Thursday, August 30, 2007

In Search of Matt Drudge

A great feature on the American Blogfather Matt Drudge HERE.


  1. You'd have to be really, really interested in Matt Drudge to read that piece all the way through.

  2. Fascinating - he reminds me of Guido ...

  3. A blog it never was, it's a good collection of links to a zillion columnists and newspapers leavened with a few gossip items, mostly political these days.
    If he's cranky about the gov't he has cause, Hillary tried to put him and others "off the air" (Blumenthal's lawsuit was just one of the attempts, Sid being one of her attack dogs).
    I don't look at it much any more now that there's some really good blogs.

  4. Yougov in tomorrow Telegraph Iain stonking lead for Labour on 41%
    any comments?

  5. Yougov poll gives Labour a 126 seat majority.
