Friday, September 07, 2007

Fink & Dale: Twofer the Price of One

Danny Finkelstein on Comment Central has started doing what he calls TWOFER webcam conversations. This is the latest one, with him and me talking about social liberalism. The sound is a bit wobbly and I apologise for the appallingly untidy bookshelves behind me. That's my task for today...


  1. Sorry, fascinating though a conversation between two Tory has beens must be, I've got some shed roof glue to watch drying (no really)...

  2. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Conservatives are much worse at the technical stuff than the other parties?

  3. Is this the new Morecambe and Wise show?

  4. Iain - Finkelstein referred to you as a friend of Anne Widdecombe's...just one "A friend of Widdecombe" a new kind of euphamism for certain parts of the Tory party?

  5. What disapointed me about that clip was that Iain didnt shout

    OI !
    SLAP 'ED !

    In broadest Essexese

    F*** consensus politics ,what we want to see is vicious personal abuse. Or is it just me?
