Monday, September 10, 2007

Making a Splash

Just as well I didn't go with this early prototype design, isn't it? Courtesy of the Luke Akehurst parody blog.


  1. Its a good represntation of the search for Camerons Tory policies

  2. What a tremendously unamusing site the link in this post takes us to. Honestly haven't these folk anything better to do with their time (like putting silly comments on your blog for example)? Bring back national service for cyberspace layabouts say I...

  3. Hasn't anyone told you? You can't make crop circles in water.

  4. Surely 'moving purely in the confines of Royal Tunbridge Wells, far away from the smoke and pollution of Westminster' ?

  5. Harsh, and not particularly fair!

    I'm sure that everyone on this blog likes having you around, even if it's just so that they can make some ridiculous comment or claim about you.
