Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Prezza, Prezza, Prezza!!!

Two shags, jags, um jabs(?) is about to depart the scene, the fat lady has sung, and Hull is looking for a successor MP. But who will take the big man’s place, who will be able to fill his shoes (figuratively of course). It would seem that, surprise surprise, Prezza junior is getting ready to announce his desire to stand in his Father’s seat. Aww. Really though, there’s nothing quite so touching as a son following his father into the family business (provided of course the son is qualified for the job).

Fear not though, Dave Prescott has since last July taken the time to ensure his local credentials and strong roots in Hull are there for all to see. And it’s a good job too because for a while there I thought he had next to no links with Hull. But how wrong I was, how silly of me to be thrown by the fact he’s spent almost his entire adult working life in London, that he took a demotion at the BBC so he could move back to London from Hull in 2003/2004. But then it’s difficult to hold that against him, I mean who wouldn’t prefer life in London if they got to live in a nice flat provided by the RMT at a very agreeable rate, and then a flat in Greenwich provided by Prezza himself.

Now I’m not saying Dave should be excluded from taking his father’s place because of his tenuous links with the constituency. If he’s the right candidate for Hull then he’s the right candidate, end of. But shouldn’t he at least be open with the people of Hull, admit he doesn’t have the best links with the constituency, but that he brings things to the table other than strong links with the community that make him the right person for the job?

If Dave wants to represent the people of Hull perhaps he should start by providing a more accurate representation of himself. His desire to harness the power of the blogosphere is laudable, but at the moment his blog is little more than three months of misinformation.


  1. Rumour is that Boris's dad is up for the Henley seat in the unlikely event that his offspring gets to be mayor of London. What are you views about a father taking over a son's seat, one with which neither of them had much contact with until quite recently?

  2. The name 'Prescott' still makes me feel quite nauseous.

  3. Oh how you scoff....Maybe you should get that Political giant Adam Ricketts to stand against him.

  4. Good post that . I would love to know what went on with all those dodgy property deals Prezza ( the conflict of interest) Jumnor and Senior ushered through.

  5. Hi Eric,

    Personally speaking I've never felt local links are particularly indicative of a candidates ability to represent the people of a given area. What I find annoying though is when candidates (or aspiring candidates) go to extreme lengths to give evidence of community links they don't have.

    As for Boris' father, I don't know anything about him.

  6. The history of British politics is littered with "nepotism" and politically incestuous relationships and "party elites"- the Labour Party is no different to any other party in this regard.

    If "Prezza" wants his son to "inherit" his seat and the Hull Constituency Party are prepared to vote for him then that's up to them - quite frankly who cares ! They could put up anybody for the Labour Party candidate and they'd get in by a landslide in that part of the country just as the opposite holds true for the Conservative Party in parts of the South East

  7. Reading that blog, he sounds like a right prat.

  8. Come, come now Mr Greer, let us not be too hard on the lad - anyone who shows such early promise at getting on the gravy train, and then potential for getting his snout in the trough has surely cleared the first two hurdles in meeting the criteria necessary for a life in politics ??

    Surely he only has to prove that his pork sword is up to the, ahem, job in hand and he will be a shoo in for the Hull Constituency at the next General Erection.. ?

  9. See your 'ol mate Jim Davidson has been up to his old tricks Iain, do hope the Tory Party will send back his donations in disgust.


  10. I hear he makes his Dad look like Dirk Diggler... some interesting further reading about him on Popbitch.

  11. He's a good looking chap isnt he?
    His wife also looks cute as a button.
    Probably got his dads brains and his mothers looks.

  12. No doubt the denizens of Hull will do what they always do and pin the tail of whichever donkey is wearing the red rosette.

    When are we going to get a democracy, exactly? Or at least a meritocracy?

  13. Living in an Old Labour heartland,I've noticed that the party is far more wedded to the hereditary principle than the Tories ever have been.

  14. Apparently Hull hasn't had a Hull born MP since William Wilberforce.

    The question we should all ask Dave Prescott is - if he is so Hull why did he marry in London - Westminster I think and why did he host all those parties in Admirality Arch over the past few years. Are yes, he loved to ship his friends from Hull down to his home in London to booze it up at Admirality Arch.

    Surely, any true Hull lad would prefer to be out on Beverley Road or doing the old Town rather than hanging out in softy London.

    Still, his pretent support on his blog for Rovers is most amusing!

  15. Surely this is not the same Dave Prescott who once went for work experience at his local paper, the Hull Daily Mail, only to be dismissed by the news editor as too stupid to be given a regular job?

  16. Well, sooner that than the other possibilities: someone thrown out last time as an MP in the South (or, indeed, in the Yorkshire gin and jag belt...), or some public school and Oxbridge backroom boy, or some Tory defector.

    Prescott has probably made the announcement of his retirement so early in order to ensure the succession of his son instead. At least under the circumstances, good for him.

  17. What ever happened to "politics for adults"?

    This is why Tories lose guys. You talk like losers, gossip like losers and take the level of discussion down to the floor. then the gutter and then the sewer.

    You're happier repeating Daily Mail vitriol than talking about policy. Like moronic gossips gaggled in a factory canteen howling about the boss, you people cannot help yourselves.

    It quite clear that none of you have the faintest idea about this guy or what he's up to but it doesn't stop this wretched character assassination and gutter rumours.

    You must realise that when people refer to "the nasty party", they are not referring exclusively to parliamentarians - it's you salivating jerks and non-stories like this one that puts everyone off you.

    You'll be out of power for another generation. Good luck.

  18. rumours tony? - no. facts yes. What puts people off politics most are dissembling individuals like David Prescott who want to paint an unrepresentative 'Rosey' picture of themselves in order to try and get what they can out of public life for personal gain and not altruism and a sense of public service. If David Prescott wants to put his head above the parapet, he also has to be prepared for some home truths and to answer some questions about himself and his past. He may see a Parliamentary seat as his inheritance, but let's hope there are more genuine people of substance out there who are able to keep the crown from his greasy grasp.

  19. I'm assuming 'tony' is the same Tony Hannon who is roaming the internet responding to any negative Dave Prescott comments. Prescott must be seriously worried if he already has 'friends' rebutting stories and seeking to hide the truth. I wonder who he is...

  20. well greer, that last prep. was b+ at best.
    vocab & grammer ok, but thrust of argument poor.
    you have surely heeded the natural revulsion of directly inherited power, but hav entirely failed to recognise this as a fundamentally progressive,republican and democratic stance.
    i can only assume that the indisposed mr. dale considers your services to be of such delight that he apere to hav abandoned that most conservative of principles; censorship
