Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Idiot Behind the Norman Lamb Facebook Scam Deserves All He or She Gets

A couple of weeks ago, someone created a false profile of my former opponent in North Norfolk, Norman Lamb. LibDem Voice reported it HERE and today Mark Pack has more information on the likely culprit HERE.

As well as creating a fake Facebook profile, the culprit created a fake Norman Lamb hotmail address and edited his Wikipedia file, which included an accusation that Lamb used underhand tactics in the 2005 General Election campaign against me. As Norman Lamb will confirm, I actually thanked him at the count for not making my sexuality an issue and he then apologised for the remarks of a couple of his councillors. Since then he and I have spoken many times and I interviewed him for an hour on 18 Doughty Street in June (HERE). I wrote about my experience in North Norfolk just after the election in the New Statesman HERE.

I wasn't going to write about the Facebook issue mainly because, apart from condemning anyone who sets up a false Facebook profile, there wasn't much to add to what Mark Pack had already written. However, my name has been dragged into it on another blog which more or less accuses me of some involvement in the scam.

Needless to say, the author of the piece is talking total balls, and what he has written borders on the libellous. Perhaps he'll have the guts to actually say it outright rather than hide behind insidious insinuation. Not only has he done it to me, but he has done it to the present North Norfolk Conservative Candidate Trevor Ivory. It's cheap, it's insulting and totally without foundation.

So let's be clear. Just for the record, I had nothing to do with the Norman Lamb Facebook/Wikipedia business and I utterly condemn whoever was responsible. Someone stalked my Wikipedia profile and kept editing it maliciously, so I know how he feels. Norman Lamb knows I would never do such a thing. Mark Pack knows I would never do such a thing and I hope everyone who reads this blog knows that. Whoever has done this deserves all they get when they are found out.

What a lovely thing to come back to after a wonderful weekend away with my mother in Zurich.
Anyway, tomorrow we will be back to normal service. I almost want to apologise for bothering you with this post. Almost.


  1. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Grant 1234 Schweppes while all this has been going on? (joke)

  2. This is all beyond me. I hope you had a good weekend, and i would vote for you even though you are a poof, just for the record.

  3. Iain, there was never any reason to beleive you were involved in any way shape or form in this and it is a shame that you have been put in the position that you feel you have to deny it.

    Your words of condemnation of whoever is doing this are welcome though as I know you too suffered from a scam when someone infiltrated/hacked your blog before the last general election, so I know you know the impact that someone scamming on the internet can have.

    This sort of thing will increasingly become a problem in the future if the mindless idiots ahve their way.

  4. One thing I will vouch for. Norman Lamb has one thing in common with Michael Howard. Good manners!. This is an accusation that could NEVER be ascribed to the Member for Dover & Deal. I will not go into any IQ notations, other than George W bush would beat Prosser with a score of 50

  5. Why would be expecting LibDems to make an issue of your sexuality anyway? I thought they were supposed to be all about tolerance.

  6. Glad that Mum liked her time in Gnomeland. Was she trying to save the world economy? I see the Swiss were selling 37 tonnes of gold in July, which is a lot faster than expected. Are they running short of cash? Maybe Mum spent a few Francs and helped them out.

    The net is full of twits and stupidity. Human nature I guess. Delete and Ignore.

  7. It is more than a shame Nich, it is completely unacceptable. I condemn that treatment of Norman Lamb. It is disgraceful and there is no excuse for it. Whoever has done it deserves whatever action follows.

    But I also think the accusations and insinuations on other blogs that are forcing people into a position where they feel the need to deny involvement is also out of order.

    I hope that when the real culprit is found sincere apologies, made to those innocent people who have randomly had fingers pointed at them, are immediately forthcoming. Those finger pointers should take a long hard look at themselves.

  8. If I can be serious (for a change) Iain dale stepped in when I , in a previous incarnation , had been taking the p*** out of Peter Hitchens.
    He went to a great deal of trouble to explain to me the distress that my blogging under the name "Peter Hitchens" was causing to Peter Hitchens of the Sunday Mail.
    Iain is no fan of Peter Hitchens , he just did what he did out of a sense of decency.
    I of course immediately dropped the "Peterhitchens" tag.
    To suggest that Iain dale would have anything to do with this Norman Lamb attack is just laughable.

    So Iain dont be upset , the idea that you had anything to do with this attack on one of the very few decent parliamentarians that we have is about as likely as opening tomorrows D.T. and finding out that you have run off with Jordan and intend to open a Che Guevara tribute bar in Cuba.*

    *It could work

  9. Testimony of Norfolk Blogger is eloquent & persuasive. Ditto that of Hitch. And also Iain's own words & deeds of friendship & regard for Norman Lamb.

    Dirty tricks are crap that oft falls like a rain of rough justice upon the crapsters. Trouble is the 1% or so when dirty tricks work. Which is what tempts feckless youth & corrupt hacks . . . and visa versa . . . So am personally taking this & similar shennanigans as a clear warning to scrutinize more and fulminate less, leastways with a hair trigger.

  10. BTW best location for Che tribute bar would be either Eugene, Oregon or Madison, Wisconsin. Both filled with hip lefties who drink massive quantities of beer. Top commie business plan: Che Guevara Brew Pub.

  11. The Conservative Party chose an openly gay man as ppc, this left me with a conumdrum, I felt, even though I am not a Conservative, that such a brave decision in this rural constituency should be supported. Fortunately this problem was solved for me, due to a change of circumstances I moved.

    The Conservative ppc is such a total arse, that even the Tories will have trouble supporting him.

  12. The best thing about the internet is that it is unregulated and everyone is free to write what they want.

    The worst thing about the internet is that it is unregulated and everyone is free to write what they want.

    But, Mr Dale, we trust you, even though you wear those psychedelic ties..... Well, everyone has their faults....

  13. Whoever did it doens't realise that their IP address is on the Hotmail emails they've used. In addition, Facebook and Wikipedia should be able to trace the IP address. They'll be unmasked, whoever they are.

  14. I think you are being far too touchy about this. Some total bozo has been impersonating me for months and I just laugh it off. I mean, what kind of idiot would be taken in by that sort of thing?

  15. I honestly did not know you were gay, I obviously haven't been paying enough attention.

  16. Iain

    I think your reaction is very measured and restrained - most people would go f***ing bonkers.

    Now what about this Bellingham fella and the Tories 'dodgy hospital' dossier - when are you going to be posting about that?

    PS - went to Zurich last week for the first time ever and loved it (despite paying £6 for a coffee).

  17. Luke, I normally do shrug things off. I don't care about people taking the piss, but I do care about people insinuating criminal behaviour.

  18. Yes, let's talk about hospital closures! In fact, let's talk about 'only 24 hours to save the NHS'.

    Or let's talk about the 'straitjacket of PFI', a direct quote from a Dr Professor Sir XX two weeks ago.

    Let's talk about crap NHS data systems, grossly undermanned Maternity Units, 10 reorganisations of the NHS in 10 years .....

  19. Iain Dale said...
    Luke, I normally do shrug things off. I don't care about people taking the piss, but I do care about people insinuating criminal behaviour.

    what a hypocrite you are! you spent a year insinuating people were guilty of all sorts of crimes during the cash for honours investigation and you have NEVER apologised for peddling a number of claims that have turned out to be totally untrue.

  20. Hey, Iain, I know it must be tough when you know that people are trying to stitch you up, but decent people are behind you and on your side, if that's any consolation.
    Even if you are a West Ham fan.
    Keep the faith.

  21. I'm perfectly willing to believe you had nothing to do with this, Iain, and that you have no animus against Norman Lamb. But I can understand, given your behaviour especially during the recent bye-elections, how others might be unconvinced. You have built up a reputation as someone who is more than willing to pass on untrue information and lie about political opponents in the desperate hopes of scoring some kind of scoop, and allowed your blog to be used as a platform for the most egregious attacks on anyone who isn't a party-political ally. Your apology for that was welcome and your work since to rebuild your credibility is commendable, but these things take time - your reputation is still stained.

    On a different but related matter, Tim Ireland thinks you might be able to help identify who the actual culprit is in the Lamb/Facebook thing, through IP logs. Pop over to Bloggerheads for more information.

  22. Gregg, you say: "You have built up a reputation as someone who is more than willing to pass on untrue information and lie about political opponents in the desperate hopes of scoring some kind of scoop, and allowed your blog to be used as a platform for the most egregious attacks on anyone who isn't a party-political ally. "

    What utter rubbish.

    As to your last point, he's the last person I'll take lessons from. But in fact I was ahead of him on that one...

  23. There does seem to be more and more of this cyber bullying going on, it's cheap and cowardly. They will be found out. There is Karma after all. Whoever did it (I'm sure you have your suspicions) is a sick f***er!

  24. There's a mentalist running an anti-Norman Lamb campaign. Look at the anti-NL facebook group. The BNP have apparently been invited to join it. Clearly some deranged loon has a vendetta

  25. Is it just me or is all of this extremely nerdy?

  26. Anonymous before last is this the group on Facebook you mean:



  27. I take it that last "anonymous" was again It was remarkable similar to another anonymous post on Norfolk Blogger only 2 minutes before from that address. Maybe Iain can check?
