Monday, September 17, 2007

PC Copperfield Exposed

PC David Copperfield has been outed. He writes The Policeman's blog. He's decided to quit the Police and join the Canadian Police Force. Tonight's Panorama at 8.30pm explains why.


  1. I think you mean "quit" not "quite".

    Thanks for the tip on his move to Canada, I was wondering how he could keep his job here after ending his anonymity. A shame if he stops blogging though, I have found his website and book most readable.

  2. I hope he carries on blogging at his new location. He has done a great job exposing the horlicks the government has made of policing in this country.

  3. Of course Home Office minister Tony Mcnulty (he of only 13,000 eastern european immigrants a year to come to Britain infamy & lie) who said in the House of Commons that Copperfields blog was more of a fiction than Dickens, will be shown again what an egregious liar he is when this Panorama program is shown tonight. The police deserve better than this chancer.

  4. Outed? By who? By himself.

    Or is this more BBC smearing?

  5. robin - but he is going to Canada !
    I suspect that they do things rather differently over there ! After all, the Getties always mount their man !

    [Surely Mounties always get their man ? Ed]

  6. Talk about a careful copper. At least he wasn't 'dooced'. I bet his new employer will be checking his ICT profile each and every day.

  7. So that explains how he can be so relaxed about appearing as himself. A two fingered salute to the Home Office as he clears Customs!

    I also hope he continues blogging - he would have a pretty unique angle comparing the UK police with however the Cannucks do things.

  8. This is nu-labour all over: shoot the messenger. Do what ever to cover a story up and run some spin. Anything but actually DO anything about the problem.

    David Cameron would have the election in his hands if he would only look at the obvious which is screaming out, from PC Copperfield and others, and stop doing photo ops on the back of dog sledges in Norway!

    Take a look around. Conservative councils are run better. This is what people want to hear.

    COME ON!!!!! Do it Dave.

  9. Sorry I'm confused. I've been reading Iain's blog for a few weeks and have learnt that everything output by the BBC is a pack of lies.

    But now I read that "Tonight's Panorama at 8.30pm explains why" suggesting that it will be telling nothing but the truth.

    Blogs, what are they like?

  10. This website is taking an age to load.

  11. Poor bloke. You could really feel his pain when you read the blog, he cared so much but just got shafted every time by the bureaucracy.

  12. Come back soon Iain. This has become like a broken record Ming.....Ming.....Ming....Ming....

  13. I think quite a few in the blogging community, including probably Iain, knew his identity for quite a while. I am surprised to took so long to leak out. The UK is losing a good copper; but no one who reads his blog is shocked he is leaving.

  14. Read his blog for a very long time with a mix of laughs, disbelief and sadness.

    A PC who wanted to do his job but royally shafted by bits of paper and pointless targets.

    I've never trusted any Labour MP on law and order and a fair few Chief Constables too.

    Our loss is Canada's gain definitely

  15. Panorama has been bounced around the BBC schedules for years now, so it's not exactly been flavour of the month for a very long time with the BBC heirachy. No wonder.

  16. Yet another fine Englishman banished from the kingdom for contempt of bureaucracy. How long will Britain have to bleed talent before someone calls for some substantive change?

  17. Copperfield is a legend. Superb blog and book (which has been seen in McNulty's department).

    Also had a few good decoys running. A London bobby told me in that a Met cop had been disciplined for Copper's blog.

    Need to find a way of keeping him in the loop when it comes to sorting out the police service in the UK.

  18. lunartalks said (1:03 PM)
    "Come back soon Iain. This has become like a broken record Ming.....Ming.....Ming....Ming...."

    Haven't you noticed that the LibDumb annual conference has just, has been going, has just

    OK, lunartalks, I see your point....
