Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Political Geek Point of Information & More Election Battlegrounds

Have you ever wondered why it's North Norfolk and Dagenham East, rather than Norfolk North or East Dagenham? If so, watch this clip from an Election Battleground programme I recorded with Robert Waller today, and if not, don't bother!

We also recorded three new programmes, which you can view by clicking on these links...

North of England

The South East of England programme will be uploaded sometime tomorrow.

To view all the programmes in this series (covering the West Midlands, East Anglia, the South West and the North West) click HERE.

We will be recording programmes covering other regions of England and Scotland in October and November.


  1. Belfast East vs East Londonderry, one is a city constituency, the other a county.

    Where is the Northern Ireland show?!

  2. Serious point here Iain.

    Why if you oppose the destruction of England are you recording episodes of Election Battleground for the regions that have been introduced to bring about the end of England? Was it for convenience purposes?

  3. Sadly that was kind of interesting, but not as good as another reasonably useless fact which I learned today. The 3 lions shield, beloved of england football fans among others, is french. It represents William the conqueror's home town, normandy and then england is the little lion!.......I'll get my coat.

  4. County Constituencies and Borough Constituencies, innit?

    (cf Milton Keynes South West and North East Milton Keynes).

  5. Does it make a real geek to have already known that? And to know the corresponding differences in election expense limits?

  6. Well, I blogged a brief response to the Wales video.

  7. It is the difference between county constituencies and borough constituencies, but then the Boundary Commission go and ignore their own guidelines in Clwyd South and Clwyd West (both county constituencies).

    Michael, it's going to be a bit difficult to do a show for Northern Ireland as the Parliamentary Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland has given up on drawing the new boundaries until the reorganisation of local government is settled.

  8. This chap's knowledge of Welsh Politics is laughable.

  9. God, Charles Kennedy's looking a bit rough nowadays isn't he? Oh, hang on a minute...

  10. Not only did Iain erase England from existance in his recent blogging book, he's now fully signed up to the agenda of abolishing England into regions, while leaving Scotland and Wales untouched.

    That Scottish blood in Iain's veins is really starting to push through. No wonder he did so badly in Norfolk. People want an English representative, not a Scot like "Iain" Dale. Perhaps he should stand for the Scottish Parliament if he hates England so much. I'm sure he'll have the support of David "I've got Scottish blood and all the English are sour little racists" McCameron.

  11. Oh do get a life. I did not erase England from the book. There is a Top Ten List of English blogs (which promote England and Englishness). If you knew anything about my campaign in Norfolk you would have known that I used the English flag on my posters and literature. Fat lot of good it did me.

    Seeing as I also support the creation of an English Parliament and regualrly get accused of being anti Scottish on this site your comments are even more stupid.

  12. Quite true David, although that is an interesting enough little fight still to be had.

  13. Why was it necessary to refer to pre-1996 counties (Gwent, South Glam etc) all the time? Are you both unaware that Wales has had 22 unitary authorites for over a decade?

    Odd to be aware of the much more recent constituency boundary changes but not the demise of the 8 counties...

  14. Michael, we haven't recorded it yet.

    Will b - how else would you have split the country up to make meaningful programmes?

    Anonymous at 12.37. We did it like that because that is how the maps in the book are divided up. No way could I have gone through 22 unitaries.
