Monday, September 03, 2007

The Little Book of Boris - Coming Soon to a Bookshop Near You

To mark the launch of Boris's mayoral campaign I've compiled the LITTLE BOOK OF BORIS - it's at the printers now and we'll be launching it at the Conservative Party Conference. It's a collection of quotes, a Boris CV with lots of fantastic Boris cartoons from Hoby. Retail price is £4.99, but you can pre-order it from £3.99 HERE.

PS And before anyone asks, there is no mention of ********** or ********** ******. Due to political correctness gone mad I could not mention these words in the book (or indeed here) for fear of being accused of being a racist by Livingstone's sock puppets.


  1. Does it mention Darius Guppy, Colin Lucas or Anna Fazackerley?

  2. Mr Dale:

    I notice you have not bothered to update your previous blog entry re Patrick Mercer and John Bercow.

    Now that more information is available perhaps it might be appropriate?

  3. I do not know about the rest of your 'readers' Iain, but I am finding the contributions of this juvenile boothroyd...just that, juvenile!

    At least Boris has got gravitas not like the nonentity boothroyd.

    I have always admired people who stand by their friends....'a friend in need is a friend indeed'Something many cannot comprehend.

    Boothroyd please climb back into the sewer you have come from!

  4. Strapless. Boothroyd is a Haemmorhoid on the bum of mediocrity. Let's try not to mention him eh?

    I don't think I shall be buying a book about Boris that has been edited for political correctness. I mean, how many pages does that leave?

  5. "Sock puppet" has become an overused sad old bloggers' cliché. Do you think its use makes you seem hip?

  6. Guppy? Nothing happened. At all.

    Last week on BBC4 Michael Howard said he was working in the 1970s as a government barrister for the Archway Motorway project.

    Apparently, at a hearing the inquiry chairman was chased through the building by the antis.

    He claimed he had to stand between Red Ted Knight and Ken Livingstone to stop the two mad lefties physically attacking the chairman.

    Why do the Leninities think that nobody can remember Ken's behaviour over the last 30 years.

  7. If it doesn't mention all those controversial things it's no wonder it is quite small.

    An update is also required re the Head Head who has walked as Deputy Treasurer as it seems Gordon has a role for him too.

  8. The sockpuppets certainly seem out to make things exciting for us all. If you think that juvenile comment posting is exciting, that is.

  9. Michael Ancram, come on down !!

  10. "Taxi for four, please Mr Dale!"

    How much do you get paid for talking all that tosh on Radio 5? More than you'd get for being a taxi driver, I bet?

    But it does bring to mind that remarkably violent and vivid film where the taxi driver plans the bloody end of a politician. Perhaps that's why you had these thoughts tonight? Bercow definitely but not Mercer - he's a good guy.

  11. Radio 5: 12.40am Tuesday 4/09/07:

    When will this torture end? I decided to listen to the wit and wisdom of Iain Dale in his role of Conservative commentator on this vaccuous radio programme. What on earth is Iain doing on this bizarre and pointless show? Kissing cat's arses would be more interesting (and slightly less distasteful than kissing Iain) but that's about it.

    Oh, except that Michael Ancram (who-he?) thinks we should all go back to basics and sack David Cameron, bring back Margaret Thatcher, etc.

    Underwhelming to say the least. I will be wasting my time again.

  12. Why is that with all the mud thrown at Boris nobody seems to have picked up on the Times article about Kens new chum Chavez threatening the Falkands and the British navy.

    Whilst Ken has always been a traitor to his country surely this tops the lot!

  13. Finally decided not to vote Tory; had enough of your aping Labour. Don't want to live in one party state. Boris has blown it for me by saying in the Evening Standard that he supports mass immigration. He has just lost every white working class vote in London. You people are stupid beyond comparison. We need an economic and social collapse fast.

  14. A concerned citizen writes...

    Does this mean that Michael Ancram will be challenging David Cameron for the leadership ? Or will he try and usurp Bozza's mayoral bid ?

    After all, it is not as if he has failed in any previous leadership elections, or anything, now is it ?

  15. Houston ? We have a problem !

  16. Iain,

    The new banner doesn't change colour. What happened?

  17. Well done for supporting Boris against the evil Livingstone Iain. On Mercer .....I think you have said everything there is to say.

    I know people get fed up with me commenting approvingly and longwindedly here but the fact is agree almost precisely with your take on things ..what can I do..I `m too busy to edit .Anyway can anyone help discover the funding of Compass whish seems to come froma trust called
    The Ameil and Melburn Trust who said ....

    "Compass will success in their revolutionary struggle to implement representative socialist democracy. You can't stop them whilst we fund them and you can't find out who funds us! "

    They have an essay up at the moment including these chilling nuggets

    ‘Until parliament is elected by proportional representation, Labour will be unable to exert a strong and continuous influence on the political agenda. ........Every child needs to be able to spend regular amounts of time away from their home community, learning about other communities, cultures and languages. .......An important short term objective for Compass is to concentrate Labour Party thinking about how to use EU institutions more effectively, in concert with social democrats in the other 26 member states. The transition from the horizon of a single state to the perspective of a multi-state organisation will not be easy for professional Labour politicians. Compass has a crucial role to play in helping them to make it...............a practical, legitimate means by which the collective will in Britain can be determined. …s........., e.g., citizens’ juries and internet polling, ....................
    ...............For a political party or movement to be able to achieve a majority for a particular goal or programme is not sufficient ground for claiming that the goal or programme is legitimate or sacrosanct..... Hence the importance of a written constitution and collective adherence to it..’

    They want to end democracy. Naturally they support ken Livingstone but with whose money ?
