Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Huhne Attacks Tory Quality of Life Group

LibDem Leader in Waiting Environment Spokesman Chris Huhne is having a bit of fun today as the expense of Messers Gummer and Goldsmith by pointing out that the Quality of Life Policy Commission has apparently missed its deadline of the end of July to issue its report.

He's actually wrong on that date, although he can be forgiven as it is listed on the Commission's website as being July. However, when I inquired a few weeks ago about the timetable for the various policy groups' reports I was told the Quality of Life Group would report its findings in September.

Chris Huhne is, however, right, to point out how embarrassing it is that the Quality of Life website hasn't been updated for ages. John Gummer's last blog entry was in February and nothing new has been added to the whole site since April, as far as I can see.

In theory, this is one of the most important policy commissions. David Cameron has put the envionment at the top of his policy agenda. I hope that John Gummer and Zak Goldsmith aren't planning long holidays over the summer, as it seems they might have some catching up to do. Iain Duncan Smith and Peter Lilley have set a very high quality threshhold for the other policy commissions to meet.


  1. Gummer and Goldsmith enjoy such a high quality of life they probably don't have time to review quality of life issues on time, or update their website.

  2. Rather bears out what I have been saying for ages( and you lately) that David Cameron is not well supported by the bores and slackers he seems to have around him.

    When you think of the energy and intelligence the Conservative Party spurn its is somewhat irksome.

  3. I'm especially curious about how the group's 'Wellbeing' expert, Ali Miraj, is getting on...

  4. It is said that The Quality of Life Challenge is split into many sections; one of which is “Well Being”. Ali Miraj is the Convenor of the Wellbeing Working Group…Oh Dear.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Iain, I blogged about this back at the beginning of March....irt was too long to post here, but this is the link.

    I finished my piece by saying...

    It even has a blog from Deputy Chairman Zac and Chairman John Gummer. John's blog has five entries. Zac's has just one.

    Worth keeping an eye on.....

    Although I'm tempted to bet that nothing much will happen.

  7. When you think of the energy and intelligence the Conservative Party spurn its is somewhat irksome.

    Quite. Mr Cameron has failed so far to invite Mr Newmania, Mutleythedog or indeed myself to form a Commission!

  8. Zak Goldsmith, just another floppy haired daddies boy from the shires. “”Rah Rah Rah We’re going to smash the oiks””.

    This Quality of Life nonsense was a none starter from day one. Its proclamation was made in the early days of Camera Ons reign and therefore met little resistance from his party, as it seemed that he was the their best hope.

    Now in the cold light of day, this commission can be seen for what it really is; nambie pambie pile of drivel. The Greens or the Rainbow alliance would be very proud of this piece of work.

    "hello trees", "hello flowers", "hello birdies"..

  9. I know nothing of Goldsmith, such has been his impact on the political world. Watched Gummer responding to debate on a couple of occasions and been very pleasantly surprised (even impressed) at his speaking ability.

    But if these guys are going to use modern methods and tools they really need to get with the program. As you yourself know, you can't start a blog or website and then simply leave it unattended for months on end.

  10. DON'T GIVE UP ON TWO DEGREES....It might be time to give up on Camera On.

    Looking at the QoL site, and the other commissions, they are beginning to look like the longest suicide notes in political history.

  11. I am not holding my breath. I am part of a body that was invited to comment on the Quality of Life Group's proposals for green taxes. We explained that their data sources were significantly misleading and that their ideas would not achieve their objective. The response from one of George Osborne's people was "we've already made the announcement that we're shifting to green taxes, so that's that."

    So much for evidence-based decision making...

  12. Jusst proves my repeated complaint: no interest in hard work, no hunger for power. One former (useless) minister, one multimillionaire...what can you expect?

    The CP can't organise a conference or even decide its own strategy so its chances of winning a GE are ..?

    PS.. We're in a North West constituency. One of the ones the CP must win back. And quite marginal.So are we swamped by leaders/members of the Shadow Cabinet?

    Not ONE visit.

    The CP does NOT deserve to win.. it ain't even trying...

    Bunch of tossers and wasters in HO and the Shadow Cabinet if you ask me...

  13. Now Cameron's survived a rather hamfisted media assault and a 1922 attempt on his leadership, he might feel like consolidating his gains by removing a few of his star appointments who were clearly Blair-era image-creating efforts.

    He's changed Maude. Why not a few more from that era? It's all diligence and seriousness now. We outpace them on charisma now Blair's off on his travels, and don't need endless media sophisticates.

    How about a few more IDS types? The unsung, hard-working, fully loyal and respected such as John Hayes maybe.

  14. The Con Party administration seems to be woeful and this example shows how poorly they perform. What confidence can we have in a Tory government (fat chance) providing competence, let alone a set of policies we might wish to support.
    God that I wish these people would come to their senses.

  15. Lets shoot the messengers.

    Trouble is without any evidence of messages............?

    Still, we're well on the way to being rebranded - or so I'm told.

    When I ask rebranded as what, I am asked to wait for the policy groups to report.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first..........etc.
