Friday, September 28, 2007

EXCLUSIVE: Labour Commissions Events Management Company for October

Labour uses an events management company called Potcakes to stage their events. Apparently this company have been put on standby to work exclusively for Labour for the whole of October. I understand they expect the commission to be "confirmed" on Tuesday. Draw your own conclusions.


  1. Iain Tuesday?!? Isn't a certain leader of the opposition making a speech the next day?
    First it was ramping from Brown's bunker about him making the decision to call a GE on Sunday, the eve of the Tory Conference, and now this??

    As you pointed out in an earlier article about Salmond running as a candidate in Brown's constitutency, this kind of cr*p seriously undermines Brown's carefully crafted attempt to appear statesmanlike. The Brown cabal do not leak anything that they don't want getting into the public arena.

  2. They must be pretty good if they can stage manage an entire election.

  3. I hear from a few friends who are smokers and support Labour,now that this lot have stopped people smoking in their cars they are going vote non of the above or anything but Labour,as they put it f---in gone to far.

  4. two double figure Labour poll leads in tomorrow's papers.Brown would be a fool not to go for an election as soon a possible.

  5. So let me get this straight: Brown is planning election now because he promises things will get much worse soon!
    and we have to run to the polls to save the man with towering no spin intellect?

  6. conclusion is Tories will be toast

  7. Poor England if Brown gets in with what will effectively become a one party dictatorship.

    No doubt peoples' houses will be measured and if you have "too much" space they will billet immigrants on you.
