Wednesday, August 01, 2007

July Traffic Figures

Despite the falloff in traffic over the last week (because of my trip to Rwanda and preventing people from commenting anonymously) July was a record month, with 235,139 unique visitors (previous best 231,901) and 409,499 pageloads.

Here are my top 50 linking sites (ie incoming hits) for July. All these sites referred at least 100 people here. The arrows denote whether a site has moved up or down or stayed static since June...

1. Guido Fawkes 17.4% ↔ 2. PoliticalBetting 9.1% ↑ 3. ConservativeHome 9.02% ↓ 4. Tom Watson MP 1.68% NEW 5. Biased BBC 1.31% ↑ 6. Daniel Finkelstein 1.18% ↓ 7. Islington Newmania ↑ 8. Dizzy Thinks ↓ 9. W4MP ↑ 10. Hot, Ginger & Dynamite NEW 11. Bloggerheads ↑ 12. Ed Clarke ↑ 13. Witanagemot ↓ 14. UK Polling Report ↑ 15. Paul Linford ↓ 16. Liberal England ↑ 17. LibDem Voice ↓ 18. Chris Paul ↑ 19. Devil's Kitchen ↑ 20. Daily Referendum ↓ 21. British Bullshit Foundation ↑ 22. Luke Akehurst ↓ 23. Slugger O'Toole ↓ 24. An Englishman's Castle ↓ 25. Croydonian ↑ 26. Pickled Politics NEW 27. Prisoner's Voice ↓ 28. Prague Tory ↓ 29. Bob Piper ↓ 30. Norfolk Blogger ↑ 29. Hoby Cartoons ↓ 30. Neil Reddin NEW 31. A Conservative's Blog ↓ 32. Right Thinking ↑ 33. Archbishop Cranmer NEW 34. Blairwatch NEW 35. David Lindsay ↓ 36. Adam Smith Institute ↓ 37. Nadine Dorries NEW 38. Kiwiblog ↑ 39. Political Hack NEW 40. Waendel Blog NEW 41. Justin Hinchcliffe ↓ 42. House of Dumb NEW 43. Some Doubts ↑ 44. Phil Taylor NEW 45. Mikey's Tent of Reality ↓ 46. Electoral Calculus NEW

Those dropping out of the top 50 are NHS Blog Doctor, Blamerbellbriefs, Spectator Coffee House, Tim Worstall, Public Interest, Tim Blair, Theo Spark, National Review Corner , Cally's Kitchen, Kerron Cross, Glyn Davies, Labour Watch, Ordovicius,

Link exchanges are really important in driving traffic to other sites. A big thank you to everyone who links to me. Remember, if you have a link to me and you don't see one to you on my blogroll, just let me know in the comments and I will rectify it.


  1. 7th eh ... better , oh just once to sip upon the nectar of 'best'.

  2. Iain, I see your procedure leaves you well, and I am pleased.

    Also I note some very interesting articles.

  3. Morning Mr. Dale - Old fashined Chap requesting an old fashioned link back!

  4. I think the figures show how much of your traffic must be direct!

  5. Hi Iain - Biased BBC has just notched up its fifth birthday today - looks like this blogging lark might be catching on!

  6. New in at no.30 - woo-hoo!

    But no blogroll yet Iain :-(



  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Iain Dale says: "Link exchanges are really important in driving traffic to other sites. A big thank you to everyone who links to me. Remember, if you have a link to me and you don't see one to you on my blogroll, just let me know in the comments and I will rectify it".

    As you know, I link to you, and as you know you used to link to me, until, that is, you objected to me linking to Iain Dale's Dairy in my blogroll, and demanded that I do not link to this site. I refused to comply with your unreasonable demand, as a result you decided to punish me by removing your link to my site even though I did not remove my link to your's in retaliation.

    Given that Tim Ireland has now ceased to blog on the Iain Dale's Dairy site, I decided of my own free will to remove the link not at the behest of some bullying Tory blogger. Therefore, I can see no reasonable excuse for you not honouring the words which you have decided to make public.

    For your information, my blog is

  9. I link to you Iain, and I also have the photo from your blog title as my wallpaper. Not computer screen wallpaper, actual wallpaper. You do link to wife in the north though so I know you do your bit to support the often overlooked and misunderstood northern downshifting community, sigh

  10. Iain,

    A link would be greatly appreciated. Probably best in the 'Iain's daily reads' section, just kidding!

  11. Iain, longbridge conservatives
    would like a return link please.
    We are at

    Councillor Keith Barton.
    B'ham Longbridge.

  12. As a blogger of all of one week I beg humbly for scrap of blogging link from thou most mightiest of tables.

    Thanks for helping to pass the day at work.


  13. Oh, go on then Mr Dale, if you must...

    Yours is the linked called "Dave". Right at the top, can't miss it squire.

    Many thanks.

    Elmer Q Gooseburger

  14. Link, please, if I may?!

    Tuscan Tony

  15. Have had your link in my blogroll for a long time, though won't be a major source of traffic for you anytime soon...
