Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Quips of Alan Johnson

On Health Minister and practising surgeon Ali Darzi:
The Conservatives had ministers who could stitch you up. We've got one who
can cut you open as well.

On Dawn Primarolo who moved to the Department of Health this year after a decade being "incarcerated at The Treasury.

This is indeed the era of a new Dawn.

Boom boom. It's the way he tells 'em.


  1. ...and thank goodness. A friend at HMRC was sick of seeing her name all the bl**dy time. Yes, I know it's wrong of me to have a friend that works there :>D

  2. Neither of those jokes was funny..

  3. You seem rather irritable this morning, Iain. Been reading too many opinion polls?

  4. Mr Newton 'He who hesitates is lost' - And Mr Brown has hesitated and is going to spend the next 6 - 9 mths watching his poll lead evaporate and panicking as he contemplates being the sulking 'Ted Heath' of Labour for the next decade...

  5. I find myself strangely unmoved by the efforts of the minister's gag writers. Could this be because my cancer stricken wife was told to go home and choke to death because there wasn't a single free bed available at our local hospital?

  6. It's Aru Darzi, the man who wants every expectant mother to have two named midwives throughout her pregnancy -

    at a time when there is a big freeze on midwife recruitment because the Hospital Trusts in are in deep financial doo-doo.

  7. Politicians who aren't funny? Please sir no! You are disturbing my sensibilities!

  8. last year, when education secretary, "the Tories think a creche is something that happens between two Range Rovers in Tunbridge Wells ..."
