Friday, September 07, 2007

The MP Who Didn't Know His Arse From His Facebook

I just read this on the Holy Moly weekly email. Who can they betalking about?
A mole's friend works for a local MP and managed to wangle some very impressive backstage passes for the recent Leeds festival. Normally, the MP is less than generous with his gifts, so what possibly could have motivated him to pull some strings and get his intern such a highly-valued prize?

The MP in question regards himself as 'a pretty cool guy', to the extent that he has fired up the internet and flung his profile onto Facebook. Unfortunately, one of the files he managed to upload was a large movie file of himself engaging in a very noisy threesome with two married people from his office.

The mole's friend noticed the clip and had a polite but firm word with the Member, explaining the concept of the internet and issues such as 'privacy settings'. The grateful MP deleted the files then moved heaven and earth to reward his new best friend.

Perhaps the MP should have used THIS new social networking site instead.


  1. Did the "mole's friend" keep a copy for posterity?

  2. This talk of moles sounds a bit fishy to me

  3. Who was it? Do you have any Leeds?

  4. Any chance that video might be used for some juicy blackmailing in the future? (which would be morally wrong, of course)

  5. Tapestry, another clue please. I've searched for all of the Leeds MPs on Facebook, none of them are on there.

  6. Are we allowed to swear now Ian? :D

  7. You don't say whether the two married people were married to one another!

  8. The mole's friend sounds like a real spoilsport....

  9. how many MPs are on facebook?

    how many have recently started there?

    that should narrow it down?

    then who's in the Leeds area?

    please report back your findings anonymous.

  10. Lots of people go to the Leeds festival who have nothing at all to do with Leeds!

  11. Of course, the article didn't say it is a Leeds MP, but you could infer it's someone whose constituency is near Leeds.

    Now, who do we know who talks a lot of balls and has a constituency in West Yorkshire?......

  12. Sounds like typical Tory behaviour to me! Same Old tories....!
