA Care Homes

    Stannah Stairlifts

    Drugs to boost sexual function - Slogan could be "I'm the man that puts the Cialis into SoCialist.."

    [That's enough adverts, ED]

  11. Because the Upper House really needs a 'Lord Ming of Merciless'..

  12. Because they need a new consultant script editor for the next series of 'The Thick Of It'..

  13. It would enable him to join Gordon's Big Tent Circus with impunity.

  14. Kinglear- no i don't fancy him! Cheeky git! Now that lunatic LibDem blogger Rob Fenwick- that's another matter!

  15. 1) His incompetent leadership will lead to the loss of most LibDem MPs in the South of England (or is that a reason to keep him?)
    2) He will cause Hughne to lose his seat in Eastleigh, so we'll lose the presence of an ocean-going hypocrite
    3) It's simply embarrassing to see him on TV, asking difficult questions is like clubbing a seal
    4) He's stopping the younger and much better political generation coming into leadership (Laws and Clegg)
    and finally, and most importantly..
    5) He will prop-up his mate Gordon in any hung parliament in return for PR, which will grant disproportionate power to er, the Lib Dems

  16. Beacuse he’s old enough to be David Cameron’s great great grandfather.

  17. What eric the fish said. How true!

  18. Because the limited resources of the Liberal Democrats just can’t stand the cost of all the false teeth and incontinence wear.

  19. A source of mine tells me that Ashcrofts private polling has shown that Huhne will easily retain Eastleigh.

  20. Perhaps we should start with his Lib-Dem councillors who have nothing to say and little to offer, other than to sustain to local Labour Parties.

  21. Because getting the invalid buggy in and out of the Commons chamber will be a real palaver.

  22. Because he hasn't got any skeletons in his closet, which is ironic given that he looks like one.

  23. Because the UK political system needs a joke party and it would be a shame to see him destroy it.

  24. Bring back Kennedy - for all his flaws, and an unfortunate resemblance to Vidkun Quisling, at least you could actually LIKE him.

    Ming, meanwhile, looks like he's just been dug up from the ground.

  25. Because if he mentions Jo Grimond one more time . . .

  26. Because the LibDems could save a salary and no one would notice

  27. Because he needs to start rehearsing for the pantomine season.

  28. I'm not a Lib Dem; I can't think of any reason why I would want them to ditch him!

  29. Because having a leader who remembers the slave trade could cause tension with the black community.

  30. Because he helps to foster a negative stereotype of elderly people.

  31. 'Lazza Boyce'- i know you're a practicing.....Liberal Democrat, but shouldn't you have the decency to slag off Ming on the essentially crap LDV?! Now go off and say 10 'hail mary's' for indulging in unnatural practices such as Liberal Democracy!

  32. Because the LD's only get media attention during a leadership contest.

  33. Because the public don’t really want Marley’s ghost running the country.

  34. Because we need a leader who is up for it, as Lady Campbell would doubtless agree.

  35. ... because anything labelled "Ming" and as old as that is priceless and belongs in a museum

    Alan Douglas

  36. Because he might mistake the nuclear button for the emergency home help.

  37. Questions for Mr Younger.

    1. I'm always reading that Conservatives need to win a greater share of the vote at a general election to form a gov't than Labour do.

    Could you please ask Mr Younger if this is true, and if so what the Electoral Commission is doing to fix it?

    2. Douglas Carswell (MP for Harwich) suggested in an interview that multi-member constituencies might reduce the number of safe seats.

    Does Mr Younger think that would be a) desirable and b) do-able?

  38. Because he makes a complete horlicks of everything, when he should be drinking it instead.

  39. ... because he looks and sounds more like a senile grandfather than a political leader.

    ... because he's useless.

    ... because even the Lib Dems deserve better leadership than that!

  40. Because every time he goes to meet world leaders, he gets bundled out of the room by security, mistaking him for a confused elderly gentleman who has wandered in by accident.

  41. Because someone might fall down a flight of stairs into him and then we would have a huge job of putting all the pieces back together again.

  42. He's older than the average Conservative Party member

  43. Iain, couldn't you put a block on the Laurence Boyce prat?

    One comment from him is more than enough but 14 for this one posting is ridiculous.

    It spoils it for the rest of your readers.

  44. 1)Because it would mean that we never ever get to see again Jeremy Vine's excruciatingly embarrassing "Ming's bling" rap dance on the BBC's local election night. Do I need another reason?

  45. Because we hate Worthers' Originals.

  46. 1) Because Stena Stairlifts have been stuck for someone since Thora Herd died

    2) the Zimmers wan't their lead singer back

    3)Co-op needs someone to front its funeral planning adverts

    4) Flash Gordon hasn't been the same without him

    5)Because the Lib Dems promised to be Carbon Lifeform free by 2050

  47. he might get over-excited and I worry about his health.

  48. Only fourteen? It felt like more than that . . .

  49. Because his blog is a waste of precious bandwidth.

  50. Because we need a leader who can actually lead us to power, not just remember the last time we were in power.

  51. Ming is almost the same age as Churchill was when he became Prime Minister.

  52. 1. He's nice. But nice don't pay the rent.
    2. He's principled. But ditto.
    3. He's got no visible vices. But ditto.
    4. He allows monstrous hoaxes from chancers.
    5. He lets councillors sustain Lib-Con alliances.
    6. He's keeping Laurence from relaxing.
    7. He needs to have a word with Willie Rennie about cluster bomb hypocrisy.
    8. He need to have a word with part timer John Leech about standing up in Ealing to say NB would be a full timer.
    9. He is going to let that clown and blogger in Sedgefield do a runner to another constituency.
    10. Whether he goes or stays Lib Dems could lose 20-30 seats net. Going now will bring less blame.

  53. isnt he dead?
    surely that counts against him these days?

  54. Because it is Charles Kennedy's round again.

  55. Because we need a leader who doesn’t immediately think of his pot plants when somebody mentions the greenhouse effect.

  56. 1. He smell's like Old people.
    2. He's a Lib Dem.
    3. He likes Old Spice.
    4. He's Scottish (good point Simon)
    5. He's boring.
    6. He should be dead.
    7. He's got no pulse.
    8. He's got a do not resuscitate
    sign around his neck.
    9. He eats babies (maybe)
    10. He's crap!

  57. Because we need a leader who doesn’t automatically reach for a woolly cardigan when somebody mentions climate change.

  58. Because we need a leader who thinks of “low energy usage” in terms of party policy, not as some sort of personal philosophy.

  59. Because we need a leader who enjoys a fine old wine, not a fine old whine.

  60. Because we need a leader who makes us all laugh. With him, not at him.

  61. Because we need a leader who is on the ball, not off the boil.

  62. What Charles Kennedy thinks about Ming’s performance:

    “I’d rather have a full bottle in front of me, than a full frontal lobotomy.”

  63. Because we just can’t take it any more.

  64. Because ming is a tired old thing, however Kennedy is not the remedy.

  65. The unwanted Laurence Boyce entries would not be quite so bad if they were not accompanied by that ugly face.

  66. The anonymous comments on this Blog would not be so bad if they were not routinely loaded with spite and venom.

    Iain, why don’t you just switch them off for good?
