Friday, September 14, 2007

Dave Meets Angela

I'm told that David Cameron had a one to one meeting with Angela Merkel this afternoon and it was extremely positive... More later from Mr Greer perhaps...


  1. Well if Gordon can invite the "Iron Lady" to tea I don't see why Dave can't have a tete a tete with Germany's present equivalent.

    Let's hope he got her to endorse his call for the UK government to hold a referendum on the upcoming EU treaty whilst he was about it. Extremely unlikely but that would really spoil Gordon's weekend now that his travelling partner Ming has decided(or perhaps he hasn't as the LibDems seem to change their opinions at least twice a week) that a referendum on the UK's membership of the EU might just be a good idea although he could change his mind again come Monday.

  2. Who cares? He is never going to be Prime Minister, thank god.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Who cares? He is never going to be our Prime Minister, thank god.

    Correct! Mrs Merkelis!

  4. Somewhere in one of my history text books, there is a picture of former Conservative MP Oswald Mosely with Reichschancellor Hitler.
    I presume now there will be a picture of former Conservative MP David Camerson with Reichschancellor Merkel
    I'll bet they didn't even talk about the appalling EPP

  5. What is tells me is that Dave is content that 80%+ of our government is now the EU. It tells me the game's up for the Conservatives on this key issue.

  6. The meeting between the EUSSR's Frau Merkel and Mr Cameron was "extremely positive", eh? Never were more chilling words written.
