Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pull British Troops Out of Iraq – and Other Ways to Clutch at Straws


He’s back, and this time he’s got a camera. Yes it’s Ming 2.0 and this time he’s coming at you not with an offering that stands actively opposed to common sense – strange as that may seem – but rather one crafted with one goal in mind… to clutch at straws:

Whether you agree with the war in Iraq or not, surely it’s difficult not to feel that Ming’s latest offering is anything but tokenistic and opportunistic.

Hmm, I’ve criticised Ming twice today and feel kind of bad about it... I mean it’s like clubbing a baby seal.


  1. After god knows how man ytakes THAT was the best they had....

    time to go ming the useless

  2. "I mean it’s like clubbing a baby seal"

    Yes, but not quite as much fun...

  3. Can't believe any Tory has the gall to speak a word about Iraq. Now, when are we getting the confession that you were either:
    (i) catastrophically wrong?
    (ii) unforgivabley stupid?

  4. There is of course an old trick. Find out that something is going to be announced and then demand it takes place. Waiting until after it has been announced - even though it was obviously coming - shows just how off the pace the Lib Dems and W Menzies Campbell are these days.

    They have always been opportunistic on the war. Some of them supported it on the QT. And on the ground where I was - about to get a bloody nose in a local government election (May 2003) I watched one of them jig out a joyful little war dance when shock and awe started.

    From getting stuffed in 2001 he was in with a chance and he literally seemed to dance for joy. Hopefully he'll finally get nailed next May. A useless and arrogant self publicist with no discernible politics on the war or anything else.

  5. Beginning to get the hang of this politics stuff now, are you Chris Paul?

    Labour slag off Tories about cuts, etc. LibDems play fast and loose depending on who they are talking to. Conservatives take the centre ground.

    Labour say the Conservatives are lurching to the right. LibDems lurch left then right then left again. Conservatives sit on the centre ground.

    And so it goes on. All noises, Chris. No real substance - from any of them.

  6. Britain shouldn't have joined in the premature invasion of Iraq but only those who opposed it from the start--including Mr. Campbell--have a leg to stand on when criticizing the war. For everyone else (eg H. Clinton, Lantos, Schumer, Kerry), it's pure politics: they "reluctantly" supported the invasion when the national sentiment was running bellicose, then made a hairpin turn when the grassroots started complaining about the deathtoll. Mr. Campbell may not be a statesman but at least he's consistent and, in this case, consistently correct.

  7. "I've been sitting here all day thinking
    Same old thing ten years away thinking
    Now my days are gone, memories linger on
    Thoughts of when I was boy

    Penny-farthings on the street riding
    Motorcars were funny things, frightening
    Bow and hoops and spinning tops
    Annie Gretzel's lollipops
    Comic cuts, all different things
    Grandad, grandad you're lovely
    That's what we all think of you
    Grandad, grandad you're lovely
    That's what we all think of you
    Grandad grandad

    Areoplanes tied up with string flying
    Telephones and talking things sighing
    A radio and phonograph, Charlie Chaplin made us laugh
    Silently falling about
    Familiar things I keep around, near me
    Memories of my younger days, clearly
    Now it's in my mind?
    Everyday I find, thoughts of when I was boy

    Grandad, grandad you're lovely
    That's what we all think of you
    Grandad, grandad you're lovely
    That's what we all think of you
    Grandad, grandad

    Grandad, grandad

    Grandad, grandad "

  8. Maybe it should be 'Ming the not-very-Merciless'?

  9. ' clubbing a baby seal..' - Hmm.. It is a bit of a 'soft target' - I mean it is not as if Ming will ever be Prime Minister.

    Couldn't you focus on how the Lib Dems, the alleged party of PR / Fair Votes and thus, in principle, in favour of coalitions, couldn't get their act together to defeat Labour in the Welsh Assembly as half of their members couldn't agree on a deal ??

  10. The once proud Liberal party, now in its LibDem incarnation is being destroyed by a corrosion from the centre. An incompetent leader that doesn't have a clue. Demand (with faux gravitas) something that is already happening
    ....but as Ming is such a "foreign policy expert" he should explain the impact of this policy on the people of Iraq and on our relationship with the US...

  11. Ming may be clutching at straws? Yes.
    But compared to David Cameron he's not alienating his key core support AND pissing of possible voters by talking of raising taxes in incoherent and ill thought out ways..

    I could weep. If the CP was a dog, it would be taken out and shot to put it out of its misery.

    I speak as a Conservative supporter:-((

  12. 'Can't believe any Tory has the gall to speak a word about Iraq.'

    The closed Lib Dim mind again.

  13. Or could you focus on how Labour and the Tories conspired to drag us into the greatest foreign policy disaster in British history?

  14. Ralphy, what was your position on Iraq - reckless fool or naive idiot towing the NuLab line?

  15. Just watched George W on the box.
    What was he talking about-withdrawing American troops from Iraq!
