Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Boris Interview Now Available for Download

Oi, you aint seen me. Tonight, the interview with Boris will be on 18 Doughty Street at 9am. On Thursday from 7.30pm we're showing back to back four thirty minute interviews with each of the Tory London mayoral candidates. In October we'll be doing the same with the three LibDem hopefuls who were announced today.

If you want to see the Boris interview now click HERE. The programme lasts thirty minutes. In it, Boris...

*Declared “I do want to be the greenest mayor this country has had. I want to lead the way on this. I want to give people reasons to be green and I want to encourage all that.”

*Asserted that “I reserve the right to make gaffes, I really do. I think it is a key thing in politics that people should be able to say what they think and to, er, get themselves into slight trouble from time to time.”

*Vowed he would have a go if he saw a crime being committed.

*Says “I don't want the police wasting their time rifling though the sock draws of every student in London in the hope of finding a little rabbit dropping of cannabis. You know, I just think it’s a waste of their time. On the other hand I don't want a too great a tolerance of a drug taking culture, because I think that it’s profoundly bad. Because as you say it is a gateway drug.”

* Hits back at Ken Livingstone’s dirty tricks department “It is a mystery to me why Ken is endlessly diverting his press officers into poring over my articles over the last twenty years in the hope of finding something he can flam up into a story. You should leave your challenger alone is the golden rule of politics, I thought. It's a mystery... I think they are trying to wind me up. I think someone is trying to wind me up out there. I take it in good part. I think it's highly flattering that he is obviously so rattled that it is necessary to do this. I don't think it is going to work but I wish him luck with his current strategy."

* Can’t remember if his barber is male or female…

I have to say I really enjoyed the interview. Hope you do too. Now, have I packed the suncream? Over and out.
UPDATE: The Today Programme has complained this morning that Boris won't do an interview with them. Boris only does interviews of 30 minutes or longer :)


  1. "Green"? Oh, dear.

  2. 'Today' tried to hit back by reporting the old fogy bit of Boris's pitch (or maybe it was all in the same anti-progress “let's ban these new fangled cash machines" vein?) when he started droning on about bendy-buses (with which every other major city seems to be able to cope admirably).

    Back to the future with Boris "the old ways are the best" Johnson....

  3. Yes, Green ha ha ha. Anyway, I think Ken is determined that Boris must be the candidate - hence the attacks which as Boris says would be an uncustomary feature in most cases.

    Ken has had plenty of searing from the Tory side of course.

  4. Oh dear. Quote "It is a mystery to me why Ken is endlessly diverting his press officers into poring over my articles over the last twenty years in the hope of finding something he can flam up into a story".

    Well, it shouldn't be. I've already been told by quite reasonable people (albeit centrist/left inclined) that 'I won't be voting for Boris as he's a rascist'. So well done Ken, that's some mud which has stuck.

    Ken is extremely vulnerable as he is openly a rascist and a Jew-baiter (the most blatant Jew-baiter in European public life since Julius Streicher who, it might be remembered, walked around with a whip in case he bumped into Jews). Ken of course doesn't use the whip; so far he has just stuck to racial abuse, some of which has been taped and is in the public domain. Let's also remember that the police had to be called to a domestic 'incident', when Ken beat up his pregnant girlfriend in public. Unlike Ken's Jew-baiting, this is not in the public domain as it was hushed up.

    Another Jew-baiter, Dr. Goebbels, said "repeat lies until they are truth". As a good (National / International, what's the difference?) Socialist, Ken is simply following Goebbel's example - and it's working.

  5. Internet debating rules #42, first person to mention the Nazis loses.

    Congrats anon @ 9.32.

    Ps. whilst I'm not a fan of the ad hominen attacks on Boris by some parts of the left, these are the tactics that the right has used against Ken since Boris was in short trousers so it's a bit rich to criticise them now,

  6. Crikey, He makes even you look very smart and well turned out by comparison..

  7. In that photo Boris looks like the sort of person Esther Rantzen would have buttonholed on the street every week on "Thats life"

  8. Boris doesn't look sober in the picture....

  9. Revealing ignorance of a nu-Lab troll: "Internet debating rules #42, first person to mention the Nazis loses".

    I actually said "(National / International, what's the difference?) Socialist" and used Streicher and Goebbels as examples.

    To the millions murdered by them, the difference between a 'Socialist' murderer, like Stalin and Mau, for example, and a 'National Socialist' murderer, like Streicher, Goebbels, etc., was and remains irrelevant.

    Extremist National and International Socialist politicians, whether Ken Livingstone, Mau Tse-Tung, Stalin, Brezhnev, Mussolini or Hitler all agree on one thing - they persecute Jews.

    It's typical of a socialist to condemn Nazis while condoning other types of Socialist murders. Just like Ken does...

  10. I wonder if Boris was "green" pre-Cameron. Somehow I doubt it

  11. anon @ 1pm, you also lose internet debates the second you accuse someone of being a "nu-lab" troll for no reason. It's become the biggest cliche of the right-wing blogosphere.

    Without apparant irony you compare Ken to Hitler, Stalin and Mao. You seem to have some unreasonable hatred against Ken and I suggest that says more about you than it does Livingstone.

  12. Well interestingly fervent anti-Semitism is very much what they all have in common.

  13. Liberal Republican said...
    Boris doesn't look sober in the picture....

    Does he ever look sober?!!
