Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Come Together with the European Commission

WARNING: If you are easily offended by gratuitous sexual activity do not click on the arrow...

Made by the European Commission to demonstrate how brilliant the European film sector is doing. Nice to know what our money is spent on!

You may not be surprised to know that it has been viewed more than four million times on Youtube. Actually it was only half a million individuals, but they kept pressing 'replay' for some unfathomable reason.


  1. It is excellent that great independent cinema like this is being made and distributed.

    It is 100 times better than the 3rd rate multiplex shite that is pushed out by the Hollywood studio system.

    Luckily we also have Film Four and BBC films or we would have nothing else to watch except dumbed down crap featuring Jim Carrey or Tom Cruise.

  2. Far better than American films with their repressed attitude to sex [with the honourable exception of Brokeback Mountain] but incongruous love of designer violence..

  3. This is a really old story..already covered by other bloggers weeks ago

  4. Really, Iain!

    Isn't this all rather, well, Guido?

  5. Anonymous 7.04. I hadn't seen it. So on that basis I reckoned others wouldn't have either. Even I worked out that if 4 million people had seen it, it was pretty old!

  6. Love the tagline 'Lets come together'....

  7. Iain, are you seriously telling us that this is one of the conservative party internet blogs?

    well. they certainly get my vote!

  8. Its just like all the other "European" (ie subtitled) films it is trying to push. Pretentious, dull and only worth watching for the sex.

    In the 80's, C4 very generously used to put a red triangle in the corner of particularly smutty foreign films. At the time, this was a great service to us teenage boys and saved us sitting through the dull ones with subtitles but no sex. Maybe the EU should do something similar.

  9. Reminds me of that Beatles tune "come together now...all over me..."

  10. I'm not usually one for expletives - but what a waste of f***ing money (rearrange that sentence if you like!)

  11. "Venons, enfants de la Patrie" would have been so much wittier and would have been so much more honest.

  12. Boris Johnson, Conservative MP for Henley, will be filling-in for James Whale on Wednesday 5th September between 10:00pm-1:00am on talkSPORT.

    Should be an interesting 3 hours.

    Thursday night's stand in is Lord John Taylor of Warwick A Member of the House of Lords having been made a Life Peer of Warwick in 1996 as the first black Conservative Peer.

  13. We can't do films so we do soft porn instead.

  14. I get the feeling that the EU is doing to us what that clip was acting out.

  15. towcestarian - so you clearly haven't seen an Almodovar film recently.. In fact I doubt whether you've watched any European cinema at all if that is your rather insular viewpoint.

  16. Patrick Mercer on Newsnight NOW - already being introduced as 'helping the Labour Government..'

  17. Am I wrong or aren't quite a few of those scenes from Amelie! Towcesterian I second the judgement above- you obviously know nothing about film if that's your attitude. Almodovar is brilliant- but there are plenty of other great film makers who work or have worked in foreign languages- the best film I saw last year was The Lives of Others. To dismiss a whole continent's film making because it is 'pretentious, dull and only worth watching for the sex' says a lot more about you than it does about the films you haven't seen.

  18. I thought the film was a day in the life of Boris Johnson.......

  19. Gracci you are right, some of those scenes are from Amelie, and those scenes constituted almost the only sex you see in the film and, I know this is a cliche, but there is also a lot more to Amelie than sex. It's mainly about a young woman living for the happiness of others and is a lovely and gentle comedy

  20. Anonymous 11:36. I'm sorry I highly recommended this blog as thinking and witty to a couple of Anglophone foreigners today. Now I'm embarrassed. I told them it was a high-speed political blog.

    Oh, well. Be careful of giving out blog recommendations.

  21. I don't see the problem. European cinema is the finest in the world. Rich storylines, great locations and acting.

    Watching the clip, I recognised quite a few films there.

    I don't mind the EU distracting me with a nice trailer like that. Makes a change from trying to destroy Third World agriculture I suppose.

  22. A classic from the BBC on Radio Five Live this morning.

    Presenter Shelagh Fogarty asked, quite correctly, who was right about the treaty or constitution? Was there any evidence to show whether the old constitution was the same as the new treaty?

    The BBC correspondent replied, bizarelly "I don't think there is personally."

    [what about the Irish Prime Minister, the German Chancellor, the French President and most of the other European leaders who have all said the constitution is nearly identical to the treaty. Doesn't this correspondent consider that to be evidence?]

    [what about the Open Europe comparison of the Treaty and the Constitution side by side, which shows it is virtually identical. Doesn't this correspondent at least consider that may be evidence?]

    Presenter Nicky Campbell then cut him short. "Are we losing sovereignty?"

    The correspondent replied "We are pooling sovereignty....."

    This BBC correspondent may as well be a signed up member of the EU brigade, because he failed completely to put the balanced story.

    How can the BBC realistically claim to be a balanced organisation with this rubbish reporting from their reporters?

  23. "Nice to know what our money is spent on!" - Ah the ancient clichés are the best....

  24. Any comment on Mark Oaten's comment peice in The Times?

  25. It is from the film Amelie you dolt!

  26. Hmm. Makes me think of Babylon the Great (cf. Revelation 17).

  27. Another one jumping on the gratutious totty bandwagon
