Saturday, September 08, 2007

Blogging in Blackpool

I have created a Facebook Group HERE for all bloggers attending the Conservative Party Conference in Blackpool. It will be the prime communications method for informing bloggers of what facilities will be available. So far I know of at least twenty bloggers who are going. If you're a blogger and you are not on Facebook, now is the time to join, as there won't be communication by any other method!

Needless to say the Winter Gardens does not provide any WiFi facilities (we're lucky they have electricity), so I have been negotiating with CCHQ to provide some adequate facilities. I'm not going to go into great detail, but it's looking good.


  1. Here's an idea: instead of having your annual whine about how crap Blackpool is, why don't you suggest some ideas about how to make the place less crap? You know, a bit of compassionate conservatism for a change.

    Then put your ideas to your glorious leader on the slim chance he might reach a position in which to act upon them.

  2. justin

    Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen (or some such spelling) has improved the illuminations. Is that good enough for you? You wonker!

  3. "Needless to say the Winter Gardens does not provide any WiFi facilities (we're lucky they have electricity),"

    Iain - What a horrible post. Tens of thousands of WORKING people make their living in Blackpool and always have. Next time, why not go to a shithole of unemployment where a change of sheets comes as 4-star accommodation?

    People who work in Blackpool pay taxes for people, including products of immigrant "first cousin" marriages who have birth defects on the NHS.

    I don't like the way you have begun to look down on our traditional working class, the backbone or our country, Iain.

    I think you've poshed yourself up too high.

  4. Needless to say the Winter Gardens does not provide any WiFi facilities.

    Why not? If they see themselves as some sort of "centre", then wifi is part of the game today.

    By the way, lvoe the new header with that diffused sense of gravitas in the pic.

  5. Verity, with respect you're talking rubbish. I was referring to the facilities at the Winter Gardens, not the people of Blackpool. Have you ever been to the Winter Gardens? If you had, you would know exactly what I was talking about. It's a fleapit which is not appropriate for a modern day conference. Labour don't go there any longer for that very reason. If Blackpool Council wants to attract people to the town it needs to take radical action. Putting in Wifi, I would have thought, is the very least they need to do.

  6. "Needless to say the Winter Gardens does not provide any WiFi facilities."

    Even Wetherspoons pubs provide wi-fi!

  7. Verity - you criticize Iain, but are you sure they have electricity ? - have you actually checked ? This place is in the north you know ... I think he should play safe and pack a wind-up torch / radio. Comms shouldn't be a problem ... I'm told they all keep pigeons up there.

  8. I went to two conferences in Blackpool and vowed never to return.

    I understand a lot of money is being ploughed into Blackpool regeneration, but the Winter Gardens needs to be pulled down.

    What you most need to take to Blackpool is old clothes - then they can be dumped, because they will be eternally pervaded by the stench of rancid frying oil that wafts along the beach front and its nearby shops.

  9. I won't be using Facebook.

    I'll be using email, which is quick and simple.

  10. It should be pretty easy for CCHQ to setup a portable wifi hotspot for the bloggers.
