Tuesday, September 25, 2007


David Miliband is dying on his feet. The audience has gone to sleep. And I love the way the cameras keep cutting to Dennis Skinner. Do they do this during every speech?


  1. Sure the audience aren't reading your blog?

  2. Thanks Iain - you watch it so we don't have to ! (Having said that the boy Miliband wasn't exactly sitting up straight and paying attention himself during the headmasters lecture yesterday was he?)

  3. Bloody hell he's tedious.
    Thank God, he's just finished!

  4. I always thought he must be astonishingly dull.

    Presumably Blinker Balls, with his glass of wine, sorry SMALL glass of wine, on a Sunday and Babysham (not too much ice!) on Christmas morning is the Party animal of the Cabinet.

  5. Every time Miliband speaks I think of the Monty Python Lion Tamer skit.


  6. "Miliband storms conference"
    My prediction for the headline in The Daily Brownograph tomorrow.

  7. Looks like a school kid,talks like a schoolkid and his slow non-gravitas delivery is comical.Just turn it into a training film on "How not to do it"
    PS-has he sat down yet?

  8. Given the noted success of the speeches made by your old boss David Davis we bow to your far superior knowledge of the dull speech ;-)


  9. What colour is he dieing ? :)

  10. I cannot believe people actually watch party conferences on TV. And not even there own party. I just can't imagine sitting through a politician's speech voluntarily. It's the kind of thing that would get Danny Glover all in a lather if you forced it on the internees at Gitmo. Worse even than 12 hours of Paul Abdul played at full volume.

  11. When Balls is not blinking furiously his eyes have a certain limpid doe-like look to them. After l'affaire Babycham perhaps we should call him Bambi Balls.

    Trivial stuff I know but it's things like this that can dog a politician's reputation. At least Cameron was a proper hellraiser when he was younger (allegedly). Can't see the Bullingdon Boys downing double Babychams with a rakish flourish, somehow.

  12. Dieing?????????????????

  13. Iain, You couldn't give Dave, David or William a quick call to ask them, just perhaps, maybe, if they have the time, TO GET BUSY ON THE MSM/BiasedBBC/Sky to shoot holes in the Brown, Johnson or Milibloggers speeches.

    They really don't have to wait to next week. Further, as that Labour sychophant Naughtie is in London this week, does that mean we get his 3 minutes questions next week? Heavens help us.

    Oh, and what happened to the exposure of bribery at Citizens's "juries" that you reported last Sunday. Nothing? Is there anyone home at CCHQ?

    We are lucky that the dour one hasn't the "courage" to call an election. Jeez.

  14. I can't understand why you havn't posted the Scandinavian TV host who projectile vomited, live, on the quiz show she was presenting.

    I sent it to you for moments just like this.

  15. God, this is boring. Parsing socialists' speeches and lists of blogs. And the site stays static for hours on end.

    Out of here until the end of the day at least. D-o-o-o-z-e.

  16. To be fair to Milliband, ministers are under orders this year to keep their speeches very short and no grandstanding.

    Mustn't outshine Sta..sorry, Brown after all.

  17. Milli-whatsit is a member of the borg.

  18. "Dieing"?

    Laudable multi-tasking by the lad.

    www.dictionary.com says that is the machine stamping kind of "dieing".


  19. Labour tool smears hero


    "Anyone spotting a tear in the eye of Sarah Brown during Gordon’s speech could be forgiven for thinking her husband’s moving speech was the cause. Word from the Conference hall suggests that perhaps the body odour of the national hero seated next to her might have been a more likely cause."

    I do not know what is worse the Thatcher death item or the above. No wonder recess monkey has no hope for a seat.

  20. The Tory Gordograph has "David Miliband (sic) calls for restraint in Burma"

    The people of Burma deserve our help to remove the monstrous junta and to restore Aung San Suu Kyi to power.

  21. If you think the NuLab rats are tedious just wait till the fake tories start up with their happy index/windmills/extra taxes/pseudo caring, sharing, happy clappy, fake socialist agenda! I promise that you will feel the urgent need to top yourself if you are stupid enough to tune in!
    The commisar mutual masturbation junkets should carry a mental health warning!

  22. I am very worried.

    I have agreed with nearly everything Verity has said recently.

    Next up, some snide remarks about the BBC and the top 100 anarcho-syndicalist blogs written entirely in esperanto.

    Also, let's laugh at the Lib Dems a little bit and then we'll pretend we're not going to get creamed at the next election.

    Did I mention I have a book coming out?

  23. Watching this afternoon's debates has been interesting. One bloke from Tottenham made a speech which would have him kicked out of the Tory party for being too right-wing - he got an ovation.

    Then the union beasts came on attacking New Labour and the government. And yet they say that the Tories are divided.

  24. Hmm, Miliband said - 'there must be "humility" and a recognition that "while there are military victories there never is a military solution"'.

    So Hitler was, in fact, defeated by a resolution passed at the League of Nations ?

  25. Is it just me or has this whole Labour Conference been a complete flop after all the hype??
    Brown set the party off by uncorking the champagne bottle too early with barely any fizz, it quickly became very flat and virtually unpalatable after that.

  26. The first time I met David Miliband, he was Schools Minister and I was a supply teacher.

    He asked what I did, I told him, and I then added (truthfully, at the time) that the worst school in which I had ever worked was in his constituency, so what was he going to do about it? He just giggled, and walked on to the next person.

    I then heard him speak soon afterwards, when he described the disparity within schools (often as great as, or even greater than, that between them) as "which teacher you are given"!

    His pitch for Labour Leader ended up being published in the Daily Telegraph for a laugh, after the Guardian refused to print it because it was so bad.

    And if he really had doubts about Iraq or Lebanon, then he should have resigned, and deserves nothing but scorn and contempt for his failure to do so.

    So all you little Millies out there, please get off the bandwagon of those who insist that a Prime Minister must have an Oxford degree or (if needs must) no degree at all, the basis for the BBC's campaign for Miliband, astonishingly still going on, and apparently joined this afternoon by the Guardian.

  27. It's no good asking the actual Official Opposition to actually Oppose. Don't forget Dave said that where the government has policies we can agree on - we'll support them .........trouble is Gordon's actual conference speech didn't say anything that couldn't have been said by a Tory Leader and to be honest there's probably a lot of people who would normally vote Conservative and should be guaranteed to do so after this last God-Awful decade who are thinking that Gordon isn't so bad after all - perhaps he should have another 5 or even 10 years in power ? When they compare Gordon's performance during the last 3 months to Dave and his happy clappy environmentalists. They better step "up to the plate" pretty sharpish or they're going to get absolutely "creamed" if Gordon calls an autumn election.

  28. Look on the bright side folks, at least we have gotten rid of verity, for a little while..

    I've never understood why Ed and Dave don't just swap places. Ed looks far more like a cabinet minister. Although he does have an unfortunate ability to look like a rabbit caught in car's headlights when on telly.

  29. Has Her Majesty's Opposition made an issue yet of the blatant bribery that went on at the recent citizen's jury (sic) attended by Brown where hand-picked attendees were each given £75 in a brown paper envelope in return for voting to close their District General Hospital?

  30. I agree with Nick. Where the hell is the opposition?! The silence is deafening.

  31. Do you think he took a taxi to the conference or did his mummy drive him?

  32. Anonymous 4.49 wrote:

    'I've never understood why Ed and Dave don't just swap places. Ed looks far more like a cabinet minister.'

    Ed Miliband is in the Cabinet.

  33. where are the damn tories?????? A wide open goal and cameron aint got his boots on again.

  34. It was boring and highlighted how weak Labour's foreign policy is.


  35. I'm beginning to believe that the Tories are a cross between a "Red Indian" and a "Bat". They don't fight at night and sleep all day.

    As usual (yaaawwn!) the batteries depleted on the Dulux bunny, so they sit there playing with themselves, or using a photo of Gordy as a dart board...and all because they're too scared to face him.

    I really can't watch this coming conference for fear of lobbing my coffee cup through the almost new plasma that Dave wants me to trash!
