Friday, August 03, 2007

On Newsnight Tonight

I'm not supposed to be doing too much at the moment, but you can't turn down NEWSNIGHT can you? I'll be talking to Kirsty Wark about the importance of blogging in the US elections, with particular reference to the Daily Kos conference, at which several Democratic Presidential candidates are making an appearance. This is what the Newsnight email says, so it must be true...

Some may describe Newsnight's daily e-mail as a bit of a blog but it's only an infinitesimal part of the vast blogging universe. It is especially populated in the US where it is now having a significant impact on politics. This weekend, starting today, each of the eight US democratic contenders will be at a big political blogging convention in Chicago. We delve into the world of political blogging with a leading political blogger here, Iain Dale.

I did a similar piece on the Today Programme this morning at 7.20am.
PS I have just watched one of the worst films ever made - Wimbledon. Avoid it like the plague.


  1. Just listened to the Today article. John Humphrey's does keep coming in with the snide comments about bloggers - I wish there was some sort of BBC micropayments capability where I could stop my contribution to his salary.

    Also interesting that the Oxford pundit thinks its the BBC's on-line presence that holds back the potential of the political blogsphere in the UK.

    That's just another reason they need splitting up and privatising.

  2. Iain,

    Kirsty Wark, I think, not Kirsty Walk - but you may be right...

  3. Don't forget to mention that the daily kos is a hate site which has displayed a photoshop picture of President Bush buggering an animal and Sen Lieberman with his hand inside President Bush's fly ready to give him a blowjob.

    Democrat contenders should not be going to a conference sponsored by a site such as this.

    What a contrast with advertisers pulling out of Facebook rather than be associated, however tenuously, with the bnp.

  4. With due respect & shared distaste re: g-b's views on the wretched excesses of blogey (esp in the USofA) I've seen WORSE on this site; if you don't believe me, check with our esteemed host.

    American Democratic politicos are flocking to the Daily Kos conference for the reason that it has MOST definitely emerged as THE place to be IF you are truly serious about getting yourself (or your candidate) elected.

    Note that the presidential hopefuls are just the top of the pyramid. There will also be hundreds of Democratic candidate for US Senate, US House, governorships, state legislatures, dogcatcher, whatever's on the ballot in 2008. As well as fierce fighting scrums of bloggers, consultants, journalists, vendors, etc.

    Note that HILARY CLINTON has changed her tack from trying to ignore bloggers to culivating them big time. Why? Because she and her braintrust noted that BARACK OBAMA was eating her alive on the blogosphere . . . including raising incredible gobs of cash that exceeded her own very impressive fundraising.

    Even better for Obama: fact that his average internet donation to date is around $100 or something (don't have exact figure, but it's on the web somewhere) which means that his supporters have a LONG way to go (or rather give) before the hit the individual contribution limit.

    Also that REPUBLICAN bloggers are giving THEIR canidadates - most especially the presidential field - UNHOLY HELL from ducking, ignoring and denegrating bloggers. For example, for skipping the You Tube GOP Debate, when the Demoractic You Tube was such a roaring success.

    And why is that? Because it makes the GOP look as with-it as Gerry Ford's haircut. Also, because these rightwing wackjobs (yer Yankee soulmates in other words) want to get in on some of the action that the pointy-headed liberals (with or without limousine) are enjoying so much.

    Haven't caught either of Iain's commentaries on DK yet, but looking forward to it.

  5. You might get bumped by the foot and mouth story.

  6. my dere boy, the resilience of your essential virility can no longer be in doubt.
    having zipped off to the sun for a long weekend with camerington-thomas (hello sunshine, hello polls ect. ect.), you have safely returned, negotiaiting increased airport security, pudles & all the while slipping in under the MTAS radar (under quite severe flak, as i recall....)...hem-hem.
    and as a one-man "Bounce Response Forum" you leap gaily back into the fray.... toda... wark (hem-hem)
    young man, i salut you. vive le nhs?

  7. ...oh dere. f&m...not nearly as much fun as S&M, so matron tell me.
    how tiresome to be stuck in the greenroom while some news, as oppose to mere comment, take hold...
    as MAFF begat DeFRA, so DeFRA begat..? i should finish my div. prep... where's it at with the RPA?

    what does private eye say.. who knows, we shall hav to wait a fortnight..

  8. Sorry to detour the conversation bu I thought Wimbledon was quite a charming film in its own way.

  9. For a taste of the typical lefty comment site see where their long tradition of abusing anyone who dares disagree continues.

    The fact that Dem presidential hopefuls have to suck up to this lot is pitiful.

  10. Yes, "Wimbledon" was pooh. I wasted an hour of my life on it too. It managed to be less dramatic than the actual Wimbledon. It takes a particularly bad editor/director to achieve that.
