Sunday, September 30, 2007

Boris Comes of Age

Today was the day I realised that Boris had it in him to be a first rate politician. You see, in my heart of hearts I have always wondered if he had the self discipline to get there, or even the passion. His speech this afternoon to the Conservative Conference was a barnstormer, laced with humour (but not too much), with real substance. It was a speech which said to me: "You can take me seriously. I'm in it to win it". The delivery was good and the content was good.

And the even better news is that my LITTLE BOOK OF BORIS is so far the number one conference bestseller at the Politico's stand!


  1. So the rumours aren't true that his candidacy is already in trouble because he can't keep little Boris in his trousers?

  2. Surprisingly, I agree with you. He's still the class clown, but just for a change it was good to see a more serious side to him. And if I see you bullying James Lansdale again you'll be for the high jump.

  3. I voted for him with cash, I say partly for the entertainment value, but I also want someone who might just try a bit.

    As for all the rest, I don't suppose many of us would survice a media microscope.

    Good luck Boris.

  4. Will the BBC be showing the speech, or in fact any Conservative speeches on the news, or will they just major on the problems with the sound system?

  5. Presumably he's already announced his standing down from his Henley constituency then?

  6. OK OK OK -- good to hear you guys learning how to serially storm barns, even if it's just figuratively speaking -- the question is... will the Tory party manage to hit to broad side of the darn thing some day?

  7. My site is currently drenched in Boris.

  8. It was a very good speech - I was most pleasantly surprised
    jo, Eastbourne

  9. Are but there are bigger plans for himn afoot - see my Boris scenario in OurKingdom if you will allow the shameless plug, he's not a boy to be underestimated. Only five years... But the Scots will not take to him.

  10. Finally ... now what have I been telling you Iain eh?

    Daddy knows best...

  11. Some of us have had faith in Boris ever since reading 'Dream of Rome' and realising that there is a politican out there that actually takes seriously, and relishes the challenge, of improving civilisation for human beings rather than just filling their back pockets.

  12. ps.

    Your 'Little Book of Boris' does not feature on my intended reading list. I await with baited breath 'The New British' by a Mr Boris Johnson MP.
