Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Quotes of the Day

"Do you know what Roy Strong and his wife do in bed? They read" - Earl Spencer, recalling what the late Queen Mother said in his hearing.
"David Cameron could do worse than promise the return of donkey races, conker fights and other Great British Risks if he wants to win the next election" - Tory MP Ann Widdecombe.
"I was complimented by eight MPs and two ministers. I preened my way through the day under a barrage of praise" - Tory MP Nadine Dorries after having a new hairstyle.
"He made me laugh, he made me cry" - Barbara Windsor after the funeral of Mike Reid.
"Some of the most significant players in the party are part timers. There isn't the hunger on the Conservative front bench that Labour had in the mid 1990s, the party is not hungry enough for power" - Tory activist Tim Montgomerie.
"Even though I am known for flaunting my cleavage, I actually try to disguise my breasts to make them look smaller" - artist Tracy Emin.
"The fashion world don't trust me anymore. And why should they? I looked like crap for years" - Courtenay Love.
"When the four alloy wheels were stolen from my car leaving me stranded, the AA told me, 'We don't class that as a breakdown'" - Anonymous letter to the Daily Mail.


  1. "Do you know what Roy Strong and his wife do in bed? They read" - Earl Spencer, recalling what the late Queen Mother said in his hearing.

    Didn't you do this one a short while back? the deja vu's terrible this evening.

  2. It also sounds like a retread of a remark by Virginia Woolf to her sister Vanessa, about the relationship between Lytton Strachey (who was gay) and Dora Carrington, when one evening they left the room together 'ostensibly to copulate', but were later found reading Macaulay aloud to each other.

  3. Why doesn't cameron do a night at the dogs?

  4. Why doesn't Cameron do a night at the cock fights?

  5. Courtney, not Courtenay!

  6. "I spent the better part of the last three months enduring criticism normally levelled at a genocidal tyrant." -- Media mugul Rupert Murdoch, on outcry over his purchase of Wall Street Journal.
    (courtesy of

    And Rupert, your point is?

  7. Other great British risks? Like voting in a Tory government for a change or because the Old Etonian leader seemed like a good fibber ...

  8. Can someone please shoot Nadine Dorries?

  9. Helen Boaden said, "I have spoken to the news editor responsible for the disgraceful presentation of John Redwood's research paper and told him in no uncertain terms that such left wing bias will no longer be tolerated and that if it happens again he will lose his job."

    (In your dreams)

  10. I was told the same thing by the AA when my wheels were stolen. I've been a member of the RAC ever since.
