Thursday, September 20, 2007

If Mourinho or Nick Clegg Need Advice...

A friend of mine (a Spurs supporter) has just phoned me from inside Stamford Bridge. He's there for a non football related business meeting. Hilariously, Job Centre Plus are holding a seminar at Stamford Bridge this morning too. I wonder if the 'special one' will show up.

And to all those awaiting my return with baited breath, I shall be back in the chair from tomorrow morning. I'm off to do another theatre show with La Widdecombe in Cheltenham tonight, so will no doubt have something to report from that. Sadly I shall miss Ming's speech this morning. It seems the LibDems have their very own Miss Widdecombe in Lady Elspeth. THIS made me smile. Poor Nick Clegg.


  1. Forget trivia, there are some fundamentally imprtant issues at stake today.

    The orchestrated attempt by Gordon Brown to scapegoat Mervyn King over Northern Rock is disgraceful.

    If anyone should be in the dock it's:

    1. Hector Santi at the FSA who allowed NR to lower their lending standards last year,

    2. The NR executives who caried out this reckless business model,

    3 Gordon Brown, who's hand is behind everything.

    King, quite rightly, didn't want to bale out a corrupt and failing bank with a blank cheque of taxpayers money but he was over-ruled by Brown who is now trying to destroy him.

    Vince Cable of the LibDms has today spoken out in King's defence. Are we going to hear from George Osborne or has he gone back to sleep?

  2. Have fun with Widders!

  3. I thought it was quite a nice little story actually. Elspeth's comments were upfront and to the point, which comes across as a much better way of doing things. It also showed what a non-story the whole thing was as Nick and Ming laughed it off.

    I do think that the press are seriously clutching at straws on this one. Then again, the only other newsworthy story was a tax on plastic bags. (hang on, didnt Iain Dale blog about that recently??)

  4. Welcome back. Can you please re-iterate to the Tories that they are HM Opposition and can they please undertake that task. Insufficient use is being made of the present political situation to well and truly undermine the status of Brown and any belief in his fiscal prudence and competence


  5. Perhaps they could find something for Dave -post election!

  6. "baited" breath..? hav you cuaght anething?

  7. good grief..! the always awful david mellor apere to hav elbowed his way to the front & is currently spouting forth on Views24 on the whole subjeck...what an unpleasant buffoon.

  8. I sure Sir Alex would be happy to give Jose a job as a tea boy.

  9. please ask widdy about the pasta commercials.

  10. Ann is one of the few politicians I would sit at the same table with.

    Any chance she might have dinner with me?

  11. Ann for Queen. DC for PM, Iain for Chief Whip and Gordon retired to his Dacha in Siberia. We can all dream.

  12. Oh no! The crazy spinster and the barking bachelor together in town. No pontificating about family values I hope.

    Has Ms W told our MP that she'll be campaigning in his constituency or are you sneaking her in whilst he's away at the seaside? Don't forget to ask the strange old thing what she feels about your party leader being even less popular than his is...

  13. One feels sorry for all those poor losers hoping to make a buck betting on Martin Jol to fall first in the 'sack race'.

    Any danger Spurs might try some creative accounting to lure him in for the rest of the season ? Mind you with a £ 25 million payoff in the offing, he could do it 'pro bono' just to spite Mr Abramovich..
